全 文 :Control Effect of Methanol Extract of Blumea
megacephala Chang et Tseng against Turnip Aphid
(Lipaphis erysimi Kaltenbach)
LIU Yan-hua*
Institute of Hunan Environmental Biological Technology,Hengyang 421001,China
Abstract [Objective]The paper was to explore the application of botanical pesticides on controlling turnip aphid (Lipaphis erysimi Kaltenbach). [Method]
Through potting efficacy experiment of Chinese cabbage,the control effects of two preparations(20% EC and 10% EW)of methanol extract of Blumea megacephala
Chang et Tseng against turnip aphid,as well as leaf-protection effect on Chinese cabbage were determined. [Result]20% EC of B. megacephala had the highest
efficacy in 10-fold dilution,and its control effects against turnip aphid were 57. 78%,77. 19% and 84. 79% after pesticide spraying for 24,48 and 72 h;10% EW
of B. megacephala had the highest efficacy in 5-fold dilution,and its control effects against turnip aphid were 74. 44%,84. 79% and 89. 14% after pesticide spra-
ying for 24,48 and 72 h. The leaf-protection rates of 20% EC of B. megacephala in 10-fold dilution were 89. 31% and 94. 80% after pesticide spraying for 3 and
5 d;the leaf-protection rates of 10%EW of B. megacephala in 5-fold dilution were 93. 50% and 97. 83% after pesticide spraying for 3 and 5 d. [Conclusion]The
methanol extract of B. megacephala had good control effect against turnip aphid and good protection rate on crops.
Key words Blumea megacephala Chang et Tseng;Turnip aphid;Effective ingredients;Control effect;Leaf-protection rate;China
Received:June 27,2011 Accepted:September 2,2011
* Corresponding author. E-mail:lyanhua_68@ 163. com
In recent years,due to the extensive use of chemical pesti-
cides,the problems of residue, resistance and resurgence of
chemical pesticides are increasingly serious,which have brought
about many adverse effects on sustainable development of agricul-
tural economy. Using efficient and environmental-friendly bio-pes-
ticides with low toxicity and residue,especially the development of
botanical pesticides has become the main direction for pesticide
research. Botanical pesticides are derived from natural plant,their
compositions are complicated,which can act on multiple organs or
enzymes of harmful organisms,thus inhibiting or delaying the
emergence and development of pest resistance[1 -3]. Botanical pes-
ticides are also safe to humans and animals,as well as natural en-
emies without environmental pollution.
Turnip aphid (Lipaphis erysimi Kaltenbach)is an important
vegetable pest,causing serious damage. The author has used drop
method to measure the contact toxicity of methanol extracts of 75
kinds of plants on turnip aphid,and the results have shown that
methanol extract of Blumea megacephala Chang et Tseng has
strong contact toxicity against turnip aphid[4]. To further explore
the application of botanical pesticide on controlling turnip aphid,
the author studied the control effect of methanol extract of
B. megacephala against turnip aphid,so as to provide reference
for effective control against turnip aphid.
1 Materials and Methods
1. 1 Materials
1. 1. 1 Plant materials. Blumea megacephala Chang et Tseng
used in the test were collected from Guilin City and Lingui County
in northeast of Guangxi Province.
1. 1. 2 Test insects. Turnip aphids (Lipaphis erysimi Kalten-
bach)with the same size were collected from Biological Park of
Guangxi Normal University and Gaoxing development area in Guil-
in City.
1. 2 Extraction of plant materials The plant materials were
extracted using cold soaking method. B. megacephala collected
was washed to remove soil and impurities,placed in indoor venti-
lation place for airing,dried in 60 ℃ constant temperature drying
oven till being crisp,then crushed by plant grinder,and passed
through 40 mesh. The crushed plant powder was weighed for 100
g,placed into 1 000 ml flask,added with 5 times of methanol sol-
vent,and extracted at room temperature(oscillation once every 12
h) ,then filtered after 48 h. The process was repeated for 2 times,
the filtrate obtained was combined together,and carried out vacu-
um concentration in water bath by rotary evaporator. When the
solvent was evaporated,the plant extracts were obtained,and pre-
served in refrigerator for later use.
1. 3 Experimental design Referred to the method described by
WANG Wen-lu[5],the test was conducted in Biological Park of
Guangxi Normal University. The pots with the diameter of 20 cm
and height of 15 cm were selected to plant the seedlings of Chinese
cabbage,when they grew to 7 - 8 leaf stage,the cabbage seed-
lings with the same growth were chosen for the test. The reagents
used in the test were 20% B. megacephala EC 10,20,30 times,
10% B. megacephala EW 5,10,20 times,of which the formula-
tion of 20% EC was methanol extract of B. megacephala∶ solvent∶
emulsifier = 1. 0∶ 3. 4∶ 0. 6 (V∶ V∶ V) ;and the formulation of 10%
EW was methanol extract of B. megacephala∶ solvent∶ emulsifier∶
water = 1. 0∶ 7. 5∶ 0. 5∶ 1. 0(V∶ V∶ V∶ V). The solvent as ethanol,
and Tween -80 was used as emulsifier. 40% omethoate was used
as control reagent with the concentration of 1 000 times,the water
(plus emulsifier)was also set as control.
Plant Diseases and Pests 2011,2(4) :72 -74
1. 4 Potting experimental method The leaves with 20more
aphids were chosen in the room,then the aphids were inoculated
into the leaves of potting cabbage with fine brush,each leaf was
inoculated with over 40 aphids with the same instar. The cabbage
plants after inoculation were moved into laboratory,the number of
insects was checked after 1 h,and those with insufficient insects
were filled. After the insects were stable in leaves,a small sprayer
was used to spray the liquid on the leaves,the whole leaf should
be fully wetted till there were drops formed. Each treatment con-
tained three repeats. The number of active insects after spraying
for 24,48 and 72 h,as well as the damage degree of cabbage after
spraying for 3 and 5 d was recorded,the population reduction
rate,control effect and leaf-protection rate were calculated.
Population reduction rate(%)= (the number of active in-
sects before spraying - the number of active insects after spra-
ying)/ the number of active insects before spraying ×100.
Control effect(%)=(population reduction rate in treatment
group - population reduction rate in control group )/(1 - popula-
tion reduction rate in control group) ×100.
The classification standard of damage level of leaves was as
follows:level 0,without damage;level 1,feeding leaf area≤
1 /5;level 2,1 /5 < feeding leaf area≤2 /5;level 3,2 /5 < feed-
ing leaf area≤3 /5;level 4,3 /5 < feeding leaf area≤4 /5;level
5,feeding leaf area >4 /5.
Damage index of leaves (%)=∑(the representative value
of damage level × the number of damaged leaves in the level)/
(total number of survey leaves × the representative value of the
highest level)×100.
Leaf-protection effect (%)= (damage index of leaves in
control group - damage index of leaves in treatment group)/dam-
age index of leaves in control group ×100.
2 Results and Analysis
2. 1 Insecticidal effect of two preparations of B. megacepha-
la against turnip aphids The insecticidal effects of 20%
B. megacephala EC and 10% B. megacephala EW against turnip
aphids were measured,and the results showed that when 20%
B. megacephala EC was diluted into 10 times,the efficacy was
the highest,the control effects against turnip aphids after spraying
for 24,48 and 72 h were 57. 78%,77. 19% and 84. 79%,re-
spectively;10% B. megacephala EW had the highest efficacy
when it was diluted into 5 times,the control effects against turnip
aphids after spraying for 24,48 and 72 h were 74. 44%,84. 79%
and 89. 14%,respectively. With the decrease of concentration,
the efficacy of two preparations was also decreased. When 20%
B. megacephala EC was diluted into 30 times,the control effects
against turnip aphids after spraying for 24,48 and 72 h were
37. 78%, 54. 38% and 60. 90%, respectively; when 10%
B. megacephala EW was diluted into 20 times,the control effects
against turnip aphids after spraying for 24,48 and 72 h were
44. 44%,60. 90% and 71. 76%,respectively (Tab. 1).
Tab. 1 Potting control effects of two preparations of B. megacephala against turnip aphid and the leaf-protection effect on Chinese cabbage
Pesticides Dilutiontimes
Population reduction ratea
24 h 48 h 72 h
Control effecta
24 h 48 h 72 h
Leaf-protection rateb
3 d after
5 d after
20% B. megacephala EC ×10 57. 78 ±2. 94 c 76. 67 ±3. 33 c 84. 44 ±2. 94 b 57. 78 ±2. 94 c 77. 19 ±3. 03 c 84. 79 ±2. 74 b 89. 31 c 94. 80 c
×20 44. 44 ±4. 01 d 52. 22 ±2. 94 d 60. 00 ±3. 85 d 44. 44 ±4. 01 d 53. 30 ±2. 83 d 60. 90 ±3. 79 d 64. 56 f 68. 67 g
×30 37. 78 ±4. 01 d 53. 33 ±1. 93 d 60. 00 ±3. 85 d 37. 78 ±4. 01 d 54. 38 ±1. 89 d 60. 90 ±3. 71 d 65. 62 f 70. 23 f
10% B. megacephala EC ×5 74. 44 ±4. 01 b 84. 44 ±2. 94 b 88. 89 ±2. 94 b 74. 44 ±4. 01 b 84. 79 ±2. 74 b 89. 14 ±2. 83 b 93. 50 b 97. 83 b
×10 67. 78 ±1. 11 b 74. 44 ±1. 11 c 84. 44 ±1. 11 b 67. 78 ±1. 11 b 75. 02 ±1. 23 c 84. 79 ±1. 19 b 86. 78 d 91. 45 d
×20 44. 44 ±4. 01 d 60. 00 ±3. 85 d 71. 11 ±2. 22 c 44. 44 ±4. 01 d 60. 90 ±3. 42 d 71. 76 ±2. 04 c 76. 43 e 81. 92 e
40% omethoate ×1 000 96. 67 ±1. 93 a 97. 78 ±1. 11 a 100 ±0 a 96. 67 ±1. 93 a 97. 83 ±1. 09 a 100 ±0 a 100 a 100 a
Water(blannk control) 0 -2. 30 -2. 30 - - - - -
Note:a indicates data in the table are average value ± SE (n =3) ,initial population numbers of different treatments are all 40 heads;b indicates data are the av-
erage values (n =3) ;different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant difference at 0. 05 level(DMRT).
2. 2 Leaf-protection effect of two preparations of B. mega-
cephala on Chinese cabbage 20% B. megacephala EC had
good leaf-protection effect when it was diluted into 10 times,the
leaf-protection rates after spraying for 3 and 5 d were 89. 31% and
94. 80%;10% B. megacephala EW had the best leaf-protection
effect when it was diluted into 5 times,the leaf-protection rates af-
ter spraying for 3 and 5 d were 93. 50% and 97. 83% (Tab. 1).
Therefore,two preparations of B. megacephala all had good leaf-
protection effect on Chinese cabbage,with the increase of concen-
tration and the prolongation of spraying time,the leaf-protection
rate increased.
3 Discussion
(1)A variety of factors affect the control effect of pesticides.
For examples,illumination affects the stability of pesticides,tem-
perature affects the physiology of insects,humidity affects the in-
secticidal activity of pesticides,insect-state affects the sensitivity
of insects to pesticides,population structure and dynamics affect
the control efficacy of pesticides,the spraying methods of pesti-
cides affect the physiology of natural enemies. Therefore,the
screening condition of botanical pesticide must be close to the field
with field toxicology of pesticides and population toxicological
principles as guidance[6]. The author studied using the potting ex-
periment with close condition to field,and the results showed that
37LIU Yan-hua et al. Control Effect of Methanol Extract of Blumea megacephala Chang et Tseng against Turnip Aphid (Lipaphis erysimi Kaltenbach)
two preparations of methanol extract of B. megacephala had ideal
control effect against turnip aphid,which provided a reliable basis
for screening of botanical pesticides. The author had studied the
effects of methanol extracts of B. megacephala on protein content
and the activities of 3 protective enzymes of turnip aphid,and the
results showed that after turnip aphid was handled with methanol
extracts of B. megacephala,CAT activity in turnip aphid de-
creased compared with control;and SOD activity increased;meth-
anol extracts of B. megacephala had no effect on protein content
and POD activity in turnip aphid[7]. Follow-up experiments can be
the field test,and further confirmed the insecticidal activity of
B. megacephala and its effect on insect population structure and
dynamics,thus screening the pesticides with broad-spectrum,high
efficiency and low residue for promotion and application.
(2)Leaf-protection rate is the protection condition of pesti-
cides on crops. For leafy crops,pests are mainly caused damage
on leaves. Because the majority of botanical pesticides have an-
tifeedant effect on pests,which can reduce the feeding area of
pest,so leaf-protection rate can more accurately reflect its control
efficacy. Two preparations of methanol extracts of B. megacephala
have good leaf-protection effect on Chinese cabbage,indicating
that methanol extracts of B. megacephala had good protection
effect on vegetables. Combining with the good control effect of
B. megacephala against turnip aphid,it has potential to be devel-
oped as a botanical pesticide to control pests in vegetables.
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刘艳华 (湖南环境生物职业技术学院,湖南衡阳 421001)
摘要 [目的]探索植物性杀虫剂在防治萝卜蚜方面的应用。[方法]通过盆栽小白菜药效试验,测定了大头艾纳香甲醇提取物 2种制剂(20%
EC和 10%EW)对萝卜蚜的防治效果和对小白菜的保叶效果。[结果]20%大头艾纳香 EC在稀释 10倍时药效最高,施药 24、48、72 h后对萝卜
蚜的防效分别为 57. 78%、77. 19%和 84. 79%;10%大头艾纳香 EW在稀释 5倍时药效最高,施药 24、48、72 h后对萝卜蚜的防效分别为 74. 44%、
84. 79%和 89. 14%。20%大头艾纳香 EC在稀释 10倍时,施药后第 3、5天的保叶率分别为 89. 31%和94. 80%;10%大头艾纳香 EW在稀释 5倍
时,施药后第 3、5天的保叶率分别为 93. 50%和 97. 83%。[结论]大头艾纳香甲醇提取物对萝卜蚜有较好的防效和对作物有较好的保叶率。
关键词 大头艾纳香;萝卜蚜;防治效果;保叶率
作者简介 刘艳华(1970 - ),女,湖南衡阳人,讲师,硕士,从事天然产物及植物源农药的开发研究。
收稿日期 2011-06-27 修回日期
(Continued from page 29)
侯全刚1,2 (1.青海省农林科学院园艺研究所,青海西宁 810016;2.青海省蔬菜遗传与生理重点实验室,青海西宁 810016)
摘要 [目的]探讨不同培养条件对循化线辣椒疫霉病产孢量的影响。[方法]针对光照时数、pH、培养基以及温度对循化线辣椒疫霉菌分离培
养过程中产孢量的影响进行了研究。[结果]循化线辣椒疫霉菌在 24 h /天光照、pH为 7. 0、马铃薯培养基(PSA)和 30 ℃条件下产孢量最大,其
中 pH、基础培养基和温度对产孢量影响较大。[结论]为循化线辣椒在自然界发病条件方面的研究奠定了基础。
关键词 线辣椒;疫霉菌;培养条件
作者简介 侯全刚(1965 -),男,青海乐都人,副研究员,从事线辣椒育种与生理研究。
收稿日期 2011-06-22 修回日期 2011-09-25
47 Plant Diseases and Pests 2011