全 文 :Study on Germplasm Resources of Tartary
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) in Shanxi
Lijun ZHANG, Mingchuan MA, Longlong LIU, Guoshuai KANG, Jianping ZHOU, Lin CUI*
Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources and Germplasm Enhancement on Loess Plateau, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanxi Key
Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Genetic Improvement of Minor Crops, Crop Germplasm Resources Research Institute,
Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030031, China
Supported by National Oat and Buckwheat Industrial Technology System Program
(CARS-08-A-1); National Natural Science Foundation of China (31501372); Shanxi
Natural Science Foundation (2014011030-1).
*Corresponding author. E-mail: sxcuilin@163. com
Received: December 20, 2015 Accepted: March 11, 2016A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2016, 17(5): 1217-1222, 1270
Copyright訫 2016, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Resources and Environment
T artary buckwheat (Fagopyrumtataricum) is a kind of annual orperennial dicotyledon belong-
ing to Fagopyrum in Polygonaceae[1-2].
As an important medicinal and edible
crop, it has high nutritional value, and
its grains are rich in flavones and
flavonoids. The flavonoids in buck-
wheat are mainly rutin, which could
reduce blood pressure and the per-
meability of blood vessels, prevent
hemorrhage syndrome due to arte-
riosclerosis and increased brittleness
of capillaries, and has anti-edema and
antioxidant activities[3-4]. The biological
characteristics and suitable cultivation
areas of tartary buckwheat are differ-
ent from those of Fagopyrum esculen-
tum to a certain degree [5-6]. It was re-
ported that the content of flavonoids
in tartary buckwheat was higher than
in Fagopyrum esculentum [7], while the
contents of total starch, amylose and
resistant starch were significantly low-
er than in Fagopyrum esculentum.
There is no significant difference in the
contents of protein, fat and crude fiber
between tartary buckwheat and
Fagopyrum esculentum.
Buckwheat resources in Shanxi
Province are abundant and have a
long cultivation history, and Shanxi
Province started the collection of crop
variety resources in the 1950s. Crop
Germplasm Resources Research In-
stitute of Shanxi Academy of Agricul-
tural Sciences participated in the col-
lection of buckwheat germplasm re-
sources in Shanxi Province since the
1980s and compiled Catalogue of
Crop Germplasm Resources in Shanxi
Province, but the breeding of buck-
Abstract This study analyzed the tartary buckwheat recorded in the books Cata-
logue of Crop Germplasm Resources in Shanxi Province and Catalogue of Chinese
Buckwheat Germplasm Resources by Excel 2003 and DPS 7.5 from the aspects of
distribution areas, main agronomic traits and nutritional components, so as to lay a
foundation for the selection of excellent buckwheat germplasm resources and im-
provement of buckwheat varieties. The results showed that different buckwheat vari-
eties vary in plant height, node number of the main stem, grain weight per plant,
grain weight per plant and kilo-grain weight. Compared with the national average
values, buckwheat in Shanxi is higher in protein and fat, but lower in vitamin E and
vitamin PP; it is rich in Ca, Mg, Cu, P, Se, Fe, Mn and Zn; and it contains 18
amino acids with the content of glutamic acid being the highest and the content of
tryptophane being the lowest. After analyzing and classifying the tartary buckwheat
germplasm resources recorded in Catalogue of GropGermplasm Resources in
Shanxi Province and Catalogue of Chinese Buckwheat Germplasm Resources,
breeders could breed new varieties with high yield and quality and strong stress re-
sistance by crossbreeding with these germplasm resources.
Key words Tartary buckwheat; Agronomic traits; Nutritional composition; Germplasm
resources; Shanxi
省重点实验室,山西太原 030031)
摘 要 对山西省苦荞品种资源的分布区域、
荞品种具有重要的指导意义。 利用 Excel2003
和 DPS7.5 软件,从品种资源的分布区域、主要
农艺性状和营养成分含量 3 个方面,对《山西
省农作物品种资源目录 》和《中国荞麦品种资
计分析。 结果表明:山西省各地均有苦荞种植,
显差异, 表现出苦荞地方品种资源的多样性。
高于全国平均水平, 维生素 PP 含量平均值与
全国平均水平相当,而维生素 E 含量平均值低
于全国平均水平; 微量元素 Ca、Mg、Cu、P 和 Se
等含量极为丰富,Fe、Mn 和 Zn 等含量亦较高;
含有的 18 种氨基酸中谷氨酸含量最高, 色氨
酸含量最低。 并采用欧氏距离,利用类平均法
对调查材料进行了系统聚类分析。 通过对《山
西省农作物品种资源目录 》和《中国荞麦品种
关键词 苦荞 ; 农艺性状 ; 营养成分 ; 品种资
源; 山西省
基金项目 国家燕麦荞麦产业技术体系项目
(CARS-08-A-1); 国家自然基金(31501372);山西
作者简介 张丽君(1981-),女,河北行唐人,助
种研究,E-mail: lijun.zhang911@163.com。 *通
种研究,E-mail: sxcuilin@163.com。
收稿日期 2015-12-20
修回日期 2016-03-11
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
Table 1 Numbers of tartary buckwheat varieties in different prefectures of Shanxi Province
Region Number of varieties Region Number of varieties
Datong 35 Yangquan 5
Shuozhou 3 Luliang 12
Xinzhou 14 Changzhi 8
Taiyuan 3 Linfen 10
Jinzhong 20
Table 2 Main quantitative traits of tartary buckwheat in Shanxi Province
Trait Growth period//d Plant height//cm Nodes of main stem Branches of main stem Grain weight perplant//g
Range 85-104 78.5-184.4 15.9-25.9 3.6-9.9 0.3-12.5 15.7-26.0
Average 91.0 119.8 20.5 6.7 3.68 19.6
wheat in Shanxi Province was started
late[8]. With the research on the bioac-
tive components in buckwheat con-
stantly going deeper, tartary buck-
wheat has been the focus of research
attention, and the breeding target is
changing gradually. Currently, people
have started to breed some tartary
buckwheat varieties with certain func-
tions on the basis of the breeding of
conventional varieties with high stable
yield and high quality. Especially in re-
cent years, owing to the broad appli-
cation prospect of flavones in medical
science, nutriology and heath protec-
tion, the breeding of tartary buckwheat
varieties containing more flavones has
become a new target for tartary buck-
wheat breeders. There are many
problems such as low yield, slow re-
placement, and serious degradation
existing in currently-used tartary buck-
wheat varieties. Therefore, the study
on tartary buckwheat resources is of
great significance to the improvement
of the production level of tartary buck-
wheat in China and the promotion of
the development of tartary buckwheat
industry in China by the screening of
good germplasm resources, the inno-
vation, rational utilization and im-
provement of tartary buckwheat vari-
eties, and the utilization of germplasm
resources in the genetic improvement
of tartary buckwheat[9-11].
Materials and Methods
There were 110 tested tartary
buckwheat materials, all of which were
local tartary buckwheat varieties in
Shanxi Province recorded in Cata-
logue of Crop Germplasm Resources
in Shanxi Province[12] and Catalogue of
Chinese Buckwheat Germplasm Re-
Catalogue of Crop Germplasm
Resources in Shanxi Province and
Catalogue of Chinese Buckwheat
Germplasm Resources recorded the
distribution regions, main agronomic
traits and nutritional components of
tartary buckwheat in Shanxi Province,
and in the two books, the recording of
various indexes was according to the
method in Description Specification
and Data Standard of Tartary Buck-
wheat Germplasm Resources[14].
Excel 2003 and DPS 7. 5 were
used for data analysis. The quantita-
tive traits (growth period, plant height,
node number of main stem, branch
number of main stem, grain weight per
plant and kilo-grain weight) and quali-
tative traits were normalized for the
calculation of genetic distances be-
tween every two varieties according to
Euclidean distance, and then hierar-
chical cluster analysis was performed
on the calculation result by the group-
average method.
Results and Analysis
Distribution regions of tartary buck-
wheat in Shanxi Province
Tartary buckwheat was cultivated
in various regions of Shanxi Province
(Table 1) and mainly distributed in
northern Shanxi, northwest Shanxi
and hilly and mountainous regions,
and more varieties were planted in
Lingqiu County (17) and Guangling
County (15).
Main agronomic traits of tartary
buckwheat in Shanxi Province
Quantitative traits
The buckwheat varieties in Shanxi
Province had growth periods of 85 -
104 d with an average of 91 d; and a-
mong them, 66 varieties had growth
periods≥91 d, and the growth periods
of the tartary buckwheat varieties
planted in Taiyuan and its southern
areas were longer than in Datong
basin and north Shanxi. The plant
heights were 78.5 -184.4 cm with an
average of 119.8 cm; and among all
the varieties, 95 varieties had plant
heights ≥100 cm, 14 varieties had
plant heights<100 cm, and the buck-
wheat material with a number of 2496
from Zuoquan showed the highest
plant height. Node numbers of main
stem were 15.9 -25.9 with an average
of 20.5; and among them, 44 varieties
had node numbers of main stem≥21,
and the node number of main stem of
the variety with a number of 2482 from
Zhongyang was the greatest. The
branch numbers of main stem were
3.6 -9.9 with an average of 6.7; and
among them, 57 varieties had branch
numbers of main stem≥6.7, and the
tartary buckwheat with a number of
1043 from Gu County showed the
greatest branch number of main stem.
Grain weights per plant were 0.3-12.5
g with an average of 3.68 g; and am-
ong them, 47 varieties had grain
weights per plant≥3. 68 g, and Lingqi-
u tartary buckwheat with a number of
2462 from Lingqiu exhibited the high-
est grain weight per plant. The kilo-
grain weights were 15.7 -26.0 g with
an average of 19.6 g; and among all
the varieties, 39 varieties showed the
kilo-grain weights≥20 g, and the Liulin
tartary buckwheat with a serial number
of 2481 from Liulin exhibited the high-
est kilo-grain weight (Table 2).
It was thus clear that there were
obvious differences in growth period,
plant height, nodes of main stem,
branches of main stem, grain weight
per plant and kilo-grain weight among
different tartary buckwheat varieties,
which was reflected in the diversity of
local tartary buckwheat germplasm
resources. Among the 6 quantitative
traits, grain weight per plant exhibited
Agricultural Science & Technology2016
Fig. 1 Dendrogram of tartary buckwheat in Shanxi Province
the greatest variation amplitude, and
the highest grain weight per plant (12.5
g) was higher than the lowest grain
weight per plant (0.3 g) by more than
40 times, indicating that besides the in-
fluences from the inherent diversity of
genetic factors, grain weight per plant
was more affected by the diversity of
ecological factors.
Qualitative traits
The plant type of tartary buck-
wheat in Shanxi Province could be di-
vided into a compact type and a loose
type. There were 4 stem colors, i.e.,
light red, green, light green and purple
red. There were 3 leaf colors, i.e., light
green, dark green and green. The
flower was green or yellow green. The
grains were rich in color, and there
were 9 colors totally, i.e., brown, black,
tan, black brown, grey, dark brown,
dark grey and light grey. The grain
shape could be divided into a long
shape, a wide shape, a peach shape,
a long cone shape and a short cone
shape. The grains had ventral
grooves. Grain edge wings or no grain
edge wing existed on seeds (Table 3).
Diversity of genetic distances be-
tween tartary buckwheat
germplasm resources in Shanxi
The Euclidean distance reflects
the genetic distance between
germplasm resources, and the differ-
ence in the Euclidean distance of tar-
tary buckwheat (differences in genetic
distances between germpalsm re-
sources) presents the genetic relation-
ship and genetic diversity of buckwheat
varieties, and has no necessary con-
nection with geographical distance[15]. It
could be seen from the dendrogram of
tartary buckwheat (Fig. 1) that the
Heshun tartary buckwheat with a serial
number of 1017 and the Taigu tartary
buckwheat with a serial number of
1019 had the closest genetic relation-
ship. Classification limits were select-
ed according to genetic distance, and
the result showed that when the clus-
tering level was about 4.5, the 110 tar-
tary germplasm resources could be
clustered into two groups, among
which group I included the varieties
having the serial numbers from 2480
to 2484 and the variety with a serial
number of 2497, all of which were late-
maturing, high-stalk and medium-grain
varieties, and group II included the rest
of the varieties. When the clustering
level was about 3.6, the 110 tartary
varieties were clustered into three
groups. In comparison with the cluster-
ing level of 4.5, the varieties included
in group I were the same, while group
II was redistributed into 2 groups, one
of which included the varieties 997 and
1012 which were early-maturing small-
grain low-yield ones, and the other one
included the remaining 104 varieties.
Nutritional component of tartary
buckwheat in Shanxi Province
Contents of protein and fat
Catalogue of CropsGermplasm
Resources in Shanxi Province and
Catalogue of Chinese Buckwheat
Germplasm Resources recorded the
protein and fat contents in all tartary
buckwheat varieties in China. It was
recorded that the protein contents in
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
Table 4 Contents of protein, fat, vitamin, and microelements in grains of tartary buckwheat in Shanxi Province
nent Protein//% Fat//%
Vitamin//mg/kg Microelement//mg/kg
E PP Cu Zn Fe Mn Ca P Se
Range 8.03-11.62 1.60-3.19 2.0-28.6 4.1-76.2 3.92-11.24 15.77-82.80 51.0-292.5 5.97-15.77 175.2-650.8
2 271-
5 262 3 0.013- 0.5
Average 9.34 2.44 8.30 27.90 6.48 28.65 85.29 8.68 279.60 387.00 0.25
Table 3 Main qualitative traits of tartary buckwheat in Shanxi Province
Trait Trait description
Plant type Compact, loose
Stem color Light red, green, light green, purple red
Leaf color Light green, dark green, green
Flower color Green, yellow green
Grain color Brown, black, tan, black brown, grey, dark brown, dark grey, light grey
Grain shape Long shape, wide shape, peach shape, long cone shape, short coneshape
Ventral groove With
Edge wing Without
Table 5 Contents of amino acids in grains of tartary buckwheat in Shanxi Province %
Name Range Average Name Range Average Name Range Average
Aspartic acid 0.84-1.47 1.08 Cystine 0.17-0.25 0.19 Phenylalanine 0.43-0.75 0.56
Threonine 0.34-0.52 0.42 Valine 0.42-0.80 0.58 Lysine 0.53-0.83 0.64
Serine 0.46-0.81 0.57 Methionine 0.15-0.31 0.21 Histidine 0.22-0.38 0.27
Glutamic acid 1.49-3.12 2.11 Isoleucine 0.34-0.71 0.49 Arginine 0.81-1.69 1.12
Glycine 0.49-0.83 0.63 Leucine 0.59-1.07 0.77 Proline 0.32-0.54 0.40
Alanine 0.40-0.63 0.49 Tyrosine 0.27-0.55 0.37 Tryptophan 0.10-0.17 0.14
tartary buckwheat were 6.48% -
11.70% with an average of 8. 4%, and
the fat contents were 0.28% -3.19%
with an average of 2.04%. The protein
contents in grains of tartary buckwheat
in Shanxi Province were 8.03% -
11.62% with an average of 9.34%
(Table 4); and among all the varieties,
7 varieties had protein contents >
10.0% , the Lingxi tartary buckwheat
with a serial number of 2457 from
Guangling had the highest protein
content, and there were 29 varieties
exhibited the protein contents in the
range of 8.0% -10.0% . The fat con-
tents in grains of tartary buckwheat in
Shanxi Province were in the range of
1.60% -3.19% with an average of
2.44%; and among all the varieties, 1
variety showed the fat content>3.0%,
Lingdong tartary buckwheat with a se-
rial number of 2447 from Guangling
exhibited the highest fat content, 31
varieties had the fat contents in the
range of 2.0%-3.0% , and 5 varieties
exhibited the fat contents<2.0% . It is
thus clear that the protein and fat con-
tents in tartary buckwheat in Shanxi
Province are higher than the averages
in China.
Vitamin contents
Vitamin E and vitamin PP con-
tents in grains of tartary buckwheat in
China were recorded in Catalogue of
Crop Germplasm Resources in Shanxi
Province and Catalogue of Chinese
Buckwheat Germplasm Resources. In
the two books , vitamin E contents
were 2.0-45.8 mg/kg with an average
of 9.5 mg /kg, and vitamin PP contents
were 4.1-76.2 mg /kg with an average
of 27.90 mg/kg. Vitamin E contents in
grains of tartary buckwheat in Shanxi
Province were 2.0-28.6 mg/kg with an
average of 8.3 mg/kg; and among all
the varieties, 43 varieties showed the
vitamin E content in the range of 8.3-
30.0 mg/kg, 50 varieties had the con-
tents<8.3 mg /kg, Lishi tartary buck-
wheat with a serial number of 1030
from Lishi showed the highest vitamin
E content, while the Lingqiu tartary
buckwheat with a serial number of
2464 exhibited the lowest content. Vi-
tamin PP contents in grains of tartary
buckwheat in Shanxi Province (n=93)
were 4.1-76.2 mg/kg with an average
of 27.9 mg /kg; and among all the vari-
eties, 36 varieties had vitamin PP con-
tents>30 mg/kg, 6 varieties showed
the contents in the range of 27.9 -30
mg/kg, 51 varieties exhibited the con-
tents<27.9 mg/kg, the tartary buck-
wheat with a serial number of 1022
from Zuoquan showed the highest vi-
tamin PP content, while Lingdong tar-
tary buckwheat with a serial number of
2449 from Guangling showed the low-
est one. It was thus concluded that the
vitamin E content of tartary buckwheat
varieties in Shanxi Province is lower
than the average in China, while the
average vitamin PP content is equiva-
lent to the average in whole China.
Microelement contents
Catalogue of Crop Germplasm
Resources in Shanxi Province and
Catalogue of Chinese Buckwheat
Germplasm Resources recorded the
contents of microelements in 56 tartary
buckwheat germplasm resources in
Shanxi Province, including copper (Cu)
, zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn),
calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and sele-
nium (Se). Cu contents in grains of tar-
tary buckwheat in Shanxi Province
were 3.92-11.24 mg/kg with an aver-
age of 6.48 mg/kg; and among all the
varieties, 26 varieties showed the con-
tents>6.48 mg /kg, the tartary buck-
wheat with a serial number of 1029
from Lingshi exhibited the highest Cu
content, while the tartary buckwheat
with a serial number of 1032 from Xi-
aoyi exhibited the lowest one. The Zn
contents were 15.77-82.80 mg/kg with
an average of 28.65 mg/kg; and a-
mong all the varieties, 17 varieties
showed the content>28.65 mg/kg, the
tartary buckwheat with a serial number
of 1043 from Gu County exhibited the
highest Zn content, while the tartary
Agricultural Science & Technology2016
buckwheat with a serial number of
1038 from Qin County exhibited the
lowest one. The Fe contents were
51.0-292.5 mg/kg with an average of
85.29 mg/kg; and among all the vari-
eties, 15 varieties had the contents >
85.29 mg/kg, the tartary buckwheat
with a serial number of 1038 from Qin
County exhibited the highest Fe con-
tent, while the tartary buckwheat with a
serial number of 0999 from Pinglu ex-
hibited the lowest one. The Mn con-
tents were 5.97-15.77 mg/kg with an
average of 8.68 mg/kg; and among all
the varieties, 12 varieties had the con-
tents>8.68 mg/kg, the tartary buck-
wheat with the serial number of 1038
from Qin County showed the highest
Mn content, while the Heshun tartary
buckwheat with a serial number of
1017 from Heshun showed the lowest
one. The Ca contents were 175.2 -
650.8 mg/kg with an average of
279.60 mg/kg; and among all the vari-
eties, 18 varieties showed the con-
tents>279.60 mg/kg, the taratary
buckwheat with a serial number of
1022 from Zuoquan exhibited the
highest Ca content, and the tartary
buckwheat with a serial number of
0995 from Lingqiu exhibited the lowest
one. The P contents were 2 271-5 262
mg/kg with an average of 3 387 mg/kg;
and among all the varieties, 21 vari-
eties exhibited the contents >3 387
mg/kg, the tartary buckwheat with a
serial number of 1006 from Taiyuan
exhibited the highest contents, and the
tartary buckwheat with a serial number
of 0992 from Taiyuan exhibited the
lowest one. The Se contents were
0.013 -0.5 mg/kg with an average of
0.25 mg/kg; and among all the vari-
eties, 34 varieties showed the con-
tents>0.25 mg/kg, the tartary buck-
wheat with the serial number of 1006
from Taiyuan had the highest Se con-
tent, and the tartary buckwheat with
the serial number of 1038 from Qin
County had the lowest one. It could be
seen that the tartary buckwheat with
the serial number of 1038 from Qin
County has the lowest Zn and Se con-
tents, and the tartary buckwheat with
the serial number of 1006 from Taiyuan
has the highest P and Se contents.
Amino acid content
Catalogue of Crop Germplasm
Resources in Shanxi Province and
Catalogue of Chinese Buckwheat
Germplasm Resources recorded the
contents of 18 amino acids in 56 tar-
tary buckwheat resources in Shanxi
Province (Table 5), and among them,
glutamic acid had the highest content,
and tryptophan showed the lowest
In grains of tartary buckwheat, the
contents of glutamic acid were1.49%-
3.12% with an average of 2.11% (Table
4); and the tartary buckwheat with a
serial number of 0996 from Lingqiu
showed the highest glutamic acid con-
tent, while the tartary buckwheat with a
serial number of 1037 from Qin County
showed the lowest one. The contents
of tryptophan were 0.10%-0.17% with
an average of 0.14% ; and the tartary
buckwheat with a serial number of
1037 from Qin County exhibited the
highest tryptophan content, while the
tartary buckwheat with a serial number
of 1041 from Qin County and the tar-
tary buckwheat with a serial number of
1044 from Huo County had the lowest
Conclusions and Discus-
Tartary buckwheat likes cool en-
vironments and is tolerant to poor soil.
It grows in cold highland areas mostly,
and is mainly distributed in mountain-
ous areas in southwest and north Chi-
na. Its grains are edible with weak fra-
grance and have slightly bitter taste.
Shanxi Province is an important
source of tartary buckwheat resources
in China, and according to breeding
characteristics of tartary buckwheat
and physical geography and weather
conditions in Shanxi Province, the tar-
tary buckwheat regions of this
Province are divided into 2 main ecore-
gions, i.e., the spring buckwheat re-
gion and the summer buckwheat re-
gion. Among them, the spring buck-
wheat region is the main production
region of buckwheat in Shanxi
Province, and the planting area of tar-
tary buckwheat accounts for 90% -
95% , including the north and north-
west parts of Shanxi, Yangqu, Loufan
and Gujiao of Taiyuan City, Shouyang,
Heshun, Zuoquan and Yushe of
Jinzhong City, Shilou, Jiaokou, Fang-
shan, Lin County and Liulin of Luliang
City, mountainous counties of Linfen
City, south Yuanping, and north
Huozhou; and in the summer buck-
wheat region, tartary buckwheat is cul-
tivated in scattered field as the subse-
quent crop of wheat, and is mainly dis-
tributed in south Huozhou, including
plain counties in Yuncheng City and
Linfen City and Jincheng basin in
southeast Shanxi. The agronomic
traits have the characteristics of intu-
itive expression, easy identification
and convenient understanding, and
are the basic traits for investigating
germpalsm resources. Different vari-
eties of tartary buckwheat in Shanxi
Province are different in plant height,
node number of main stem, branch
number of main stem, grain weight per
plant and kilo-grain weight, indicating
the diversity of local germplasm re-
sources of tartary buckwheat. Analyz-
ing the tartary buckwheat resources in
Shanxi Province could provide refer-
ence for selection of tartary buckwheat
parental material, variety breeding and
variety improvement.
With the consumption concept of
healthy diet improving and the re-
search of tartary buckwheat develop-
ment going deeper, the nutritional and
health-protection effects of tartary
buckwheat food in the aspects of re-
sisting oxidation and preventing three-
high and cardiovascular and cere-
brovascular diseases such as arte-
riosclerosis have been explored and
proved scientifically, resulting in a sig-
nificant increase in consumer demand.
The protein content in tartary
buckwheat flour is higher than in rice,
millet, maize, wheat and sorghum
flour, and buckwheat contains abun-
dant water-soluble albumin and salt-
soluble globulin, while such proteins
have poor viscidity without gluten and
are similar to the components of
beans. The fat content of tartary buck-
wheat is in the range of 1%-3%, and
not significantly different from staple
foodstuff, but tartary buckwheat has
better fat composition in that it con-
tains 9 fatty acids and is rich in unsatu-
rated fatty acids, among which oleic
acid and linoleic acid are the highest in
content and account for about 80% of
total fatty acids [16 -17]. The contents of
fatty acids in tartary buckwheat in dif-
ferent producing areas are different,
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
and among them, the content of oleic
acid and linoleic acid in north tartary
buckwheat is up to 80% , while in
southwest regions such as Sichuan,
the content of oleic acid and linoleic
acid is 70.8%-76.3% [18]. The average
values of the contents of protein and
fatty acid in tartary buckwheat re-
sources in Shanxi Province are higher
than the average levels of the tartary
buckwheat resources in whole China,
the average value of vitamin PP con-
tent is equivalent to the average level
of the tartary buckwheat resources all
over China, while the average value of
vitamin E is lower than the average
level of the tartary buckwheat re-
sources all over China. Compared with
other cereals, Ca, Mg, Cu, P and Se
contents in tartary buckwheat are very
abundant, and the contents of Fe, Mn
and Zn are also higher[17]. Nutritive ele-
ments play an important role in physi-
ological and biochemical reaction of
human. Tartary buckwheat is rich in
Cu, while Cu could promote the uti-
lization of Fe, and the lack of Cu in hu-
man body would lead to deficiency of
Fe, resulting in alimentary anemia.
Therefore, the intake of more tartary
buckwheat food is beneficial to the
prevention of anemia. In a word, the
inorganic elements in tartary buck-
wheat are closely related to various
physiological functions of organisms,
and is very important to organisms, es-
pecially to human. The proteins in tar-
tary buckwheat consist of 18 amino
acids at a more balanced rational suit-
able proportion, and the contents of
methionine, glutamic acid, histidine,
lysine, arginine and asparaginic acid
are higher. Cao et al. [19] determined
the contents of 18 amino acids in tar-
tary buckwheat, and the result showed
that glutamic acid had the highest
content and accounted for 20.50% of
the total amount of amino acids. Tar-
tary buckwheat is rich in various min-
eral elements, the contents of which
are also significantly higher than other
cereal crops. It also contains mi-
croelements elements including B, I,
Co and Se. Wang et al. [20] found in the
study on the tartary buckwheat re-
sources in China that the Se content in
the tartary buckwheat resources in
Shanxi Province was far higher than
the tartary buckwheat in other
provinces. Tartary buckwheat is one of
the characteristic coarse cereals in
Shanxi Province, and its processing in-
dustry is ahead of other regions in
China. However, the single variety
structure of tartary buckwheat and lack
of special varieties results in the slow
development of tartary buckwheat in-
dustrialization. Therefore, innovation
of tartary germplasm resources is the
highlight of our work in future. In addi-
tion, the determination of trait indexes
and analysis of nutritional components
performed on the tartary buckwheat re-
sources in Shanxi Province could pro-
vide certain data support for the
breeding of tartary buckwheat.
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(Continued from page 1222)
Responsible editor: Xiaoxue WANG Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
Conclusion and Enlighten-
The research gives description
and analysis on effects of objective
and subjective factors on peasants’
willingness on homestead exit in two
villages with different economic devel-
opment levels. In terms of subjective
aspects, there are 15.12% peasants
explicitly saying they agree homestead
exit, but most saying it all depends on
compensation. It is the compensation
that most concerned by peasants and
peasants agree to exit homestead for
exchange of compensation. From the
objective aspect, the Logistic regres-
sion indicates that both of education
background and unused homestead
have significantly positive effects on
peasants in areas with different eco-
nomic development levels. In addition
to that, homestead area has positive
effects on Ancang peasants.
There are still works to do to im-
prove homestead exit mechanism.
Different emphases on exit policies
upon economy development levels
of a city
It is wise to adjust measures ac-
cording to local conditions besides ba-
sic compensation standards in terms
of specific compensation preference
for objective and subjective influential
factors tend to be volatile upon re-
gions. The compensation standard
should be not so low even in poor ar-
eas, because if homestead price can
be equalize[7], it is probable that home-
stead price should be improved in re-
mote areas.
Improvements to be made in settle-
ment and social security policies
after homestead exit
It is recommended that residential
area can be planned in a centralized
way for peasants with scattered
homestead. As for peasants hoping to
live in cities, more aspects should be
taken into consideration. For instance,
peasants living close to towns can be
arranged nearby, but the remote vil-
lages, appropriate locations and con-
ditions should be considered. For
peasants having settled down in cities,
it is necessary to make sure that social
security can be guaranteed in terms of
medical treatment, endowment, guar-
antee of subsistence allowance, em-
ployment and education.
Rational promotion on homestead
exit and facilitating peasants self-
willingness on homestead exit
Relevant laws and rules should be
improved initially and then highlights
can be given to promotion on home-
stead exit. With low education back-
ground and limited by traditional con-
cept, it is difficult for peasants to ac-
cept new things or adapt to new envi-
ronment. However, it is feasible to pro-
mote relevant polices through broad-
casting or TV, so that some peasants
may choose to get compensated by
homestead exit.
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