作 者 :祝燕, 赵谷风, 张俪文, 沈国春, 米湘成, 任海保, 于明坚, 陈建华, 陈声文, 方腾, 马克平
期 刊 :植物生态学报 2008年 32卷 2期 页码:262-273
Keywords:floristic characteristics, community composition, size class structure, spatial pattern, Gutianshan forest plot, evergreen broad-leaved forest,
摘 要 :亚热带常绿阔叶林是世界上主要植被类型之一,集中分布于我国,其中以中亚热带的常绿阔叶林最为典型。为了更好地研究常绿阔叶林森林生
物多样性维持机理,按照CTFS (Centre for Tropical Forest Science)样地建设的标准,于2004年11月~2005年9月在浙江开化古田山国家级
自然保护区建立了常绿阔叶林24 hm2永久样地。该文对样地内胸径≥1 cm的木本植物进行了统计,初步分析了古田山森林样地(Gutianshan
(GTS) forest plot)的群落组成与空间结构。 群落的区系类型以热带成分比较多,在属的水平上53个是热带分布,44个是温带分布。共有159
种,隶属于49科103属,总计140 700株,以常绿树种为主(91个物种,占总优势度的90.6%,重要值为85.6%,占样地总个体数的85.9%);样地
群落有明显的优势物种和大量稀有种(Rare species,每hm2个体数小于1)。甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei )、木荷(Schima superba)和马尾松
(Pinus massoniana)在群落中占有主要优势; 稀有种占总物种数的37.1%(59/159);具有温带落叶阔叶林和热带雨林的相关特征,较好地代
表了中亚热带常绿阔叶林群落。垂直结构由林冠层(63个种)、亚乔木层(70个种)和灌木层 (26个种)组成。样地所有木本植物物种总径级
Abstract:Aims Mainly distributed in China, subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest is one of important vegetation types in the
world. Here we report preliminary results of floristic characteristics, community composition, vertical structure, size class
structure, and spatial structure of Gutianshan(GTS) forest plot.
Methods We established a 24-hm2 (600 m×400 m) forest permanent plot from November, 2004 to September, 2005 in mid-
subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest of Gutianshan Nature Reserve, China. Following the standard census procedure of the
Centre for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS), all free-standing trees ≥1 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) in the forest
were mapped, tagged and identified to species. We employed software R 2.6.0 to analyze our data.
Important findings The results of floristic characteristics indicates that the tropical elements are more than temperate
elements. At family level, the proportion of the pantropic type is the greatest (28.6%), the number of the tropic elements
are more than temperate ones (24/13). At genus level,there are 53 tropic genera and 44 temperate ones. As for community
composition, there are 159 species, 103 genera and 49 families, 140 700 individuals in total. The evergreen tree species in
community are dominant (i.e. 91 species, total relative dominance is 90 .6%, importance value is 85.6%, accounts for 85.9% of
the total abundance). GTS forest plot is typical mid-subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, which displays
characteristics of both temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest and tropical rain forest. On the one hand, community
composition has obvious dominant species, which is similar to temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest. There are 3 mostly
dominant species, Castanopsis eyrei, Schima superba and Pinus massoniana. Large numbers of rare species (59 rare species,
equal to or less than one tree per hm2) in the community account for 37.1% species richness, which is similar to tropical
rain forest. Vertical structure is composed of canopy layer (63 species ), sub-uree layer (70 species), shrub layer (26
species).The structure of DBH size class of all species in the plot generally appears reverse `J’ shape, which indicates
successful community regeneration. Spatial distribution of several dominant species, from small to adult tree or old tree,
shifts from closer aggregation to looser aggregation, and shows different habitat preference. Finally, we compare the large
plot approach with conventional sampling method.
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