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不同栽培基质对兜兰(Paphiopedilum callosum)生长及叶片净光合速率的影响(英文)

全 文 :文章编号:1001-4829(2006)01-0044-06
作者简介:刘晓燕(1964-), 女 ,高级农艺师 ,从事园艺作物栽
培 、生理及生物技术方面的研究。
Effects of growing media on growth and leaf net
photosynthetic rate of Paphiopedilum callosum
LIU Xiao-yan
(Hort iculture Insti tute , Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences ,Guizhou Guiyang 550006 , China)
Abstract:A study was carried to evaluate the effects of grow th and net leaf photosyn thetic rate of terrestrial orchid Paph iopedi lum
callous , under the media of green moss , sphagnum moss , Spanish moss , coconut husk chip , clay brick , peat , charcoal chunk , hydrotron
and stone.Every medium was supplemented 5 g controlled release fert ilizer (Osmocote) respect ively.After four months , net leaf
photosynthetic rate and leaf greenness(SPAD)w as not dif ferent among various medium treatments.However , plants had a greater total
leaf area , plant fresh weigh t , plan t w idth in the peat medium and three kinds of moss media.T he dif ferent media had small but signifi cant
effect on visual qualit y rat ing.C harcoal medium caused a low er grow th rate than others.There was 25 % more leaf area in the peat
medium than that in charcoal medium.Otherwise the plants grow n in green moss, sphagnum moss , Spanish moss , clay brick and coconut
husk chip had slight larger leaf areas , new shoot numbers and higher visual qualit y rat ings.The grow th and visual quality rating of plants
reduced signifi cant ly in the charcoal chunk medium , as well as most death plants and yellow leaves.T he plants grow n in the peat medium
had the best grow th.The plants grow n in the th ree kind of m oss w ere better grow th than that of other media , and the grow th of plants
in charcoal medium was the w orst.Therefore T he moss and coconut husk m ay be a viable com plete or part ial subst itu te for peat w ithout
a deleterious im pact on plan t appearance , marketable quality , or consumer acceptability.
Key words:Paphioped ilum callosum ;grow ing media;grow th;net photosynthetic rate
不同栽培基质对兜兰(Paphiopedilum callosum)
(贵州省农业资源区划研究中心 ,贵州 贵阳 550003)
摘 要:用绿色苔藓 、泥炭藓 、西班牙苔藓 、椰子壳碎块、碎砖块 、腐殖土 、木炭碎块 、hydrotuon(一种经高温烧制后类似于蛭石的材
料)和碎石子等 9种材料为栽培试验基质 ,观察它们对兜兰 Paphiopedi lum ca llosum 生长和叶片净光合速率的影响。结果表明, 试
验基质对兜兰叶片净光合速率 、叶绿度(SPAD)没有显著影响。在腐殖土 、三种苔藓基质中 ,植株有较大的总叶面积 、植株鲜重和
冠幅。不同基质对植株的外观质量有显著的影响。木炭基质中的植株生长率比其它基质的低 ,在腐殖土中的叶面积比在木炭中
的高 25 %。三种苔藓 、碎砖块、椰子壳碎块基质中 ,植株有较大的叶面积 、新芽数和较高的外观质量。木炭使植株的外观质量显
著降低且导致叶片发黄甚至死亡。兜兰在腐殖土中生长最好 ,其次为三种苔藓和椰子壳碎块 ,木炭最差。
关键词:Paphioped ilum callosum ;栽培基质;生长;叶片净光合速率
中图分类号:S682.31   文献标识码:A
  Paphiopedi lums were the fi rst tropical orchids
to be widely cultivated and still the most popular
among the slipper orchids. As the number of
terrestrial orchid decline all over the world ,
considerable concern has been expressed about thei r
survival.Efforts are being made to halt this decline
by managing areas w here they still exist in a mo re
sympathetic manner.To do this effectively , it is
necessary to study all aspects of their populat ion
ecology. This includes monitoring the response of
terrest rial o rchids to change in different pot ting
media.The nursery industry uses peat ex tensively as
a primary component in co mmercial pott ing media.
Due to it s environmental and economical implications ,
西 南 农 业 学 报
Sou thw est China Journal of Agricultural S ciences
              2006年 19卷 1期
Vol.19  No.1
DOI :10.16213/j.cnki.scjas.2006.01.011
the peat usage have resulted in the development of the
new subst rate substitutes w orld-w ide , most of w hich
use w aste byproducts[ 1] . Processing of w aste
byproducts in the United States has inspired national
interest in addressing the ef fectiveness of using
composted biosolids and yard t ri mmings to grow
containerized plants. Although moss is the most
w idely used component of soilless medium in the pot-
plant indust ry , alternative pott ing media are being
investigated.Coconut coir dust , a by-product of the
mesocarp of the coconut (Cocos nuci fera L.)fruit , is
being marketed as a subst itute for moss , with similar
phy sical characteristics
[ 2].
This ste mless , pseudobulbless and sympodial
terrestrial orchid has been found to have its natural
o rigins in Thailand.At present it has become rare o r
is disappearing rapidly in natural condit ions[ 3].
Orchid grow th especially about pho tosynthetic
pathw ay has at t racted considerable interest in recent
years. However , most informat ion is limited in
tropical epiphy tic o rchids.S tudies on t ropical thick-
leaved(Aranda and Dendrobium)[ 4] and thin-leaved
(Oncidium)[ 5] epiphy tic orchids w hich are CAM and
C3 respectively
[ 6] revealed two salient features in the
photosynthesis metabolism. Ecologically , the
epiphy tic and terrestrial orchids are tw o different
entities.However , lit tle info rmation is available on
the photosynthetic and grow th of terrest rial orchid
Paphiopedilums callosum.The objective of this study
w as to compare po tting media response dif ferently to
P.callosum , evaluate the plant g row th development
and leaf net photosynthetic rate as inf luenced by nine
1 Materials and Methods
1.1 Plant materials
This research was conducted at Kasetsart
University , Bangkok , Thailand (13°N and 107°E).
Plants materials of Paphiopedilum callosum , were
obtained from a local co mmercial nursery. Two
species of Paphiopedi lum , P. calloaum barbaba
subgenus[ 7] w ith marbled foliage , and P.excul with
thick and broadly linear leaves were CAM plants.But
during the period of the experiment , parts of the
plant materials have been lost so as to P.excul could
not been conducted continually and P.cal losum had
to be reduced the t reatment replications.
1.2 Potting media treatment
The treatment w as designed as a completely
randomized design w ith nine growing media and 8
plants per grow ing medium replications.Growing
media were green moss , sphagnum moss , Spanish
moss , coconut husk chip , clay brick , peat , charcoal
chunk , hydrot ron (a kind of material after high
temperature) and crushed stone.All media w ere
purchased from co mmercial sources. Plants w ere
pot ted into 12 cm ×9 cm ×11 cm black plastic pots
on 28 February 2003 and the grow ing period ended
on 28 June 2003.
1.3 Growth conditions
The plants grew under a black shade clo th ,
which intercept 78 % of light under the following
conditions of about 12 hours natural pho toperiod , 40
℃maximum temperature;25 ℃ minimum , and 63
%-93 % relative humidity.Plants w ere w atered
daily and received 5 g slow-released organic fertilizer
(Osmocote)per pot.Light irradiance at experiment
environment was given in Fig.1.
1.4 Plant growth and development
The leaf area (LA), the number of old leaves
(OL), young leaves (YL)and new shoot numbers
were collected w hen experiment was completed.
Canopy width w as measured monthly.Plant fresh
weight w as recorded tw o times at the beginning and
the end of the experiment.Visual quality ratings
consist of visual assessments by three individuals on a
scale of l to 5 w ith the following parameters:1=very
poor quality , severe leaf necrosis , leaf yellow ing ,
poor g row th , not marketable.2=poor quali ty , areas
of leaf necrosis , leaf yellow , reduced g row th , not
marketable. 3 = fair quali ty , marginal plant
development , marginally marketable. 4 = good
quality , no yellow ing , good plant form , marketable.
And 5 = excellent quality , no leaf necrosis , no
yellowing , excellent plant fo rm , highly marketable[ 1].
The total leaf area w as estimated by su mming q
(w idth × length)fo r all leaves of the plant.Within
a species the leaves are geometrically similar and
therefore q is a constant.Although this may not be
the t rue value of q , it did no t affect the subsequent
analyses , in w hich the relative total leaf areas of
plants are compared.
451期 刘晓燕:不同栽培基质对兜兰(Paph iopedi lum ca llosum)生长及叶片净光合速率的影响
Fig.1 A , B , C &D Light intensity/ PPFD(photosynthet ic photon flux density)of P .ca llosum grow n from March to June.Data w ere calculated
as average of f ive readings.Inside means in the part cont rolled nursery covered black light-intercept net.Outside is out of the nursery
1.5 Leaf greenness
The second new fully expanded leaf samples
from 8 plants of each treatment w ere obtained at 12th
M ay , triplicate reading s from a SPAD-502 were
taken around the midpoint near the midrib of each
leaf sample and averaged[ 8] .The Minolta SPAD-502
meter (Spect rum Technologies , Plainfield , III ,)
which is a hand-held light meter , was used to
measure the relat ive greenness of leaves in rapid
manner. The utility of SPAD meter has been
ex tended to many crops and is now w idely accepted in
the agriculture indust ry due to excellent correlation of
SPAD-502 reading w ith chlorophyll content of
plant[ 9].Leaf chlorophyll content is of ten correlated
w ell w ith leaf N status and photosynthesis activity[ 10].
1.6 Leaf Net photosynthetic rate(Pn)
Leaf Net photosynthet ic rates (Pn) were
measured on a portable photosynthesis sy stem (LI-
6400;LI-COR , Lincoln , Nebr.)28 th June night time
from 22∶00 to 5∶00 (the end of the experiment)
under the ambit condition.The second or third fully
expanded leaf of each individual plant w as used fo r
1.7 Environment conditions
Environment condi tions including air temperat-
ure , air relative humidity (RH)and media temperat-
ure were carried out daily and light intensity was
measured in a full cloudless day per month w ith a
Quantum Sensor Model LI-1400(LI-COR , U.S.A).
1.8 Statistical analysis
Each experimental t reatment consisted of 8
replications , each plant as a unit of replication.Data
were analyzed on the tw o-way analysis of variance
using SPSS/ pc softw are package (SPSS 11.0
Standard version 1995 , SPSS.Inc.Chicago , lll.).
Duncans M ultiple Range Test at P ≤0.05 w as used
fo r comparisons of means.Means with dif ferent small
let ters were different significantly at P≤0.05.
2 Results and Discussion
2.1 Plant leaf area and plant canopy width
The plant total leaf area of P.callosum grow n
on nine different media is show n in Table 1 and
Fig.2.The o rder of the leaf area is in peat > g reen
moss > Spanish moss > sphagnum moss >
hydrot ron > coconut husk chip >clay brick > stone
> charcoal chunk.
46 西 南 农 业 学 报                      19卷
Fig.2 P .cal losum plant total leaf area in nine media treatments
of four months.Vert ical bars represent standard deviation of the repeated
measuremen ts
Fig.3 P.ca llosum plant fresh w eight in nine media treatments
after four month in experiment.Data w ere calculated as 8 replications
The plant canopy w idth at end of the experiment
w as not significantly dif ferent when forced in green
moss , sphagnum moss , or Spanish moss media.
Compared to peat medium , plants canopy w idth
g row ing in clay brick and stone medium was reduced
signif icantly (Fig.4).Plant canopy in the peat medi-
um treatment ( maximum ) and charcoal chunk
Fig.4 P.cal losum plant canopy width in nine media t reatments
of four month of Data w ere calculated as 8 replications.Vertical bars
represent standard deviat ion of the repeated measurements
medium treatment (minimum)were 29.1 cm and
12.3 cm respectively (Table 1).
Both of leaf area and canopy w idth reduct ion
under charcoal chunk medium were statistically
significant compared w ith peat medium.
2.2 Plant fresh weight
Fresh w eights of plants g row n in g reen moss ,
sphagnum moss , and Spanish moss media w ere 17.0 ,
16.7 , 16.5 , and 15.6 g , respectively , which w ere
no t significantly dif ferent.In coconut husk chip and
stone media were consistent show ed prog ressive
decreases f rom clay brick to coconut husk chip to
hydrot ron and w ere alw ays significant for P≤0.05.
Decrease in f resh weight in charcoal chunk w as 56
%, 38 % and 38 % in coconut husk chip and
hydrot ron as compared to that in peat (Table 1 &
2.3 Leaf greenness(SPAD)
The leaf g reenness was similar w ith plants grow n
Table 1 Ef fects of di fferent grow ing media on the total plant leaf area and other g row th characteri stics of P .cal losum
Grow ing media
T otal plant
leaf area(cm2)
Plant canopy
Plant FW Y
(g/ plant)
Leaf number
Old New
New shoot
Death plant
Green moss 247.9(36.6)xa 26.7(1.2)b 16.5(3.1)b 4.9 1.3 0.75 1
Sphagnum moss 198.9(29.6)bc 25.6(1.2)b 17.0(1.4)b 4.9 1.3 1.00 0
Spanish moss 218.8(31.0)b 24.8(2.0)bc 15.6(2.5)bc 4.3 1.0 1.13 1
Coconut husk 157.8(23.7) 23.8(1.2)de 14.5(0.5)bc 3.8 0.6 0.63 0
Clay brick 184.8(14.0)c 22.7(2.4)e 15.0(2.5)bc 4.8 1.3 0.25 0
Peat 248.6(35.6)a 29.1(1.6)a 20.5(1.9)a 5.4 1.4 1.63 1
Charcoal chunk 49.4(7.8)e 12.3(1.9)f 9.0(2.0)d 4.0 1.3 0.38 3
Hydrotrom 190.8(26.2)bc 27.0(1.7)b 14.5(2.1)bc 4.5 1.6 0 1
S tone 152.3(21.2)d 23.3(1.1)de 16.7(2.9)b 5.4 1.5 0.5 0
ANOVA *** *** ***      
  Data represent the means of eight-replicationz;z Means within a column follow ed by the same let ter are not signi ficantly diff erent for P <0.05
according;Y FW=plant f resh w eight;x Numbers in paren theses are s;***, Significant at P ≤0.01。
471期 刘晓燕:不同栽培基质对兜兰(Paph iopedi lum ca llosum)生长及叶片净光合速率的影响
in coconut husk chip and stone , three moss and peat
media.However , plants in clay brick and hydrotron
had reduced leaf g reenness compared to peat and stone
medium (Table 2 & Fig.5).When plants were
g row n in charcoal chunk medium , SPAD readings
w ere lower as compared to plants g row n in peat
medium , thereby decreasing their visual quality.The
g reenness SPAD of the experiment materials in nine
media were not significantly dif ference.
2.4 Visual qual ity ratings
The overall visual quality ratings were the
highest for plants in the peat medium.Plants in the
Spanish moss , green moss and stone medium had
high visual quality ratings than those g row n in the
charcoal chunk , hydrot ron and coconut husk chip
medium (Table 2).Regardless , each medium had
plants of acceptable appearance and marketable
quality , except for plants in charcoal chunk medium.
2.5 New shoots and number of new leaf
The marketable new shoots and number of new
leaf per plant w ere improved in peat medium
compared to the plants in other medium , but new leaf
number in the hydrot ron w as higher than in that peat
and others(Table 1).
2.6 Net photosynthetic rate
The net leaf photosynthetic rate of plants ranged
from 1.53 μmolm-2s-1 to 4.35 μmolm-2 s-1 in charcoal
chunk medium and in hydrot ron medium (Table 2).
The only significant effect on the photosynthetic rate
w as in hydro tron treatment.
Fig.5  P. cal losum leaf greenness (SPAD) in nine media
treatments af ter four months in experiment.Data w ere calculated as 8
Table 2  Ef fect of dif ferent grow ing media on the leaf net
photosyn thetic rate , leaf greenness(SPAD)and visual qualit y rating of
P .ca llosum
Grow ing media SPADYPnx(μmolm-2s-1) Visual qualit y
Green m oss 31.66a 1.70 4.0(1.0)wabc
Sphagnum moss 33.29a 2.30 3.8(1.2)bcd
Spanish moss 29.73a 2.57 4.6(0.6)ab
Coconut husk chip 34.35a 2.81 3.6(1.1)cd
Clay b rick 26.90a 2.70 3.9(0.4)abc
Peat 31.90a 1.67 4.8(0.5)a
Charcoal chunk 25.97a 1.53 1.7(0.8)e
Hydrot ron 28.33a 4.35 4.0(1.3)bcd
Stone 34.37a 2.23 3.0(0.9)a
ANOVA ns ns ***
  Data represent the means of eigh t replicat ions;z means w ithin a
column follow ed by the same let ter are not significantly dif ferent
for P≤0.05 according to Duncans mult iple rang test comparison;
Y SPAD = leaf greenness(SPAD unit);X Pn = leaf net
photosynthet ic rate;W Number in parentheses are s.d.;ns , **
*:not significant or significant at P ≤0.001 , respectively.
The analy sis show ed that the plants had greater
net rates of pho tosynthesis under the coconut husk
chip , clay brick and sphagnum moss t reatment ,
plants had the highest rate in the hgdrotron medium.
The plants had the low est pho tosynthetic rate in the
charcoal chunk medium.
The results showed that the growing media did
no t af fect significantly the photosynthetic rate of
P.callosum leaves(Table 2).It w as no t significant
in the level of leaf greenness (SPAD) that could
explain in part this effect. However , a lower
photosynthetic rate still occurred in charcoal chunk
medium treatment. The leaves of P.cal losum
exhibited CAM , in w hich stomata remain closed at
daytime and opened at night time.
Fig.6 P. cal losum plant net leaf photosynthetic rate (Pn)in
nine media t reatments af ter 4 months grow th.Data w ere calculated as 8
48 西 南 农 业 学 报                      19卷
Generally , g row th of P.callosum plants in peat
medium was the best.The g row ths of plants in the
three kinds of moss were bet ter than that of in the
o ther media , and the g row th of plants in charcoal
medium was the worst.The moss and coconut husk
might be a viable complete o r partial substitute to the
peat w hich w ithout a deleterious impact on plant
appearance , marketable quality , or consumer
acceptability. Beneficial plant g row th and
development w ere reported for the marigold(Tagetes
erecta L .)zinnia(Zinnia elegans Jacq.)and petunia
(Petunia hybrida Hort.)[ 11] impatiens (Impatiens
wal lerana Hook.)[ 12] , and pansy (Viola tricolor
L.)and snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.)[ 13] in
the media wi th biosolid a kind derived compost.
Peat is used in containerized nursery media to
maintain suff icient plant g row th , development and
ultimate plant quality.
Green moss is g athered from the rain forests of
the Pacific Northw est , and it can be used in many
aspects , including as an addi tive to other pot ting
media and as a top dressing for pot ted orchid.New
Zealand Premium sphagnum moss is a good medium
for terrest rial orchids.Alive or dried , sphagnum moss
is used not only as a addi tive to other pot ting media ,
but also use alone for small o r young orchids to help
nurse plants back to health.Spanish moss makes
at t ractive , water- conserving much fo r pot ted orch-
ids. Unlike o ther moss , Spanish moss does not
dryout and turn brow n.Since i t stays loose and lets
air through , Spanish moss can be packed right up to
plant stems wi thout encouraging rot o r disease.
Coconut husk chips are an excellent alternative to
fir bark because they retain w ater longer than most
bark.They have a life expectancy of 3-5 years w hile
bark last only 1-2 years.They are 100 %natural
and can provide bet ter drainage and aeration essentials
for Paphiopdilum orchids.
Charcoal chunks are seldom used alone as an
o rchid medium.I t w ould bet ter combine w ith other
ingredients.Too much charcoal would harm o rchids.
M ight it cause the pH value too high ? But i t cans
ex tra help to maintain a healthy medium , absorb
excess fertilizers and to improve aeration w hen a
medium be added the certain charcoal chunks.
It w as focused on the plants g row th in the
g rowing media in this experiment.But the author
believes that bo th physical and chemical properties are
also important for proper plant grow th and f low ering.
The further studies are needed in this field.
Acknowledgement:These experiments were carried
out at the Department of Ho rticulture , Faculty of
Ag riculture , Kasetsart University , Thailand , which
w as suppo rted by Ting thanathikul foundat ion
fellow ship.The autho r is grateful to the foundat ion
and the university.
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(责任编辑 高红卫)
491期 刘晓燕:不同栽培基质对兜兰(Paph iopedi lum ca llosum)生长及叶片净光合速率的影响