The Biological Characteristics and Potential Applications of Epidermal Stem Cells EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE NAVIGATION OFGLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM IN FORESTRY Discovering L-type calcium channels inhibitors of antihypertensive drugs based on drug repositioning Application of "3S" technologies in continuous usage of traditional Chinese medicine resources Progress in the effects of microgravity on plant growth and development A preliminary study on the habitat selection of sable(Martes zibellina) in the autumn Fishery development, regional classification and functional positioning of Lake Taihu A Study of Area Survey Precision Based on Xingyuantong Handhold Forest Inventory Instrument Estimating Forest Biomass in Western Guangdong Using Landsat TM Data Forest Fire-Point Location and Precision Analysis Based on Single Image and DEM STUDY ON FORESTRY NEAR-REAL TIME DIFFERENTIAL POSITIONING PORTABLE GPS RECEIVER Interpretation of contemporary positioning of traditional Chinese medicine injections and analysis of key problems Chromosomal Positioning of the Genes of Water Use Efficiency and Concerned Physiological Traits in Wheat Leaves Progress and prospect on application of 3S technology in research and management of Chinese materia medica resources

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