EMBRYONIC CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION OF Lilium longiflorum Improved method of obtaining micro-core paraffin sections in dendroecological research Comparative Study of Spartina alterniflora Root Structure under Different Salinity Microscopic observation on the development of Enteromorpha prolifera (Chlorophyta) Comparative Study on the Leaf Structures of Sonneratia caseolaris and S. apetala Characteristics of Micro-structures and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Diploid and Autotetraploid ‘Hanfu’ Apple Leaves A New Technique of Fast Paraffin Sectioning in Plant Tissues Tissue structure observation of internal organs and skin of Whitmania pigra Stem Structure Associated with Drought Resistance in Different Clover Cultivars Replacing Xylene with n-heptane for Paraffin Section of Arabidopsis thaliana Anther Comparison of the Structure Slice of Mature Maize Stalks Cryo-sectioning Conditions and Histochemistry Comparison with Paraffin Sectioning Research of Anatomy Observation on Adventitious Rooting Genesis and Development of Three Rooting Culture Seedlings of Eucalyptus Improvement of Paraffin Section Methods and Morphological Studies on Usnea betulina Histological Research on Low Seeded Rate of Hybridization Between ‘Mopanshi’and Sweet Persimmon Histological Research on Low Seeded Rate of Hybridization Between ‘Mopanshi’and Sweet Persimmon The composition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from damaged Artemisia frigida Willd. plants and their effects on root growth and development of pasture plants Improvement of Paraffin Section Methods and Structural Observation to Endosperm Development of Rice Kernel Correlation between Endogenous IAA, ABA Contents and Height Growth of Black Poplar at the Seedling Stage Comparison of Floral Organ Morphological Development between Single and Double Flowers in Nelumbo nucifera Anatomical Structures of Vegetative Organs and Ecological Adaptation of Gaura parviflora Anatomical structure of Stipa breviflora leaves and its relationship with environmental factors Comparative Anatomy of Stems and Leaves of Six Species(Encalypta Hedw.)from Xinjiang THE INDUCTION OF ADVENTITIOUS BUDS AND PLANT REGENERATION OF RICE SHANGNONG HEINUO A TECHNIQUE OF OBSERVATION ON PARAFFIN SECTIONS WITH SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Development Anatomical Structure of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) Pulps Cytology Observation on the Male Semi-sterile Mutant of Rice