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全 文 :Received:December 24,2012 Accepted date:June 13,2013
Foundation item:National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC
31100177) ,West Doctor Fund of the Chinese Academy of Science
* Corresponding author Tel:86-871-5223814;E-mail:chen_gao@ mail.
kib. ac. cn
天然产物研究与开发 Nat Prod Res Dev 2014,26:221-224
唐 玲1,陈 高2
1中国医学科学院药用植物研究所云南分所,景洪 666100;2 中国科学院昆明植物研究所昆明植物园,昆明 650201
摘 要:采用采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对蒜香藤不同部位叶、茎与果的挥发性成份进行分析。结果发现,叶、
茎、果中可定性定量的化合物分别占挥发性成份总量的 97. 6%、95. 4%与 97. 4%。在不同部位中,主要的化合
物是含硫化合物,分别占挥发性总量的 78. 4%、54. 0% 与 81. 0%。叶、茎、根中主要的挥发性成份有二烯丙基
二硫化物(48. 9%、25. 4%、34. 2%)和二烯丙基三硫化物(18. 4%、14. 0%、29. 8%)。蒜香藤的挥发性化学成份
中图分类号:O629 文献标识码:A
Essential Oil Composition of A Novel Garlic Vine Pseudocalymma alliaceum
TANG Ling1,CHEN Gao2*
1Yunnan Branch,Institute of Medicinal Plant,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Peking Union Medical College,Jinghong 666100,China;
2Kunming Botanical Garden,Kunming Institute of Botany,The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Kunming 650204,China
Abstract:In this study,the leaf,stem,and fruit of Pseudocalymma alliaceum were distilled and the essential oil composi-
tion was studied by GC-MS. The identified components constituted 97. 6%,95. 4% and 97. 4% of the leaf,stem,and
fruit oils,respectively. The major components of different parts of P. alliaceum were sulfur-containing compounds,amoun-
ting to 78. 4%,54. 0% and 81. 0% of essential oil composition in leaves,stems,and fruits,respectively. The result
showed that the main constituents of the essential oil of leaves,stems,and fruits oils were diallyl disulphide(48. 9%,25.
4% and 34. 2%)and diallyl trisulfide(18. 4%,14. 0% and 29. 8%). It was concluded that the essential oil composi-
tion of P. alliaceum was similar with the garlic Allium sativum,especially to sulfur-containing compounds. The garlic vine
P. alliaceum is a potential substitute of A. sativum and its pharmaceutical effects need to be studied in the future.
Key words:Pseudocalymma alliaceum;diallyl disulphide;diallyl trisulfide;essential oil;GC-MS
Garlic (Allium sativum L.)has played an important
role in human life for centuries. In the pharmaceutical
industries,garlic is widely used for the treatment differ-
ent diseases,including cancer,obesity,diabetes,pneu-
monia,and rheumatism [1]. Over the past decades,Chi-
na has been the highest producing country of garlic in
the world. Garlic production in China was 13. 7 million
tons and the value was 7. 2 billion dollars in 2010(data
from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations,http:/ / faostat. fao. org). Previous studies have
established that the chemical composition of garlic was
complex with more than 100 compounds including high
amounts of volatile organosulfur compounds[2].
Pseudocalymma alliaceum Sandw. (Bignoniaceae) is
an evergreen vine,which is native to Guyana and Bra-
zil. The species was introduced as an ornamental flower
in China in the last century. We found that the leaves
of P. alliaceum,planted in the Yunnan Branch,Institu-
te of Medicinal Plant,Chinese Academy of Medical Sci-
ences,have a typical garlic odor. Hence,it was hypoth-
esized that the volatiles of garlic vine,P. alliaceum,
may be similar to garlic(Allium sativum). It was found
that only a fewer reports about essential oil composition
and larvicidal activity of P. alliaceum were published
compared to 392 publishes about essential oil and its
functions of garlic(A. sativum)[3,4].
In this study,the essential oil composition of leaves,
stems,and fruits of P. alliaceum were investigated. The
objective of the work was to address three questions:
(1)is essential oil composition of P. alliaceum,similar
with A. sativum,especially to sulfur-containing com-
pounds? (2)does essential oil composition and con-
tent differ in different parts of P. alliaceum? (3)can
P. alliaceum be used as a substitute of A. sativum?
Materials and Methods
Plant materials
Aerial parts of three year old P. alliaceum,at fruit stage
were collected and weighed from Yunnan Branch,Insti-
tute of Medicinal Plant,Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences,in March 2011. The plant was identified and
collected by Ling Tang. A voucher specimen was kept
at the Kunming Botanical Garden,Kunming Institute of
Botany,The Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Collection of essential oil of P. alliaceum
Essential oil of P. alliaceum was collected by using
steam distillation method. Fresh aerial parts(leaves,
stems,and fruits)of P. alliaceum(150 g for each sam-
ple and two replicates for each material,respectively)
were separately ground and blended with 450 mL dei-
onized water,then submitted for hydrodistillation for 1.
5 h using a clevenger-type apparatus. The light yellow
oils obtained were dried over anhydrous sodium sul-
Identification of essential oil composition of P. allia-
Essential oil from leaves,stems,and fruits of P. alliace-
um were analyzed using a HP 6890 gas chromatograph
(Agilent Technologies,USA) ,equipped with a HP-
5MS column,and linked to a HP 5973 mass spectrome-
ter(Agilent Technologies,USA). Helium was used as
carrier gas at a flow of 1 mL /min,and injector tempera-
ture was set to 250 ℃ . Column temperature was from
50 ℃ to 280 ℃ at a rate of 3 ℃ /min after the injec-
tion of sample. Compounds were tentatively identified
by comparing their retention times,retention indices,
and mass spectra with those obtained from the authentic
samples and /or the MS library. The percentage compo-
sition of the essential oils was computed according to
peak areas. The linear retention indices were calculated
with hydrocarbons(C8-C30) (Aldrich Chemical Compa-
ny)as references.
Results and Discussion
The essential oils of P. alliaceum exhibited in light
yellow color and typical garlic odor. The yields of the
essential oil of leaves,stems,and fruits were 0. 06%,
0. 05% and 0. 07%(w /w;based on fresh weight) ,re-
spectively. GC-MS analysis identified 42 compounds
from the essential oil of leaves,stems and fruits of P.
alliaceum. The identified compounds were divided into
five chemical classes based on their biosynthetic ori-
gin:sulfur-containing compounds,fatty acid deriva-
tives,benzenoids,terpenes,and miscellaneous cyclic
compounds(Table 1). Essential oil composition of P.
alliaceum was dominated by 13 sulfur-containing com-
pounds(Table 1). The fatty acid derivatives,benze-
noid,terpenes and miscellaneous cyclic compounds
were minor components.
A total of 27,30,and 33 compounds were identified in
essential oil of leaves,stems and fruits of P. alliaceum,
amounting to 97. 6%,95. 4% and 97. 4% of the total
compositions of essential oil,respectively. The major
components of different parts of P. alliaceum were sul-
fur-containing compounds,amounting to 78. 4%,
54. 0%,and 81. 0% of essential oil composition in
leaves,stems and fruits,respectively(Table 1). The
main constituents of leaves oil were diallyl disulphide
(48. 9%) ,diallyl trisulfide(18. 4%) ,mushroom alco-
hol 1-octen-3-ol(10. 2%)and propyl 2-methylpropyl-
sulfide(5. 4%). The results were different to the previ-
ous study by Na [3],where sulfur-containing compounds
only accounted for 18. 8% of the total essential oil.
This may be caused by the different environment and
experiment. The oil sample of stems was dominated by
diallyl disulphide (25. 4%) ,diallyl trisulfide
(14. 0%) ,hexadecanoic acid (11. 0%) ,propyl 2-
methylpropylsulfide (10. 5%) and 1-octen-3-ol
(10. 2%) ,while diallyl trisulfide(34. 2%) ,diallyl di-
sulphide(29. 8%) and propyl 2-methylpropylsulfide
222 Nat Prod Res Dev Vol. 26
(9. 3%)were established as the main components of
fruit oil. There was no obvious difference in essential oil
composition in the different parts of P. alliaceum.
The abundance and content of sulfur-containing com-
pounds,detected in P. alliaceum,such as diallyl disul-
phide and diallyl trisulfide,agreed with previous studies
on garlic Allium sativum essential oil[2,5]. From these
results it is evident that P. alliaceum is a good source
for the production of essential oil,and resembles in
composition to a great extent the oil obtained from gar-
lic bulbs. The essential oil composition of P. alliaceum
is similar with garlic Allium sativum,especially to sul-
fur-containing compounds. However,garlic essential oil
composition of cryogenic or solvent extraction methods
is different with hydrodistillation [6]. A reasonable ex-
planation was thiosulfinates were very unstable com-
pounds and gave rise to further structural rearrange-
ments under high temperature and lead to a wide varie-
ty of derived sulfur compounds[1,6].
In this study,diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide were
abundant in all parts of P. alliaceum. It has been repor-
ted the presence of allyl group-containing compounds is
very important for the anticarcinogenic effect,especially
diallyl disulfide [7]. Shenoy & Choughuley [8] indicated
that diallyl sulfur compounds in garlic essential oil
might also act as nitrite scavengers. Diallyl disulfide
and diallyl trisulfide also can be used to inhibit platelet
thromboxane or tumor cell formation,decrease athero-
sclerosis,or intestinal damage[9,10]. In conclusion,we
suggested that garlic vine P. alliaceum is a potential sub-
stitute of A. sativum,and more work of pharmaceutical
effects of P. alliaceum need to be carried out in future.
Table 1 Average relative concentrations(%)of essential oil composition of P. alliaceum
Compounds RT KI
Relative amounts(%)
Leaf Stem Fruit
Sulfur-containing compounds 78. 4 54. 0 81. 0
1,2-dithiolane 6. 68 832 0. 3 - 0. 1
methyl 2-propenyl disulfide 9. 33 910 0. 4 0. 3 0. 3
1-(1-propenylthio)propane 9. 62 917 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6
propyl 2-methylpropylsulfide 16. 41 1082 5. 4 10. 5 9. 3
diallyl disulphide 16. 61 1087 48. 9 25. 4 34. 2
trisulfide,methyl 2-propenyl 18. 53 1139 0. 2 0. 6 0. 4
2-propenyl propyl disulfide 19. 40 1163 0. 4 - -
3-vinyl-1,2-dithiacyclohex-4-ene 20. 32 1189 0. 7 - 0. 8
3-vinyl-1,2-dithiacyclohex-5-ene 21. 21 1217 1. 1 0. 7 2. 2
benzosulfonazole 21. 50 1226 - 0. 5 -
diallyl trisulfide 23. 93 1306 18. 4 14. 0 29. 8
diallyl tetrasulphide 30. 26 1543 2. 2 1. 5 2. 9
cyclic octaatomic sulfur 40. 85 2048 - - 0. 4
Fatty acid derivatives 17. 5 31. 1 13. 0
trans-5-hexenal 5. 12 777 1. 0 1. 8 1. 2
2,2-dimethyl-4-pentenal 5. 43 791 0. 1 0. 4 0. 1
1-hexanal 5. 44 792 - 0. 3 0. 3
trans-2-hexenal 7. 05 843 0. 6 2. 4 0. 5
3-hexen-1-ol 7. 21 848 2. 4 2. 7 1. 4
5-hexen-1-ol 7. 39 854 - 0. 3 -
1-hexanol 7. 62 861 0. 3 0. 5 0. 2
1-octen-3-one 11. 98 976 0. 4 - -
322Vol. 26 TANG Ling,et al:Essential Oil Composition of A Novel Garlic Vine Pseudocalymma alliaceum
1-octen-3-ol 12. 34 984 10. 2 7. 1 1. 3
3-octanone 12. 41 986 0. 4 1. 4 0. 2
3-octanol 12. 89 998 1. 7 1. 4 0. 5
cis-2,6-nonadien-1-al 19. 10 1155 - 0. 7 0. 3
trans-2-nonenal 19. 32 1161 - 0. 5 0. 6
cis-13-octadecen-1-al 37. 90 1895 - 0. 6 1. 0
hexadecanoic acid 39. 42 1972 0. 4 11. 0 5. 2
oleic acid 42. 61 2144 - - 0. 2
Benzenoid compounds 0. 7 3. 3 1. 4
benzeneacetaldehyde 14. 92 1046 0. 1 2. 0 0. 5
methyl salicylate 20. 54 1196 0. 3 1. 3 0. 9
2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol 24. 29 1319 0. 3 - -
Terpenes 0. 7 4. 8 1. 2
linalool 17. 18 1100 0. 3 1. 4 0. 1
α-cedrene 27. 02 1418 - - 0. 1
trans-α-ionone 27. 34 1431 - 0. 4 -
trans-geranylacetone 27. 94 1454 - 0. 2 -
β-ionone 28. 85 1489 - 1. 1 -
β-guaiene 32. 31 1634 - - 0. 9
neophytadiene 42. 06 2113 0. 4 1. 7 0. 1
Miscellaneous cyclic compounds 0. 3 2. 2 0. 8
2-ethylfuran 3. 39 708 - 0. 4 -
2,4-dimethyl-furan 4. 33 741 0. 3 0. 7 0. 4
dioxaspior[4. 5]decane 15. 38 1100 - 1. 1 0. 4
Total 97. 6 95. 4 97. 4
RT and KI,retention time and retention index on HP-5MS column。
“-”,not detected.
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