Dynamic analysis on spatial pattern of an alkaline grassland in restoration succession The Temporal and Spatial Variability of Soil Organic Matter Contents in the Alluvial Region of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain,China The Spatial Structures and the Dust Retention Effects of Green-land Types in the Workshop District of Wuhan Iron and Steel Company Studies on the Dynamics and Distribution Pattern of Landscape Elements in the Forest Landscape Restoration Process in Guandi- shan Forest Region Influence of Seasonal and Daily Changes of Spatial Niche of Spiders in Paddy Field and Two Insecticides to Spatial Niche and Predatory Function On the Small Scale Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Moisture, Carbon and Nitrogen in Stipa Communities of the Inner Mongolia Plateau Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Nutrients in a Small Catchment of the Loess Plateau Yield Ecology Simulation and Information Parameter Application of Leymus chinensis Grassland in Northeast China During Growing Season Effects of changing spatial extent on landscape pattern analysis GIS based analysis of spatial-temporal distribution of soil nutrients in a suburb region:A case study of the daxing district in Beijing City The euilibrium states of food-chain of aqua-ecosystem Spatial and temporal variation of nitrous oxide concentrations in soil profiles of Manural Loessial Soil Vertical distribution of algae in semi-desert soil of Shapotou area,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Hetergeneityies of Leymus secalinus ramet population and it‘s soil resources in the Otindag Sandland GIS-based researches on urban green space on landscape gravity field with Ningbo city as an example Scale dependence in desert plant biodiversity Spatial distribution measurement of leaf area index in flux contributing source of eddy covariance flux tower Dynamics in spatial and temporal change of sandy land in Horqin since the 50s of the 20th century Spatial variations of soil ammonia and nitrate under application of inorganic and organic fertilizers in purple soil—Summer corn season Population patterns of dominant species in Saussurea salsa communities at Qinghai Lake area Spatial distribution pattern of water chestnut beetle (Galerucella birmanica Jacoby) Effect of anthropogenic disturbances on the temporal-spatial changes of landscape patterns at Taishan Mountain Study on the temperature and energy-saving in multi-span greenhouse with simple inside thermal screen Dynamic characteristics on tempo-spatial of forest landscape in Fujian Province Analysis methods of stand spatial distribution pattern Research on vegetation indices based on the remote sensing images Spatio-temporal changes of NDVI in the Pearl River Basin Spatio-temporal correlation between urbanization and vegetation vigor in the Delta of Yangtze River Research Advances on Plant Aspartic Proteinase Characterizing forest spatial distribution pattern with the mean value of uniform angle index Temporal and spatial distribution and movement tendency of mean center of the Holdridge life zones in China The impact of microhabitats on the temporal and spatial patterns of seedling emergence in Mediterranean coastal sand dunes Spatiotemporal variability of the soil erosion and its relations to the influencing factors on the Loess Plateau, China Spatial distribution pattern and sampling technique for the fungal wilt disease in watermelon fields GIS-based analysis of the spatial-temporal variation of phytoplankton in the Western Guangdong Waters Spatial pattern of sandy vegetation and two dominant clonal semi-shrubs in the Ordos Plateau Simulating the spatial pattern of annual mean evapotranspiration of a heterogeneous landscape Spatial variability of soil organic matter content in an arid desert area Spatial heterogeneity in ecological systems GIS-based study on spatial structure of urban greenbelt landscapes: Taking Ningbo City as an example