摘 要 :中山湿性常绿阔叶林是云南省亚热带山地植被垂直带的主要类型,其中分布在哀牢山上的木果石栎、景东石栎、腾冲栲林(Lithocarpus xylocarpus、 L. chintungensis、Castanopsis wattii forest)尤其具有代表性。本文用收获法、相关曲线法测定并估算了该群落近熟林和成过熟林的生物量与年平均净积累量,结果分别为508.57t/hm2,12.1051t/(hm2·a);293.04t/hm2,7.7443t/(hm2·a),对产生差异的原因作了分析。林分的叶面积指繰果分别为508.57t/hm2,文中还提出了群落乔木优势种各器官生物量估测的回归模型,并从生物量的角度阐明建群种在群落中的地位。
Abstract:The middle-mountain moist evergreen broadleaved forest is the major forest type in the vertical vegetation zone of subtropical mountains. Its typical representative is the forests in Ailao Mountain, dominated by Lithocarpus xylocarpus, L. chintungensis and Castanopsis wattii. The biomass and mean annual net accumulation for the pre-matured and the matured or over-matured forest communities were estimated through harvesting and correlation: The results show that the biomass was 508.57t·hm-2 and 293.04t·hm-2 in the prematured and the matured or over-matured forests, respectively. Mean annual net accumulation was 12.1051 tons·hm-2·a-1 and 7.7443 t·hm-2·a-1, respectively. The causes for the differences were also analyzed. The leaf area index (LAI) of the two forest stands were 10.04 and 8.96, respectively. The regression models by which the biomass of different organs of dominant tree species in the community was estimated were established. The status of construcrive species in the communities was also explained in the light of biomass production.