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Improved method of obtaining micro-core paraffin sections in dendroecological research


树轮气候学及树轮生态学研究在国内外取得了长足进展, 但对树轮与气候的响应机制缺乏深入的了解, 迫切需要进行以微树芯石蜡切片为基础的树轮生态学研究。形成层活动监测从生理生态学角度出发, 广泛用于树轮对气候变化响应的机制探讨研究中, 然而目前还没有对微树芯石蜡切片制作的方法作详细的论述和探讨。该文通过对祁连圆柏(Sabina przewalskii)等5个不同树种微树芯石蜡切片的制作实践, 对已有的植物石蜡切片技术进行改进, 增加组织软化的步骤, 并对其他步骤作了相应的调整, 详细介绍了微树芯石蜡切片制作的方法, 为树轮生态学、解剖学, 以及木材解剖学关于木质化材料石蜡切片的制作方法提供参考。

Aims Despite numerous dendroclimatological and dendroecological studies conducted over many regions around the world, associated research on the mechanism of how tree species respond to climate change rarely have been reported. In order to explore the climate-growth patterns in detail, observations of cambial activities have been widely used for physiological and ecological insights.
Methods By investigating seasonal dynamics of cambial activities of five different tree species like Sabina przewalskii, Betula albo-sinensis, Pinus tabuliformis, Picea crassifolia, and Picea wilsonii, we improved the pre-existing technique using plant paraffin sections.
Important findings We considered the process of softening and the timing control of dehydration, cleaning, wax-dipping and staining to improve cambial slices and thereby a provide reliable foundation of paraffin sections of lignified samples useful to the domains of dendroclimatology, dendroecology and wood anatomy.