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全 文 :钙元素对冬季迟缓期的艾纳香
王丹 1, 2,马青松 1, 2,范佐旺 1, 2,李小婷 1, 2,宛骏 1, 2,陈
振夏 1, 2,庞玉新 1, 2* (1. 中国热带农业科学院
因资源与种质创制重点开放实验室 海南儋州
571737;2. 海南省艾纳香工程技术研究中心,
海南儋州 571737)
摘 要 以一年生艾纳香种子苗为实验材料,
长迟缓期进行 3 次施肥, 测定艾纳香的株高、
地径、叶长和叶宽等生长指标以及生物量。 采
量; 采用 GC 测定艾纳香叶片中 l-龙脑的相对
含量,并计算 l-龙脑的绝对含量。 结果表明:钙
叶、茎和根生物量,其中 5 g/L 钙处理组的艾纳
香叶生物量极显著高于其他 3 个处理组,10、
15 g/L 钙处理下的叶生物量极显著高于空白
对照组(CK),分别是对照的 3.03 倍和 2.65 倍。
含量。 5 g/L 钙处理组的 l-龙脑相对含量和绝
对含量最高,分别为 0.22%和 0.22 g,与 10、15
g/L 钙和 CK 组相比 , 分别增加了 37.50% 、
22.22%、37.50%和 100%、100%、450%。 在冬季
和 l-龙脑的绝对含量。
关键词 钙;艾纳香;迟缓期;l-龙脑;总黄酮;
基 金 项 目 国 家 自 然 科 学 基 金
作者简介 王丹(1982-),女,黑龙江牡丹江人,
生产及其质量调控机制方面的研究。 *通讯作
者,庞玉新,E-mail: blumeachina@126.com。
收稿日期 2015-10-30
修回日期 2015-12-06
Effects of Calcium Element on Biomass and
Effective Constituents Contents in Blumea
balsamifera in Slow Growth Period of Winter
Dan WANG1, 2, Qingsong MA1, 2, Zuowang FAN1, 2, Xiaoting LI1, 2, Jun WAN1, 2, Zhenxia CHEN1, 2,
Yuxin PANG1, 2*
1. Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Gene
Resources and Germplasm Enhancement in Southern China, Danzhou 571737, China;
2. Hainan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Blumea balsamifera, Danzhou 571737, China
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81403035, 81374065).
*Corresponding author. E-mail: blumeachina@126.com
Received: October 30, 2015 Accepted: December 6, 2015A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2016, 17(2): 358-361, 437
Copyright訫 2016, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Soil and Fertilizer
B lumea balsamifera (L.) DC. is aperennial woody herb. Its freshor dry shoot has functions of
dispelling wind, eliminating dampness,
stopping diarrhea, promoting blood
circulation and detoxifying[1-2]. B. balsa-
mifera is widely distributed in Hainan,
Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces
of China. B. balsamifera mainly con-
tains volatile oils, dominated by L-bor-
neol, and the flavones[4-6]. Currently, B.
balsamifera has been widely applied
by processing of borneol and B. bal-
samifera oil[7-9]. Due to continuously in-
creased demand for borneol and B.
balsamifera oil, wild B. balsamifera re-
sources cannot meet the needs of
production. Therefore, artificial cultiva-
tion of B. balsamifera becomes in-
evitably the way to solve this problem.
Over the years, studies have found
that the L-borneol and total flavones
contents and yield of artificially culti-
vated B. balsamifera are all lower than
those of wild B. balsamifera, and fertil-
ization is one of the effective means to
improve the yield and quality of Chi-
nese herbal medicines[10]. Currently, in
the B. balsamifera-growing area in
Luodian, Guizhou, fertilization is rarely
conducted, or only a small amount of
calcium, magnesium and phosphate
Abstract The one-year-old seedlings of Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC. were applied
with CaCl2·H2O that supplied Ca in slow growth period of winter three times. The
heights, ground diameters, leaf lengths, leaf widths and biomasses of B. balsamifera
plants were measured. In addition, the relative contents of total flavones in different
parts of B. balsamifera were determined by UV spectrophotometry, and the absolute
contents of total flavones were calculated. The relative contents of L-borneol in
leaves of B. balsamifera were determined by GC, and the absolute contents of L-
borneol were calculated. The results showed that calcium element significantly in-
creased the biomasses in leaves, stems and roots of B. balsamifera in slow growth
period of winter. The leaf biomass of B. balsamifera in the 5 g/L CaCl2·H2O treat-
ment group was significantly higher than those in the other three treatment groups.
The leaf biomasses of B. balsamifera in the 10 and 15 g/L CaCl2·H2O treatment
groups were significantly higher than that in the CK, with 3.03 and 2.65 times, re-
spectively. The application of Ca inhibited the accumulation of total flavones relative
contents, but significantly increased the total flavones absolute contents in different
parts of B. balsamifera. The relative and absolute contents of L-borneol in the 5 g/L
CaCl2·H2O treatment group were 0.22% and 0.22 g, which were increased by
37.50%, 22.22%, 37.50% and 100%, 100%, 450%, respectively compared with those
in the 0, 10 and 15 g/L CaCl2·H2O treatment groups. The Ca element could signifi-
cantly promote the accumulation of biomasses in leaves, stems and roots, as well
as the absolute contents of total flavones and L-borneol in B. balsamifera in slow
growth period of winter.
Key words Calcium (Ca); Blumea balsamifera; Slow growth period; L-borneol; Total
flavones; Biomass
Agricultural Science & Technology2016
fertilizers are applied. There are rare
researches on fertilization in B. bal-
samifera. He et al. [11] applied manure,
oil cake, firewood, urea, calcium su-
perphosphate, potassium chloride and
compound fertilizer to B. balsamifera.
The results showed that the economic
yield and biomass yield of B. balsam-
ifera in the fertilization treatment group
were all higher than those in the con-
trol group; the contents of active ingre-
dients in B. balsamifera in the fertiliza-
tion treatment group were equivalent
to those in the control group; nitrogen
fertilizer showed significant yield-im-
proving effect; the oil yield and L-bor-
neol content were positively related to
the application amount of potassium
fertilizer, but showed no significant
correlations with the application
amount of phosphorus fertilizer. They
found that nitrogen fertilizer could im-
prove the yield and effective con-
stituents contents of B. balsamifera [12].
Wang et al. [13] found that manganese
element could significantly improve the
growth indicators and biomass of B.
balsamifera in slow growth period of
winter; manganese element had no
significant effects on relative contents
of L-borneol and total flavones, but sig-
nificantly increased their absolute
contents. Therefore, on the premise of
high yield, how to improve the contents
of effective constituents in B. balsam-
ifera is a problem urgent to be solved.
Calcium is an essential element
for plants. More calcium is accumulat-
ed in shoots, especially in stems and
leaves of plants. Calcium is an impor-
tant component of cell walls, and it can
stabilize biofilm, regulate physiological
balance and enzymatic action of nutri-
ent ions and promote elongation of
cells [14-15]. Therefore, the effects of dif-
ferent-concentration calcium element
on growth indexes and biomass, as
well as relative and absolute contents
of effective constituents in B. balsam-
ifera, were investigated in slow growth
period of winter in Hainan, thus laying
certain foundation for future research-
es on fertilization in B. balsamifera.
Materials and Methods
Plant material and pretreatment
The one-year-old seedlings of B.
balsamifera were selected. Since Jan-
uary 27, 2014, the leaves of B. balsam-
ifera seedlings were sprayed with calci-
um fertilizer (CaCl2·H2O) once every 10
days, and total three times of fertiliza-
tion were carried out. The sampling
was conducted on March 7, 2014. A
total of three application amounts were
designed for CaCl2·H2O, including 5, 10
and 15 g/L. In addition, the control (CK)
group was designed.
Instruments and reagents
In this study, the used instruments
and reagents included gas chromato-
graph (7890A, Agilent, USA), FID
flame ionization detector (Agilent, US-
A), 16-position auto-injector (G4513A,
Agilent, USA), UV spectrophotometer
(2012-PCS, Unico, PRC), electronic
analytical balance (CPA225D, Sarto-
rius, PRC), ultrasonic instrument (KQ-
500DB, Kunshan Ultrasonic Instru-
ments Co., Ltd., PRC), L-borneol stan-
dard (Alfa Aesar, lot number
10147015, purity > 98% ), rutin stan-
dard (National Institutes for Food and
Drug Control, lot number100080-
200707, purity 92.5% ), methyl salicy-
late (Tianjin Guangfu Fine Chemical
Research Institute, PRC), ethyl ac-
etate (Xilong Chemical Co., Ltd.,
PRC), methanol (Xilong Chemical Co.,
Ltd., PRC), sodium hydroxide (Xilong
Chemical Co., Ltd., PRC), sodium ni-
trite (Sinopharm Chemical Reagent
Co., Ltd., PRC), calcium chloride
monohydrate (Guangzhou Chemical
Reagent Factory, PRC) and aluminum
nitrate nonahydrate (Guangzhou
Chemical Reagent Factory, PRC). The
used reagents were all of analytical
Determination of growth indexes
The leaf, stem and root samples
of B. balsamifera were collected. The
heights, leaf lengths and leaf widths of
B. balsamifera plants were measured
with a ruler and tape. The ground di-
ameters were measured by electronic
vernier caliper. The biomasses of B.
balsamifera plants were measured
with a balance.
Determination of total flavones rel-
ative content
The solutions of standards and
standard curve were prepared[13].
Certain amounts (1.000 0 g for
each) of B. balsamifera leaf, stem and
root powders that were dried in shade
and passed through a 20-mesh sieve
were weighed. Each of them was dis-
solved in a certain volume (50 ml) of
methanol and weighed. Subsequently,
the solutions were bathed in cold water
for 30 min, and extracted in an ultra-
sonic device (80 Hz) for 30 min. After
cooled, the solutions were weighed a-
gain. The lost weights were comple-
mented with methanol. The new solu-
tions were filtered, and the filtrates
were collected. Thus, the sample so-
lutions were prepared.
The absorbances of sample so-
lutions were measured. And then, the
relative contents of total flavones in
different parts of B. balsamifera were
calculated. The relative content of total
flavones referred to the mass fraction
of total flavones in certain amount (100
g) of B. balsamifera.
Calculation of total flavones abso-
lute content
Total flavones absolute content
referred to the total flavones yield per
B. balsamifera plant. It is the sum of to-
tal flavones contents in different parts
of certain B. balsamifera plant.
Total flavones absolute content
(g) = Total flavones relative content in
certain part of B. balsamifera/100 ×
Biomass in certain part of B. balsam-
Determination of L-borneol relative
The L-borneol relative content in
leaves of B. balsamifera was deter-
mined by GC[13].
Calculation of L-borneol absolute
The L-borneol absolute content
referred to the yield of L-borneol per B.
balsamifera plant, and it is the sum of
L-borneol contents in different parts of
certain B. balsamifera plant.
L-borneol absolute content (g) =
L-borneol relative content in certain
part of B. balsamifera/100 × Biomass
in certain part of B. balsamifera.
Data statistics and analysis
The data were processed and the
tables and figures were prepared us-
ing Excel. The data statistics and one-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
were conducted using SPSS 16.0, and
the multiple comparisons were con-
ducted by Ducan’s multiple range test.
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
Table 2 Effects of calcium element on L-borneol relative and absolute contents in leaves of
B. balsamifera
Ca application amount
Relative content//% Absolute content//g
5 g/L 0.22±0.04 a 0.22±0.050 a
10 g/L 0.16±0.03 b 0.11±0.030 b
15 g/L 0.18±0.03 ab 0011±0.030 b
0 (CK) 0.16±0.01 b 0.04±0.007 c
Different lowercase letters in the same row indicated significant differences at the 0.05
Table 1 Effects of calcium element on growth indexes of B. balsamifera
Ca application
Growth indexes
Plant height//cm Grounddiameter//mm Leaf length//cm Leaf width//cm
5 g/L 16.08±3.77 c 6.68±0.83 a 11.03±1.99 a 3.28±0.46 a
10 g/L 23.66±3.44 a 6.03±0.27 a 9.16±0.58 ab 2.78±0.30 ab
15 g/L 21.78±2.07 ab 5.46±0.46 a 9.28±0.62 ab 2.94±0.26 ab
0 (CK) 22.57±1.33 ab 5.35±1.07 a 7.73±2.46 b 2.02±0.89 b
Different lowercase letters in the same row indicated significant differences at the 0.05
Results and Analysis
Effects of calcium element on
growth indexes of B. balsamifera
The variance analysis showed
that there were no significant differ-
ences in plant height, ground diame-
ter, leaf length or leaf width among
different Ca treatment groups (P >
0.05). As shown in Table 1, compared
with that in the control group, the leaf
lengths in the 5, 10 and 15 g/L Ca
treatment groups were increased by
42.96%, 18.50% and 20.05%, respec-
Effect of calcium element on
biomass of B. balsamifera
The variance analysis showed that
there were significant differences in
leaf, stem and root biomasses of B.
balsamifera among different Ca treat-
ment groups (P<0.01). As shown in Fig.
1, the leaf biomass of B. balsamifera in
the 5 g/L Ca treatment group was sig-
nificantly higher than those in the other
three groups (P <0.01), and the leaf
biomasses in the 10 and 15 g/L Ca
treatment groups were significantly
higher than that in the control group
(P <0.01), with 3.03 and 2.65 times,
respectively. The stem biomasses of
B. balsamifera in the 5 and 10 g/L Ca
treatment groups were 76.71 and
76.15 g, respectively, which were sig-
nificantly higher than those in the 0
(36.57 g) and 15 (53.79 g) g/L Ca
treatment groups. Compared with
those in the 0 and 15 g/L treatment
groups, the stem biomass of B. bal-
samifera in the 5 g/L Ca treatment
group was increased by 42.61% and
109.72%, while in the 10 g/L Ca treat-
ment group was increased by 41.57%
and 108.23%. The root biomasses of
B. balsamifera in the 5, 10 and 15 g/L
Ca treatment groups were all signifi-
cantly higher than that in the control
group (P<0.01).
Effects of calcium element on total
flavones contents in different parts
of B. balsamifera
Effects of calcium element on total
flavones relative contents in differ-
ent parts of B. balsamifera
The variance analysis showed
that there were significant differences
in total flavones relative contents in
leaves, stems and roots of B. balsam-
ifera among different treatment groups
(P<0.01). As shown in Fig.2, the leaf
total flavones relative content in the
control group (2.23% ) was highest,
and it was significantly higher than
those in the other three treatment
groups (P <0.01). Compared with
those in the 5, 10 and 15 g/L Ca treat-
ment groups, the leaf total flavones
relative content in the control group
was increased by 57.04% , 84.30%
and 67.67% , respectively. The stem
total flavones relative content in the
control group was significantly higher
than those in the 5, 10 and 15 g/L Ca
treatment groups (P<0.05). The root
total flavones relative contents in the 0,
5 and 10 g/L Ca treatment groups
were higher than that in the 15 g/L Ca
treatment group.
Effects of calcium element on total
flavones absolute contents in dif-
ferent parts of B. balsamifera
The variance analysis showed
that there were significant differences
in leaf (P<0.01), stem (P<0.05) and
root (P<0.01) total flavones absolute
contents among different treatment
groups. As shown in Fig.3, the leaf to-
tal flavones absolute content in the 5
g/L Ca treatment group was 1.37 g,
which was increased by 174.00% ,
65.06% and 73.42% , respectively
compared with those in the 0, 10 and
15 g/L Ca treatment groups (P<0.01).
The stem total flavones absolute con-
tent in the 5 g/L Ca treatment group
was significantly higher than those in
the 10 and 15 g/L Ca treatment groups
(P<0.05). The root total flavones ab-
solute contents in the 5 and 10 g/L Ca
treatment groups were significantly
higher than those in the 0 and 15 g/L
Ca treatment groups (P<0.05).
Effects of calcium element on L-
borneol relative and absolute con-
tents in leaves of B. balsamifera
The variance analysis showed
that no significant differences were ob-
served in leaf L-borneol relative con-
tent, but there were significant differ-
ences in L-borneol absolute content
among different treatment groups (P<
0.01). As shown in Table 2, the L-bor-
neol relative (0.22% ) and absolute
(0.22 g) contents in the 5 g/L Ca treat-
ment group were highest, and they
were increased by 37.50% , 22.22% ,
37.50% and 450% , 100% and 100%
compared with those in the 0, 10 and
15 g/L Ca treatment groups.
Conclusions and Discus-
Calcium is one of the nutrients
needed by plant growth and develop-
ment, and it is an important component
of plant cell walls. Calcium can promote
cell elongation, adjust the balance of
plant nutrient ions, and eliminate the
toxic effects of certain ions[16]. Calcium
can significantly increase the yields of
pepper, canola, alfalfa, soybean, flue-
Agricultural Science & Technology2016
Different lowercase letters indicate signifi-
cant differences among different treatment
groups at the 0.05 level.
Fig.1 Effects of calcium element on
biomasses in different parts of B. balsam-
Different lowercase letters indicate signifi-
cant differences among different treatment
groups at the 0.05 level.
Fig.2 Effects of calcium element on total
flavones relative contents in different parts
of B. balsamifera
cured tobacco and other crops[17-20]. He
et al. [21] confirmed that the interval of
January to February is the slow growth
period, while March is the growth-re-
sumed period of B. balsamifera. This
study found that in the control group,
the young B. balsamifera seedlings
grew slowly; the growth of most plants
was stopped; the leaves of some
plants even fell off. However, when
calcium was applied, B. balsamifera
seedlings grew better, and their leaf
lengths and widths were increased
significantly. The leaf length and width
of B. balsamifera in the 5 g/L Ca treat-
ment group were significantly higher
than those in the control group. Calci-
um element significantly increased the
biomasses in leaves, stems and roots
of B. balsamifera, which was closely
related to the physiological functions of
calcium. Calcium could promote cell
elongation, growth and biomass accu-
mulation of B. balsamifera, which was
more obvious in the 5 and 10 g/L Ca
treatment groups. Therefore, in the
slow growth period of winter in Hainan,
appropriate amount of calcium fertilizer
should be applied to B. balsamifera to
promote growth and biomass accu-
mulation, as well as medicine yield of
B. balsamifera.
At the same time, this study found
that the application of calcium element
showed certain inhibitory effect on ac-
cumulation of total flavones relative
content in different part of B. balsam-
ifera. The application of calcium ele-
ment reduced the total flavones rela-
tive contents in leaves and stems of B.
balsamifera. Total flavones content is
the sum of flavones in B. balsamifera.
Flavones are secondary metabolites in
plants. Secondary metabolism is an
ongoing and dynamic process in
plants, but the demand for nutrient ele-
ments is different among different pe-
riods. The interval of October and
November is the peak of total flavones
relative content accumulation in
Hainan-originated B. balsamifera,
while the accumulation of total
flavones relative content is relatively
slow in the interval of January to
February. In this study, in the slow
growth period of winter, the growth of
B. balsamifera became slow, and cal-
cium element showed insignificant ef-
fect on the accumulation of secondary
metabolites, so the accumulation of to-
tal flavones relative content in B. bal-
samifera was inhibited to some extent.
Thus, the primary metabolism in B.
balsamifera was greatly affected, re-
sulting in significantly increased total
flavones absolute content in B. bal-
samifera (sum of flavones content in
all the leaves of certain B. balsamifera
plant). Calcium element binds with
calmodulin, activating a variety of key
enzymes in plants, and further regulat-
ing cell metabolism[22]. This study found
that in winter, the application of 5 g/L
calcium significantly increased the leaf
L-borneol relative content in B. bal-
samifera in Hainan Province, and sig-
nificantly promoted the accumulation
of L-borneol absolute content. Calcium
element s howed insignificant effect on
leaf L-borneol relative content in B.
balsamifera, but significantly increased
leaf L-borneol absolute content (sum
of L-borneol content in all the leaves of
certain B. balsamifera plant). In over-
all, in the slow growth period of winter,
the application of calcium significantly
increased the yield of B. balsamifera in
Hainan Province, but inhibited the ac-
cumulation of active ingredients rela-
tive contents in B. balsamifera. There-
fore, in the cultivation of B. balsamifera
for obtaining pharmaceutical compo-
nents, calcium fertilization is not rec-
ommended. However, if B. balsamifer-
a is used as raw material for extracting
oil, calcium fertilization can significant-
ly increase the yield of B. balsamifera
and the absolute contents of active in-
gredients, thus increasing the yield of
extracted oil. This study will provide
certain theoretical basis for researches
on B. balsamifera-specific fertilizers. In
the future studies, the efficiency of cal-
cium fertilizer at different growth stage
of B. balsamifera will be investigated to
determine the optimum application
time and amount of calcium fertilizer
and the optimum harvest season of B.
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Different lowercase letters indicate signifi-
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(Continued on page 437)
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