全 文 :收稿日期:2000-01-16
作者简介:黄威廉 ,男 ,汉族 ,台湾省新竹县人 , 1943年至 1948年西南联大生物系 ,云南大学 、台湾大学森林系肄业;1950年
贵州大学农艺系毕业;1957年华东师范大学生物系苏联专家植物地理研究班结业。原省科委主任 ,贵州师范大学资源与环
境科学系(原地理系)教授 ,植被 、生态硕士生导师;西南师范大学客座教授 ,植物生态博士生兼职导师。国家教委 2次(1985
-1995年)聘为全国高等院校理科地理教学指导委员会委员 ,曾宪梓教育奖励基金评审委员会委员。出版专著 9部 ,发表论
文 60余篇 ,获科技成果奖 20余项 ,其中国家科技进步奖 2等奖 2项 ,省部级 1等奖 1项 、2等奖 3项。
(贵州师范大学 资源与环境科学系 , 贵州 贵阳 550001)
摘要:冷杉属是北温带阴暗针叶林的建群种类 , 世界上共有 50 余种。 20 世纪 80 年代中期 , 中国在亚热带陆
续发现冷杉属植物 3 种 ,是植物界的奇迹 , 其中贵州的梵净山冷杉 , 不但为残留的稀有种 , 并构成一定小面积
的冷杉林 ,是为重大发现之一 , 也是迄今为止最后发现的一种冷杉及其形成的冷杉垂直带群落。梵净山冷杉
林的发现对植物区系学 ,植物群落学 , 植被地理学 ,古生物学 ,古气候 , 冰川学等学科都有一定的科学意义。
The discovery of Abies fanjingshanensis forests and their scientifical
HUANG Wei-Lian( department of Resources and Env ironment Science , Guizhou Normal University ,
Guiyang 550001 , China)
Key words:discovery of Abies fanjingshanensis forests , phymocoenological characteristics , scientifical significance
Article ID:1003-6563(2001)01-0001-09 CLC number:Q948.2 Document code:A
The Abies is one of the impo rtant composi tions of coniferous forest in no rth temperate zone.
It dist ributes in the no rth part of Eurasia as a typical vegetation , dark conifreous forest , between
57°~ 67°of northern latitude.Facing south dark coniferous forest gradually transi ts to vertical
moutainous region of higher elevation.The Abies also evolves f rom continuity dist ribution to dis-
junction in the proper parts.The dist ribution elevation rises with the drop of latitude.No t only
does the Abies have an extensive distribut ion in no rth-east , north-west , and north China , but al-
so i t spreads all over most parts of the provinces in subtropical zone , such as the west part of
Hubei , north-east to south-west of Sichuan , north-west Yunnan , south and south-east T ibet , the
middle part of Taiw an and so on.The discovery in succession of relics Abies forest in south Zhe-
jiang , south Hunan and north part of Guangxi particularly enlarges Abies distribution area.
Though all the neighbouring regions have the distribut ion of Abies , Guizhou province w hich
is located in the subtropical mountain regions has none.In M ay 1981.Guizhou province made a
第 19卷第 1期
2001年 3月 贵 州 科 学GUIZHOU SC IENCE Vol.19 , No.1Mar.2001
comprehensive survey in Fanjingshan natural environment.Si tuated in the northeastern part of
Guizhou province , Fanjingshan mountain is one of the Chinas mo re important state pro tected
preserves.With i ts particular geographic position , ancient st ratigraphic structure , indigenous for-
est vegetation , favourable ecological environment and lush bilolgical resources , Fanjingshan is a
typical nature complex .By the turn of the century .both Chinese and foreign scientists have al-
ready begun to recognize the research value of the Fang jinshan area.
The vegetation g roup payed at tention to this point and found Abies forest in the area of Lan-
chading , Fanjingshan.Tentative research found that the Abies fanjinshanensis is qui te dif ferent
from the Abies in the neighbouring regions , i t is a new species w hich w as never seen in docu-
ments.It is an endemic species existed in Fang jingshan , Guizhou province , China.
1 The Ecological Environment Characteristics of Fanjingshan Fir Forest
Jinding , the major mountain of Fanjing shan is 2 493 meters above sea level.Its relative alti-
tude is about 1500 ~ 2000 meters.It has an obvious vertical distribution belt and very complicated
trees.Fanjing shan fir forest dist ribution is confined to the upper part of the mountain with a nar-
row dist ribution regions in the areas of Lanchading , an elevation of 2 100 m.to 2 350 m.Baiyun
temple and Juchishan.Microtopog raphies are most ly high and precipitous mountain slopes w hich
approach to the ridges.Generally , the slopes face to no rth , north-west o r north-east w ith g radi-
ent of 50°~ 60°.Surmounted the ridge to south slope or south-east slope , we can see no more dis-
tribution of Abies.So it is clear that the fir forest as a vegetation type wi th narrow ecolog ical am-
plitude.The special terrain conditions in the upper party of Fanjingshan create a proper bioclimate
environment fo r preserving and g row ing Abies.With comparatively high elevation and north as-
pect , situated in the way of ent rance of w inter cold wave into the no rth-east of Guizhou , the up-
per part of Fanjingshan has the characteristics of cool summer and cold w inter , plenty of precipi-
tation , much cloud fog , heavy humidity and frequent f rost descent and definite covering of snow .
Based on the weather imfo rmation in Jiangkou county , the east side of the mountain , the annual
mean temperature in Lanchading of Fanjingshan(2 200 m above sea level)is 7.3℃, the maxi-
mum monthly mean temperature is 16.2℃, the minimum monthly mean temperature is -
2.3℃.The book Vegetat ion of China indicates that the most important quo ta of heat of heat
quantity in the dist ribution of dark coniferous forest is that the lowest limit of maximum mean
temperature of hilly area dark coniferous forest is about 15℃(19℃).The grow th of dark conifer-
ous forest w ill be rest rained under or above this temperature.It is thus clear that the temperature
in Lanchading , Fanjingshan foundamentally assures the normal grow th of Abies.As for moisture ,
the Lit tle Black Bay situated at the foot of Fanjing shan(1 200 m.above sea level)has the annual
rainfall of 2 600 mm.According to the meoteorological observation by the group in a short time
from 11th to 26th of M ay , in the vicinity of Jingding w hich is no t far from Langchading(2 244 m
above sea level)has 340 mm of total precipitation in 15 day s , the day mean humidity reaches
92.5%.In addi tion , the precipitation in summer accounts fo r 80% of the whole year.Cool and
moist climate gives an advantage to the grow th and development of Abies.The soil under Fan-
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jingshan fir forest belongs to a damp and rich loam mountain yellow brown soil , generally thin.
The leaf lit ter is 2cm thick wi th poor decomposi tion.Humus layer , thick in 2 ~ 3 cm , has rich or-
ganic contents.The soil appears black-brow n and moist.The illuvium layer is thick in 10 cm.Its
soil colour is yellow-brow n.The parent material layer which is under illuvium layer is not appa-
rant.Under it is the solid parent material layer.Among them there are few blocks of slate frag-
Above all , the above mentioned ecological envi ronment conditions , especially the cool and
humid climate is the important element for the g row th of Fanjingshan fir forest.
2 The Synecological Characteristics of Fanjingshan Fir Forest
2.1 Association Physiognomy
The subalpine dark coniferous fo rest w hich takes the Abies in Fanjingshan as the dominant
factor has comparatively distinctive and unique physiognomy.As the forest composi tion is shade
bearers species , Abies , Tsuga forrest ii and Tsuga chinensis , the compact crow ns become a more
of ten than not charactericstics of the Abies.Moreover , because Abies has strong w inter hardness ,
the treetops generelly can bear f reezen without broken tips , uneven crow n lines are so formed by
tower-shaped crow n.With the dif ferences of partial conditions , Fanjingshan fir forest is mostly
discontinuity in mot tling dist ribution of small areas.Because of the adventicousness of broad-
leaved trees such as Rhododendron , Acer , etc.the crowns can not be closed in some sections.In
addi tion , due to the st rong and rigorous lateral branch , darkgreen needle-leaf , and ever-g reen
charactericst ics of the Abies , Tsuga chinensis and others form a st raight and st rong phy siognomy
and an emerald g reen colour throughout the year.This can be seen quite clear in ranges of hills
and steep cliff s , and that g ives the top part of Fanjing shan mountain a wonderful view .
2.2 Community Composit ion
According to the statistics of the three quadrats , there are 18 families , 27 genuses and 30
species in the community composition of Fanjingshan fir forest.The analysis of quadrat list show s
that species composition in Fanjingshan f ir forest is quite complicated.The plants in the forest
both include those species w hich can be seen universally in the south and north f ir forests , and
some endemic species which appear loally in this mountain.Besides Abise , the main species in ar-
bo rous layer is Tsuga fo rrestii which has similar ecoloical regime to the Abies.In addition ,
Rhododendron , Acer , Prunus , Sorbus , Litsea , Enkianthus etc are also g row in here.Under the
forest , Rosa , Eurya , Symplocos , Myrsine , Mahonia , Sinarundinaria etc can be seen very often.
Among them , Tsuga , Rhododndron , Litsea , Sinarundinaria etc have identical composition w ith
spruce-fir forest in the south-west hills in China.Acer , Prunus , Sorbus , Viburnum which are of-
ten seen under the spruce-fir fo rest in north China also appeared in Fanjingshan fi r forest.The
common character of the plants under Fanjingshan and other fi r forests show community environ-
ment resemblance in different areas and at the same time indicate that Fanjingshan fi r fo rest has
consistent occurrence w ith fi r forests in o ther areas and they have close relat ions in disseminating
and composing in g lacial age in the geological history .Since Fanjingshan fir forest is developed in
34 期 黄威廉:梵净山冷杉林的发现及其科学意义
the upper part of mountains in a no t so high elevation of subtropical zone hill.In subtropical zone
hill the mountain radiat ion is qui te strong and annual amplitude of temperature is comparatively
small.In winter , the temperature is not very low and the slope is hanger , more t ransmissional
ray under the forest make Eurya , Symplocos , Myrsine , Mahonia———the evergreen species w hich
have an ex tended dist ribution in subtropical zone and Spiraea kw eichowensis of peculiar f lora in
Fanjingshan mountain appear under the forest.This reflects the peculiarity and complexity of
Fanjingshan fir fo rest composi tion.
Moreover , theres plent iful byrophy te in Fanjingshan fir forest.The main species are those
w hich g row in cool and humid forest land , such as Sphagnaceae , plagiochilacaea , Scapaniaceae ,
Lepidoziaceae , etc.The g round layer formed by them of ten abso rbs and stores up plenty of mois-
ture , and it maintains the cool and humid environment for Fanjingshan fi r forest , especially it
plays a role in ensuring moisture supplies in the g row th of fir forest.Besides , there can be seen a
lot of Thuidiaceae , Hypnaceae and Plagiotheciaceae.Among them some species , such as
Act inothuidium hookeri mostly belong to the typical species w hich g row in cool and humid forest-
land in subalpine coniferous fo rest.
2.3 Community St ructure
The community st ructure of Fanjingshan fir fo rest has a clear appearance in the st ructure of
stratums.As per space dist ribution height of individual plants , it can be evidently divided into
four layers , arboreous upper layer(Ap.8 meters and more), arbo rous lower layer(As , 2 ~ 8 me-
ters), shrub layer(F.0.25 ~ 2 meters).herbaceous layer(H.0.25 meters and less)and g round
layer(G , liver mosses and lichen).
The species of arborous upper lay er(Ap)is comparatively simple , mainly Fanjing shan fir.It
has st raight and tall trunk , occupies the top layer of crown canopy , canopy density is generally
about 20%, some parts may reach to 30%.Universally , fo rest t rees have 10 ~ 16 meters height ,
the tallest can be 22 m , the diameter 20 ~ 30 cm , the biggest can be 65cm.They have w ide and
dense crow ns , st rong and f lourishing lateral branches.The crow n diameters are commonly in 4×
6 meters.In the forest , the fir has a comparatively even distribution , f requency is 60%.Besides
Fanjingshan fir , Tsuga forrestii is mo re important in arborous upper layer.But generally , Tsuga
forrestii is 1 ~ 2 meters sho rter than Fanjingshan Abies.Because of i ts poo rer enduring cold and
freeze than Fanjingshan Abies , the top crow ns are of ten like a dome.That is quite different from
Fanjingshan Abies.Usually , Tsuga forrestii has 8 ~ 10 meters in height , 15 ~ 20 cm in diameter ,
and 3×3 meters in crow n diameter.The main species in arborous low er layer (As)is also Fan-
jingshan Abies and Tsuga forrestii.Together wi th Ap layer , the canopy density in community of
Fanjingshan Abies can reach 30%~ 40%, obviously play the role of fo rming community species.
Hence , a subtropical dark coniferous forest w hich takes Fanjing shan Abies as majo r species
formed.Besides Abies and Tsuga forrestii , there grow various of mixed broad-leaved trees , but
their g rowing height are seemly constrained by the upper fo rest t rees and inf lunced by the ecologi-
cal environment , and that leads to these trees all g row ing under the arborous low er layer.Most of
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them have 4 ~ 5 meters in height , only fewer plants can approach to upper layer.The commonly
seen deciduous t rees are Acer flabellatum , Prunus serrulata , Sorbus keissleri , S.rufopilosa ,
Enkianthus chinensis , Virbunum di latatum , V .cordifolium , Li tsea pungens , etc.The
broad-leaved everg reen trees are Rhododendron hypoglancum , Rho.st rophy thum , Eurya bre-
visty la , Symplocos ernestii , etc.
Shrub layer(F)has a good development under fi r fo rest but has a simpler species.Sinarundi-
naria chungii takes the dominant position.In some sections it can sociales , usually about 2 meters
in height.Mahonia bealei , Myrsine af ricana and so on are common sight in fo rest , Besides , Spi-
raea kw eichowensis , Rosa moyesii , Ilex pernyi can occasionally be seen in here.Ilerbaceous layer
is hardly developed under f ir forst , and the coverage is generally less than 10%.With the difer-
ences in microhabitat , on dry and barren ridge , herbaceous layer g row s a lot on g rass as
Eleocharis yokoscensis , Cyperus sp.and Hypericum erectum.Anaphalis margaritacea , Smilacina
henryi , Viola pricipis and so on.Ground layer is on some sections of gullies and low-lying lands.
Due to it s dark and moist ecological environment , a large number of moss plant grow n in here ,
and i ts coverage reaches to 60%~ 70%.Sometimes it can be seen on trunks.Actino thuidium
hookeri w hich often appears under subalpine fir fo rest , Trichocolea tomentella w hich grow s in
dark and humid forest land , and Lepidozia reptans , etc become a common sight here.In some low
-lying parts , there g row s synusia Sphagnum actuinfolium.Moss layer often takes the shape of a
thick carpet covering.In some sect ions moss layer can reach 15 ~ 25 cm.In moss layer , Paris
polyphylla , Rhodiola henryi , etc.which have the charactericstics of g rowing in dark and humid
places can be occasionally seen.
2.4 Regeneration and Succession
Fanjingshan fir fo rest grows on north upper part of the mountian.Because the climate is cold
in winter and cool in summer and there is plenty of rain , much fog , heavy humid , the earth is
acid yellow-brow n solil.In the forest , there is plenty of leaf lit ter , part of them g row s to rich
black-brow n mantle and humus layer after its decomposition , and makes the environment sui table
for the regeneration and g row th of Abies.So the natural regeneration in the fo rest is good , espe-
cially at the place wi th less shrub , the sapling and seedling are quite rich.In the 400 square me-
ters of majo r quadrat , there are 13 seedling s , which are 24 cm tall in average.The highest is 65
cm , the average base diameter is 0.3 cm , the biggest is 1.5 cm , to 109 Fanjingshan Abies w hich
are in the 12 500 m2 f ir fo rest , making stat istic analysis of diameter class , the proportion of the
saplings w hose diameters are under 5 cm is the biggest , which is almost 42.2% of all.The
saplings and bigger plants w hose diameters are under 20 cm is about 80.6%of all.That is to say
the natural regeneration of the fo rest is good.The average grow n-up trees w hose diameters are
above 21 cm is about 19.4%of all , which play s an important part in the forest.That means Fan-
jingshan Abies has a good ability of regeneration in the suitable environment.From the dynamic
succession , all of them are in the state of relative stability.They would keep thei r community and
structure and become the climax community there wi thout ext rnal facto rs (fire or cutt ing).On
54 期 黄威廉:梵净山冷杉林的发现及其科学意义
the other hand , if the forest area w ould be af fected by fire o r cut ting and thus the upper t rees
w onld be destroyed , the dark and humid environment would disappear and the deciduous broad-
leaved species w ould invade and mix with Abies and Tsuga chinensis and therefore replace them .
So , it is quite ncessary to protect Fanjingshan fir fo rest and fiund absolute mini-protective area in
o rder to prevent the forest from every kind of dest roying factors.
3 Originates and Vicissitudes of Fanjingshan Fir Forest
The generally called subalpine evergreen forest or dark coniferous fo rest is the spruce forest
and fir fo rest in the south-west of China.It is the important part of higher mountain area vegeta-
tion in south-west of China.It is now mainly dist ributed in Sichuan , Yunnan and Tibet , but
Guizhou province never has this kind of discovery , and it becomes one of the problems that the
flora wo rkers pay at tention to.The discovery has f illed up the gap of Guizhou in south-west of
China.Guihzou fi r fo rest is different from the fir forest in temperate zone and frigid temperate
zone in China , and qui te different from Taiga forest in the north part of Eurasia.It has its own
special features.The origin and development of this species is relatively independent w ith the
north dark coniferous fo rest , but they still have relations in f loral history.It is not the ex tension
of quaternary period Eurasia synecological to the south low lati tudes.It can be regarded as a belt
of transit ion f rom part of south-west o riginate to east part.Its chief charcteristics are:
1)As to edif icator species of arborous layer of Fanjingshan Abies , i t is an endemic species in
the area and similar to the Abies fargesii in Sichuan province.In 1977 , the discovery of picea
panhsienensis sp.nov.in quaternary period pleistocene , fossil neoendemic species further test if ies
the originate of spruce-abies forrest in here.2)Mixed trees in arbo reous layer has Tsuga forrestii ,
Tsuga chinensis , the former belong s to west part of Yunnan provinces f loral element , the latter
belongs to middle Chinas f lo ral element.They mixed each other , and has the transi tive charac-
tericst ics of west and east part.3)Arborous t rees and shrub layer grow under the forest have the
transitional characteircstics f rom north to south.Some of the broad-leaved trees belong to bo real
element , such as Acer , Sorbus , Viburnnm , Rosa , Rubus and so on.There are some everg reen
south floral elements , such as Rhododendron , symplocos , Eurya , Myrsine , Mahonia etc.espe-
cially those shrub subo rdinate layer areas in w hich Rhododendron and Sinarundinaria chungii take
the dominant position have their ow n characteristics and ancientness.This is one of the important
features.Though Rhododenderons is an important element in north Taiga , Rhododendrons
species under south-west mountain region forest belongs to the species of the torrid zone origi-
nates.It is different f rom the north one.Sinarundinaria chungii seems a secondary one but on u-
nif ied distribut ion in south-west region.I t belong s to temperate flo ra remains in the upper part of
ancient mountain reg ion.Act inothuidium hookeri , Trichocolea tomentalla , Plagiochila asple-
nioides ground layer moss under fo rest has an earier o riginate than gymnosperm , and it defini tly
belongs to this f lo ra remains.This ancient and peculiar subordinate layer area and floral element
can illustrate that Guizhou fir forest belong s to the type of south-west mountain regions local o-
In histotical geological period , in the whole quaternary period the w orld climate had several
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changes , g lacial age and interglacial age.Guizhou(25°~ 29°N or so)which is located in the lower
latitude is also suited to the change and descent of the quaternary period w orld air temperature.
Forest vegetation was changing continuously at this period.Fanjing shan fir forest has i ts process
of histo rical changes.At pliocene period , Guizhou vegetation forest belongs to evergreen sugrudok
in subtropical hilly area , and that is similar to the belt vegetation type today.At the end of
pliocene , as a result of the w orld cold climate and the continuous raising of neotectonics , conti-
nental climate intensified and forest vegeration evolved to mixed everg reen and deciduous broad-
leaved fo rest of subtropical moutain region.In vegetation composition , arborous species aere
Lithocapus , Quercus , Symplocos , Fagus , Liquidamber , Acer , Prunus serrulata etc.This reflest-
ed the forest vegetation in interglacial age.With the entering of the third placier period , the cli-
mate turned to cold , which w as unfavourable for the grow th of subtropical mountain coniferous
and broad-leaved mixed forest or everg reen deciduous mixed forest.In Guizhou , forest vegetation
changed with the change of cold climate and spruce and fi r coniferous forest gradually replaced the
w arm broad-leaved forest type in interplacial age.Dark coniferous forest which grew in subalpine
area moved downw ard.The low er limit reduced , and that caused Guizhou province to have a dis-
tribution of Spruce and Abies forest on the mountain regions at about 2 000 m.To deduce Spruce
and fi r forest dist ribution in Guizhou north mountain region in the past , namely to deduce the fir
forest type maintain in Fanjingshan now adays , it can be proved by the plant pollen fossils of
Spruce , Fir , Beech , pine , oak etc found by 108 geological team in Pan County.Spruce and fir
forests like humid and cold climate and distribute in south-west mountain regions most ly above 3
000 ~ 4 000 m , but at that time it took the dominant position in the region of 2 000 m or so
(pollen spore found in ground layer in Pan county accounts fo r 87%), 1 000 ~ 2 000 m lower
than the dist ribution height today.It show s that the temperature at that time is 5 ~ 10℃ lower
than today , and that caused the dist ribution of Abies.After g lacial age came the w arm interglacial
age.Subalpine coniferous shrank back to higher latitudes and higher elevat ions.Dark coniferous
forest reduce in a large range , spruce forest in low elevations disappeared.Subtropical coniferous
and broad-leaved mixed forest mainly pine and Quercus , everg reen deciduous broadleaved mixed
forest , low er mountain cinnamomum-castanopsis everg reen forest appeared in succession.As the
w orld climate turned w arm and i t w ent to the post-g lacial age , the modern forest vegetation type
has been preserved up to now .
It is no t accidentally that Guizhou province had the spruce and fir forest in historical geologi-
cal period.It is identical wi th the spore of spruce and Abies found at 450m elevation in pleistocene
south-east of China as Tianmushan in Zhejiang province.Even Illinoise in north America and
Ganto Nagono in Japan had the dominant distribution of Spruce and fir forest.Clearly , i t is con-
sistent all over the wo rld.As Fanjingshan is located in north-east part of Guizhou province , and
the mountain has relatively higher alt itude.The fir forest found a special refuge in the changes of
geologic histo ry and the subalpine coniferous forest survived fo rtunatly.The precious survival is
the f irst discovering of relic dark coniferous forest-Fanjingshan f ir fo rest in Guizhou province re-
mained from Quaternary period.
74 期 黄威廉:梵净山冷杉林的发现及其科学意义
4 Significance of Discovering Fanjingshan Fir Forest
At present , there are more than 50 species of Abies in the w orld.They are mainly distribut-
ed in the no rth of Eurasia and north America of temperate and frigid zone.In China , they are
chief ly dist ribute in a large areas of north-east , north-west and the no rth of Chian.In subtropical
zone , the provinces and regions mentioned above also have that dist ribution but in the hill-land of
1 800 ~ 4 000 m above sea level.To deduce it from the theory of distribut ion , Guizhou province
should have the dist ribution of Abies , but unfortunately , fo r years w e failed in discovering any .
In this comprehensive science survey , Fanjingshan fi r forest has been discovered at last.
The real significance of discovering Fanjingshan fir forest is as follow s:
1)From the point of plant taxonomy , Flora , originally , China has 19 species and 3 vari-
eties.With the new discovering of 2 species in Guangxi and Hunan in recent years , there are alto-
gether 21 species and 3 verieties.Now , Abies are not only discovered in Guizhou province w hich
ares never seen befo re but it has also been found that it is a new spcies after identifying.This en-
riches the w orld Abies f lora.
2)From the view point of g recbotany vegetation and phtocoenlogy , Guizhou province never
has subalpine evergreen coniferous.The fi r fo rest found in the upper part of Fanjingshan , accord-
ing to tentative survey , has 40 ha in Nanchading and few er in Baiynsi and Juchishan.It enchries
the vegetation and phy tocoenology typies of subalpine dark coniferous fo rest in Guizhou province.
In the point of vertical regions , it increases the vertical zone series of subalpine everg reen conifer-
ous zone.
3)In forest ry practice and plant resources , the discovery of Fanjing shan fir forest affo rds a
new fine t ree for af forestat ion in Guizhou province.Part icularly , the Abies has good quality of
timber , f ine st ructure , st raight trunk , easy process , a fine applied material for construction and
indust ry , and a high-level raw material fo r paper making .Guizhou province is a mountainous re-
gion , the climate in the upper parts is cold and humid , which is very suitable for the grow th of A-
bies.The discovery of Abies affords a new species resource for forest ry practice.
4)From natural pro tection and environmental ecology , Fanjingshan fi r forest only distribut
in Fanjingshan of Guizhou province and belongs to the rare and relic species.The dist ribution
height is about 2 200 m above sea level , the lowest fir forest in the dist ribution of south-west sub-
alpine coniferous above sea level.In the view of China subtropical area , though Zhejiang , Hunan
and Guangxi provinces have lower distribution above sea level than Guizhou province , they have
smaller areas.Most of them g row apart , hundreds or more is at the most , few plant is at the
least.But Fanjingshan has much larger areas and a flat distribut ion.Subalpine coniferous in the
subtropical area of China is the biggest preserved area and most precious coniferous in the w orld.
The environment of Guizhou Fanjingshan fi r fo rest has more trasitional characteristics of Pacif ic
monsoon and India monsoon and more special and precious aspects.So i ts ecology environment
and fir forest itself are the impo rtant objects of natural conservation and the research of environ-
ment geography science and are also remained precious gene pool.They w ill of fer important base
for future scientif ic research and teaching.
8 贵 州 科 学 18 卷
5)From geology and palaeontology , the discovered Abies are the same as the Abies and
spruce pollens found in Post pleistocene deposition layer in the west of Guizhou province.Even
the leaves and cones are the same.That is to say , tw o or three million years ago , spruce and fir
forest low er limit in the mountains g reatly reduced , because Guizhou province w as affected by the
dropping of the temperatures of the w hole Earth but enormously distributed in the areas of the
mountain.In the post-glacial age , spruce-fi r forest ret reated once more.So Abies in the south of
China are hardly becoming extinct.Only few survived up to now in the parts of the mountains ,
the existance of the fir forest show s that it w as on the w hole affected by the dropping of tempera-
tures of the earth in the quaternary period placial age , and offers precious material for the research
of the happening and evolution of the paleo-botany in the layey history.
6)From palaeoclimate and glaciology , the change of paleoclimate in the quaternary period se-
riously af fected the appearance and development of the human beings and the evolut ion of the liv-
ing thing s at the same time , the appearance and melting of glaciers and the distribution of the
moutain g laciers as w ell.Becuause epibiotic plants have long and close relationship w ith the out-
side wo rld during the individual and g roup development , they obviously show the changes be-
tween palaeobo tany and the rise and drop of ground , just like Harris said , “plant is the thermon-
eter of st ratum history .” Plant pollen fossils are important evidences of the paleoclimete change ,
and the epibio tic plants themselves are even more important ones in the research.
Acknowledgement:The persons who have at tended the f ield investigation and completed the
reaesrch report are listed below , professors Tu Yulin , Yang Long , Fang Shizhao and Li Jiulin.
〔1〕 Zhen Wanjun.Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae Vol.VII Gymnospermae Science Publishing 1978.
〔2〕 Fu Liko.F irst Discovery of Firs in Guznxi and Hunan Acta Phytotxonomice Sinice 1980 18(2).
〔3〕 The Edito rial Committee of Chinese Vegetation.Vegatation o f China Science Publishing 1980.
〔4〕 Fo rst Farm of Wanli in Jinyuan County of Zhejina P rovince.Discovery of a New F ir Species-Baishan Fir Acta
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od G lacial Geoogy of China Geology Publishing 1977.
〔6〕 Zhu Zhanchen , Jin Wanchen , Xu Maoji.The Study of the Vegetation Geography and their Histotical Evolution
of Shichuan P rovince 1979.Journal of South-w est Normal University Science Edition No , 1.
〔7〕 Huang Weilian , et al.A New Species of Abies M ill-Abies fanjingshanensis acta phy totaxonomica Sinca 1984.
〔8〕 Harris T M.modern Bo tanical thought palleobotany.T ransection of Botanical Society of Edingburg 1961 39
〔9〕 Zigw ijin W H.Aspect of the pliocene and eaerth pleistocene Vegetation in the Netherlands.Goeltichting Mae.
94 期 黄威廉:梵净山冷杉林的发现及其科学意义