全 文 :书收稿日期:2013 - 01 - 11 修回日期:2013 - 09 - 11
作者简介:李明河(1985 -),男,博士研究生.研究方向:植物系统学.通讯作者兰思仁(1963 -),男,教授,博士生导师.研究方向:植物资源学.
Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.)Ormerod,a
newly recorded species of Orchidaceae
from Fujian Province
LI Ming-he1,CHEN Shi-pin1,LAN Si-ren1,PENG Dong-hui2,LI Mao-biao3
(1. College of Forestry,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China;2. College
of Arts & College of Landscape,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China;
3. Tianbaoyan National Nature Reserve Administration,Yongan,Fujian 366000,China)
Abstract:Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.)Ormerod,a newly recorded species of Orchidaceae in Fujian Province was reported.
Brief morphological descriptions and photos of this species were provided. The taxonomic treatment of this species between Odon-
tochilus and Chamaegastrodia was analyzed. According to the conclusion of Ormerods research,the species was published as a new-
ly recorded species of Odontochilus in Fujian Province.
Key words:Odontochilus poilanei ;Orchidaceae;newly recorded;Fujian Province
中图分类号:Q949 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-5470(2013)06-0600-03
(1.福建农林大学林学院,福建 福州 350002;2.福建农林大学艺术学院园林学院(合署),福建
福州 350002;3.永安天宝岩国家级自然保护区管理局,福建 永安 366000)
摘要:报道了福建省兰科一新纪录种———齿爪齿唇兰(Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.)Ormerod),提供种的简要描述和照片;
并分析了该植物分类学地位的变化情况,特别是与齿唇兰属(Odontochilus)和叠鞘兰属(Chamaegastrodia)的关系.基于 Ormer-
The genus Odontochilus Blume belongs to subfamily Orchidoideae,Orchidaceae[1]. There are about 40 spe-
cies recorded worldwide. They range across the Himalayas and northern India,extend to southeast Asia in north-
ern Japan,east to the southwest of the Pacific Islands;11 species in China[1]. The Odontochilus elwesii C. B.
Clarke ex J. D. Hook was the only species recorded in Odontochilus genus in Fujian Province[2]. In September
22,2009,Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.)Ormerod was found for the first time in Tianbaoyan National Nature
Reserve. It was a newly recorded species of Orchidaceae in Fujian Province.
1 Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.)Ormerod
1.1 Taxonomic
Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.)Ormerod,Lindleyana. J. 17:225. 2002. Chamaegastrodia poilanei
(Gagnep.)Seidenf. et A. N. Rao,Nord. J. Bot. 14(3):297,fig. 4 & 5. 1994;Evrardiana poilanei (Gag-
nep.)Averyanow,Bot. J. (Moscow & Leningrad)73(3) :432. 1988;Evrardianthe poilanei (Gagnep.)
Rauschert,Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. 94(7 - 8) :433. 1983;Hetaeria poilanei (Gagnep.)T. Tang et F. T.
Wang,Acta Phytotax. 1(1) :71. 1951;Evardia poilanei Gagnep.,Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris ser. 2,4(5) :
596. 1932.
1.2 Morphological characteristics
Saprophytic herb,12 - 15 cm tall. Rhizome stout,short,fleshy,yellowish white. Stem erect,stout,pur-
plish red,leafless. Raceme 3 - 7 cm long,several to more than 10-flowered,with pubescent on the rachis;flo-
ral bracts ovate,purplish red,outer surface pubescent,apex acuminate. Flowers erect,not resupinate;sepals
purplish red with pubescent on the outer surface;petals purplish red,linear lanceolate,1-veined,apex acute;
labellum deep yellow,T-shaped,somewhat Y-shaped with apical part conspicuously incised-erose at margin,
claw 8 mm long;hypochile slightly dilated,concave-saccate,aseptate,containing 2 sessile,domed calli at the
base;gynandrium short,with 2 sub-square,lamellate wings;anther ovoid,ca. 2.5 mm,apex acuminate;ros-
tellum erect,furcately 2-lobed (Fig. 1). Flowering period:September. Fruit was not seen.
1.3 Geographical distribution and habitat
This species has been found in China,Japan,Thailand,and Vietnam until now[1,3 - 4]. China:Motuo
County,Tibet;Baishuiling Tropical Forest Reserve,Hainan;Hekou County,Yunnan;Yuanbao,Guan-
gxi[1,5 - 6];and Tianbaoyan National Nature Reserve in Fujian Province. The natural habitat of this species is
wet,so it often grows under evergreen broad-leaved forest in its new found habitat in Fujian Province with alti-
tude 763 m,latitude N 25°5651. 11,longitude E 117°330. 96 . The voucher specimens were preserved in
Herbarium of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. Number:090922113,Gatherer:Shi-pin Chen,Time:
Sep. 22,2009. There are also other orchids distributing around the habitat of Odontochilus poilanei,such as
Anoectochilus setaceus,Cleisostoma paniculatum,Goodyera velutina,Hetaeria abbreviatus etc.
A. Habitat;B. A raceme;C. Flowers.
Fig. 1 Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.)Ormerod(photoed by Shi-pin Chen)
2 Discussion
2.1 Taxonomic treatment
It has been contentious about which genus the Odontochilus poilanei belongs to Chamaegastrodia Makino &
F. Maekawa is charactered by leafless,holomycotrophic,lip usually 3-partiteand T-shaped,or rarely entire,
ovate with unlobed apex,and column stout,ventrally with 2 triangular-falcate appendages (wings)toward a-
pex[1]. Ormerod[7] delineated Odontochilus poilanei was a leafless member of Odontochilus Blume rather than a
true member of Chamaegastrodia[8],because its flowers had a relatively large,long clawed lip and a pair of ven-
tral appendages beneath the stigma,showing a closer relationship to some species of Odontochilus,such as O. el-
wesii C. B. Clarke ex f. Hook.,than to those of Chamaegastrodia. Tian et al[6] firstly described Ch. nanlingensis
H. Z. Tian & F. W. Xing in 2008. They indicated that it was similar to Ch. poilanei (Gagnepain)Seidenfaden &
A. N. Rao,with Ch. nanlingensis having smaller flowers,a yellow lip without a pair of elongate introrse lobules at
the epichile lobe,a slightly erose margin,and much smaller dorsal sepals and petals. Hu et al[5] reported
Chamaegastrodia as a newly genus recorded in Hainan Province represented by Ch. poilanei (Gagnep.)Seidenf.
·106·第 6 期
Ming-he Li et al:Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.)Ormerod,a newly
recorded species of Orchidaceae from Fujian Province
et. A. N. Rao. Hsu et al[9] stated briefly that Ch. nanlingensis H. Z. Tian & F. W. Xing had the characteristics
that pointed out by Ormerod. They also proposed Odontochilus guangdongensis T. C. Hsu & S. W. Chung as a
new name for Chamaegastrodia nanlingensis H. Z. Tian & F. W. Xing,because the name Odontochilus nanlingen-
sis (L. P. Siu & K. Y. Lang)Ormerod already existed[1],but O. guangdongensis T. C. Hsu & S. W. was substi-
tuted by O. guangdongensis S. C. Chen,S. W. Gale & P. J. Cribb in Flora of China[1].
2.2 Future directions
Chen et al[1] supported the view that Chamaegastrodia poilanei and Ch. nanlingensis should belong to Odon-
tochilus on the basis of the similar of lip and gynandrium in Flora of China,which was proposed by Ormerod and
Hsu. Meanwhile,Chen et al[1] also stated briefly that leafless and saprophytic were one of the important charac-
teristics of Chamaegastrodia,which was also accepted by Tian et al and Hu et al. The cytology and molecular bi-
ology should be done in the further researches to make clear the genetic relationship between Chamaegastrodia
and Odontochilus as well as which genera O. poilanei and its sibling species O. guangdongensis should belong to.
3 Conclusion
According to the conclusion of Ormerods research,the species newly recorded in Fujian Province was pub-
lished after the name of Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.)Ormerod.
Acknowledgements:We are grateful to Xin-yan Chen and Jian-lin Wang for their help during the field survey.
[1]CHEN X Q,LIU Z J,ZHU G H,et al. Flora of China,Vol. 25[M]. Beijing:Science Press,2009:69 - 84.
[2] Fujian Province Science and Technology Commission. Flora of Fujian Editing Committee. Flora of Fujian,Vol. 6[M].
Fuzhou:Fujian Science and Technology Press,1995:667 - 668.
[3]AVERYANOV L V. New species of orchids from Vietnam[J]. Taiwania,2007,52(4) :287 - 306.
[4]AVERYANOV L V,AVERYANOVA A L. Updated Checklist of the Orchids of Vietnam[M]. Hanoi:Vietnam National Uni-
versity Publishing House,2003.
[5]HU A Q,XING F W. Chamaegastrodia,a newly recorded genus of Orchidaceae from Hainan[J]. Journal of South China Ag-
ricultural University,2007,2(28) :89.
[6]TIAN H Z,XING F W. Chamaegastrodia nanlingensis (Orchidaceae) ,a new species from Guangdong,China[J]. Novon,
2008,18(2) :261 - 263.
[7]ORMEROD P. Taxonomic changes in Goodyerinae (Orchidaceae:Orchidoideae) [J]. Lindleyana,2002,17(1) :189 - 238.
[8]SEIDENFADEN G. The genus Chamaegastrodia (Orchidaceae) [J]. Nordic Journal of Botany,1994,14:293 - 301.
[9]HSU T C,CHUNG S W. Nomencleture changes of some orchids in China and Taiwan[J]. Taiwan J For Sci,2009,24(1) :75
- 78.
·206· 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版) 第 42 卷