Relationship between regulation effect of Salvia Miltiorrhiza on AQP2 in kidney and promoting blood circulation and diuresis Study of Litter Layers’ Water Retention Capacity under Different Forest Communities in the Lashi Lake Catchment, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, China Theoretical basis of imcompatibility of Euphorbiae Pekinensis Radix and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma based on diuretic and purgative effects on mice Filtration of active fractions with function of expelling water retention with drastic purgative from Kansui Radix stir-baked with vinegar THE PROPERTIES OF TWO STARCH SUPER ABSORBENT POLYMERS SYNTHESIZED BY GAMA RADIATION Study on Soil Capacities of Water-retention on Typical Vegetations in the North Side of Liupan Mountains in Ningxia Comparative study on expelling water retention with drastic purgative of crude and vinegar stir-baked Kansui Radix in cancerous ascites rats Simulation and analysis of soil water retention curves within and between hedgerows in Northern China farm system Comparative effects of different extracts of Kansui Radix stir-baked with vinegar on function of expelling water retention with drastic purgative in cancerous ascites model rats Water Absorbency and Water Retention of the Natural Seed Coat of Seriphidium transiliense Effects of Sewage Sludge Compost on Available Nutrients and Water Retention Ability of Planting Substrate Effects of different organic composts on soil characteristics and microbial biomass Spatial Pattern of Water Retetnion in Dujiangyan County