Acute toxicity of different type pesticide surfactants to Daphnia magna A new subspecies of Daphnia: Daphnia similoides sinensis Toxic effects of 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone on Daphnia magna Phototactic behavior of Daphnia carinata as an indicator of chromium biotoxicity Effects of different concentrations of TiO2 nanoparticle on the reproduction, and bioaccumulation and depuration of Daphnia magna Effects of large filtering zooplankton—Daphnia pulex on phytoplankton communities in a small tropical Lake Effect of temperature and interspecific competition on populaiton dynamics and sexual reproduction of Daphnia magna Aquatic ecotoxicities of nanoscale TiO2, ZnO and Al2O3 water suspensions Effect of temperature and food concentration on population dynamic and sexual reproduction of Daphnia magna