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全 文 :第 34 卷 第 1 期
2013 年 2 月
河 南 科 技 大 学 学 报 :自 然 科 学 版
Journal of Henan University of Science and Technology:Natural Science
Vol. 34 No. 1
Feb. 2013
作者简介:郜旭芳(1982 -) ,女,河南宝丰人,硕士生;孔祥生(1955 -) ,男,河南鲁山人,教授,硕士生导师,主要从事植物生理学和
收稿日期:2012 - 03 - 30
文章编号:1672 - 6871(2013)01 - 0072 - 04
(河南科技大学 a.农学院;b.林学院,河南 洛阳 471003)
明:多效唑和矮壮素对勋章菊的花芽分化有促进作用,而且使植株矮化、增壮,提高了观赏价值。MS + 0. 5
mg /L 6-BA + 0. 1 mg /L NAA + 0. 4 mg /L PP333和 MS + 0. 5 mg /L 6-BA + 0. 1 mg /L NAA + 0. 7 mg /L CCC的处理
最好,60 d花芽诱导率分别为 54. 4%和 50. 2%。
中图分类号:S682. 11 文献标志码:A
0 引言
勋章菊(Gazania rigens L.)又名勋章花,原产于南非,是菊科勋章菊属多年生草本植物,因其形状
开花机理,调控花期,培育新品种[2 - 5]。勋章菊花色鲜艳,花期较长,适宜作为试管花的材料进行研究和
1 材料与方法
1. 1 供试材料
1. 2 方法
1. 2. 1 不同浓度 6-苄基嘌呤对花芽诱导的影响
以 MS培养基为基本培养基,加入 30 g /L 蔗糖,加入不同浓度 6-苄基嘌呤(6-BA)进行处理,6-BA
浓度设置为:0 mg /L、0. 5 mg /L、1. 0 mg /L、1. 5 mg /L、2. 0 mg /L。
1. 2. 2 不同浓度萘乙酸对花芽诱导的影响
以 MS为基本培养基,加入 30 g /L蔗糖,加入 0. 5 mg /L 6-BA和不同浓度萘乙酸(NAA)进行处理,
NAA浓度设置为:0 mg /L、0. 05 mg /L、0. 10 mg /L、0. 15 mg /L、0. 20 mg /L。
1. 2. 3 不同浓度蔗糖对花芽诱导的影响
以 MS 为基本培养基,加入不同浓度蔗糖进行处理,蔗糖浓度设置为:20 g /L、30 g /L、40 g /L、
50 g /L、60 g /L。
1. 2. 4 不同浓度多效唑对花芽诱导的影响
以 MS为基本培养基,加入 40 g /L 蔗糖,加入不同浓度多效唑(PP333)进行处理,多效唑浓度设置
为:0 mg /L、0. 2 mg /L、0. 4 mg /L、0. 6 mg /L、0. 8 mg /L、1. 0 mg /L。
第 1 期 郜旭芳等:勋章菊试管开花研究
1. 2. 5 不同浓度矮壮素对花芽诱导的影响
以 MS为基本培养基,加入 40 g /L蔗糖。加入不同浓度矮壮素(CCC)进行处理,矮壮素浓度设置
为:0 mg /L、0. 3 mg /L、0. 5 mg /L、0. 7 mg /L、0. 9 mg /L、1. 2 mg /L。
各培养基均加入 6 g /L琼脂,pH5. 8。试验材料培养在内盛 30 mL培养基的三角瓶中,使用透气封
口膜。每处理设置 30 株,重复 3 次,采用透气封口膜,培养温度为(25 ± 2)℃,光照 2 000 lx,14 h /d。
接种后 30 d和 60 d观察,统计花芽诱导情况。
花芽诱导率 =分化出花芽的植株
× 100%。
2 试验结果
2. 1 不同浓度 6-苄基嘌呤对花芽诱导的影响
表 1 不同浓度 6-苄基嘌呤对花芽诱导的影响
6-BA浓度 /
(mg /L)
接种数 /

花芽诱导率 /%
30 d 60 d
0 30 23. 3 30. 0 花开放
0. 5 30 16. 7 25. 6 花开放
1. 0 30 13. 3 22. 0 花瓣颜色稍浅
1. 5 30 5. 6 6. 7 花瓣变形,花色变浅
2. 0 30 0 0 未出现花芽
表 1 为不同浓度 6-BA 对花
芽诱导的影响,由表 1 可见:不添
加 6-BA的处理花芽诱导率最高,
30 d 为 23. 3%,60 d 为 30. 0%,
随着 6-BA浓度的增加,花芽诱导
率逐渐降低,当 6-BA为 2. 0 mg /L
时,30 d 和 60 d 均未出现发芽分
化;在 6-BA为 1. 0 mg /L时,花色
变浅;当 6-BA为 1. 5 mg /L时,花朵雌雄蕊变形,雄蕊变稀、变小,雌蕊分化大小不一致,有的花苞刚出头
就变黄枯萎,高浓度时植株有发黄的倾向,长势不好,叶较细长。说明 6-BA 对勋章菊花芽的诱导和开
2. 2 不同浓度萘乙酸对花芽诱导的影响
表 2 为不同浓度萘乙酸对花芽诱导的影响,由表 2 可知:当 NAA浓度为 0. 10 mg /L时,30 d和 60 d
花芽诱导率均为同时期各处理的最高值,花芽诱导率分别为 28. 9%和 48. 9%,花芽均能正常开放。随
着 NAA浓度的增加,30 d和 60 d花芽诱导率均表现出先增高后降低的趋势,可见低浓度的 NAA 对花
芽分化有促进作用,高浓度则有抑制作用。当 NAA浓度为 0. 20 mg /L 时,整个植株较大,叶较细长,生
根很多,60 d时根长满了整个培养基底部,植株营养生长旺盛,生殖生长较差。
表 2 不同浓度萘乙酸对花芽诱导的影响
NAA浓度 /
(mg /L)
接种数 /

花芽诱导率 /%
30 d 60 d
0 30 17. 7 26. 7 少量花开放
0. 05 30 23. 3 34. 4 花开放
0. 10 30 28. 9 48. 9 花开放
0. 15 30 21. 1 31. 1 花色浅,少数有根生成
0. 20 30 11. 1 17. 8 花未开放,有大量根生成
表 3 不同浓度蔗糖对花芽诱导的影响
蔗糖浓度 /
(g /L)
接种数 /

花芽诱导率 /%
30 d 60 d
0 30 0 0 未有花芽分化
20 30 17. 8 28. 9 花芽分化,花颜色稍浅
30 30 33. 3 45. 6 花开放
40 30 34. 4 51. 1 花开放
50 30 26. 7 30. 0 少玻璃化苗
60 30 8. 9 11. 1 有玻璃化苗
2. 3 不同浓度蔗糖对花芽诱导
表 3 为不同浓度蔗糖对花芽
诱导的影响,由表 3 可知:当蔗糖
浓度为 40 g /L时,30 d和 60 d花
高值,花芽诱导率分别为 34. 4%
和 51. 1%,花芽均能正常开放;随
着蔗糖浓度的增加,30 d 和 60 d
蔗糖浓度为 50 g /L时,花苞基本上都是直接从茎基部长出,植株迅速经过营养生长进入生殖生长,但叶
2. 4 不同浓度多效唑对花芽诱导的影响
表 4 不同浓度多效唑对花芽诱导的影响
多效唑浓度 /
(mg /L)
接种数 /

花芽诱导率 /%
30 d 60 d
叶色 叶长势
0 30 33. 5 48. 9 绿 叶片细、薄
0. 2 30 27. 3 39. 8 绿 叶片较宽、较厚
0. 4 30 35. 5 54. 4 浓绿 叶片宽、厚
0. 6 30 28. 3 45. 7 浓绿 叶片宽、厚
0. 8 30 23. 7 27. 7 稍黄绿 叶片较宽、厚
1. 0 30 13. 4 14. 1 黄绿 叶片较宽、厚
表 4 为不同浓度多效唑
对花芽诱导的影响,由表 4 可
见:当多效唑浓度为0. 4 mg /L
时,30 d 和 60 d 花芽诱导率
花芽诱导率分别为 35. 5%和
54. 4%,花芽均能正常开放,
花芽分化的作用。随着多效唑浓度的增加,30 d和 60 d 花芽诱导率均表现出先增高后降低的趋势,可
花茎变粗壮(见图 1)。多效唑可以抑制营养生长,抑制顶芽的生长,矮化植株,使生殖生长提前,一定浓
度有明显地促进生根的作用,而且根增粗增壮,根毛增多,在浓度大于 0. 4 mg /L 时,就表现出了此现象
(见图 2)。
图 1 0. 4 mg /L多效唑诱导开花 图 2 0. 6 mg /L多效唑促进生根
2. 5 不同浓度矮壮素对花芽诱导的影响
表 5 不同浓度矮壮素对花芽诱导的影响
矮壮素浓度 /
(mg /L)
接种数 /

花芽诱导率 /%
30 d 60 d
叶色 叶长势
0 30 33. 5 48. 9 绿 叶片细、薄
0. 3 30 29. 2 37. 8 浓绿 叶片较宽、较厚
0. 5 30 27. 4 35. 5 浓绿 叶片宽、厚
0. 7 30 34. 4 50. 2 浓绿 叶片宽、厚
0. 9 30 20. 7 29. 1 稍黄绿 叶片较宽、厚
1. 2 30 7. 4 11. 3 黄绿 叶片较宽、厚
表 5 为不同浓度矮壮素对
花芽诱导的影响,由表 5 可见:
当矮壮素浓度为 0. 7 mg /L时,
30 d和 60 d花芽诱导率均为同
导率分别为 34. 4%和 50. 2%,
花芽均能正常开放(见图 3) ,表
芽生长的作用,所有矮壮素植株分蘖很少,一般一株上仅分化出一个花芽。当矮壮素浓度为 0. 7 mg /L
达到 1. 2 mg /L时,叶片黄绿,叶片畸形且匍匐于培养基上,花芽分化率很低(见图 4)。
·47· 河 南 科 技 大 学 学 报 :自 然 科 学 版 2013 年
第 1 期 郜旭芳等:勋章菊试管开花研究
图 3 0. 7 mg /L矮壮素诱导开花 图 4 1. 2 mg /L矮壮素使叶片畸形
3 结论与讨论
且矮化、增壮了植株,提高了观赏价值。MS +0. 5 mg /L 6-BA +0. 1 mg /L NAA + 0. 4 mg /L PP333的处理,
诱导 60 d开花率为 54. 4%,MS +0. 5 mg /L 6-BA +0. 1 mg /L NAA +0. 7 mg /L CCC的处理,60 d花芽诱
导率为 50. 2%。此外,试验中还看到:6-BA和 NAA必须配合使用,才对花芽分化有促进作用;适当的增
这对提高花卉观赏价值具有明显的促进作用[6 - 11]。目前,多效唑和矮壮素已应用于碗莲、大丽花、一串
[12]在鸡冠花的试管开花研究中发现:0. 5 mg /L的多效唑可以使试管内鸡冠花植株粗壮,花朵大,花色
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[9] 李春风,姜黎黎,阮亚男,等.矮壮素对满天星试管苗矮化作用的影响[J].江苏农业科学,2009(6) :224 - 226.
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·Ⅵ· Journal of Henan University of Science and Technology:Natural Science 2013
Key words:viral infection model;stability;hopf bifurcation;delay
CLC number:O175. 12 Document code:A Article ID:1672-6871(2013)01-0055-05
Effectiveness Analysis of Ventilation in Guizhou Residential Buildings in Summer (60 )…………
ZHANG Zhenzhena,b,WANG Houhuaa,b,GUO Ruia,b (a. China Key Lab of Three Gorges Reservoir Region s
Eco-Environment;b. Faculty of Urban Construction & Environment,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400045,
Abstract:Based on the climate consultant software,this paper analyzes the effectiveness of natural ventilation
and mechanical ventilation in summer on Guizhou residential buildings through calculating the psychometric
chart. The results show that the natural ventilation combined with proper mechanical ventilation can basically
replace the using of air-condition in Bijie. In Guiyang and Xingyi,the ratio of effective time using mechanical
ventilation is 85. 13% and 80. 20% respectively. Through establishing reasonable ventilation mode and airflow
organization,the mechanical ventilation can replace basically the air-condition in summer. In Zunyi,the ratio of
effective time using natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation is relatively lower,which is 21. 20% and
51. 60% respectively. The ventilation can reduce the open times of air-condition in Zunyi.
Key words:residential building;thermal comfort;natural ventilation;mechanical ventilation;effective time
CLC number:TU834 Document code:A Article ID:1672-6871(2013)01-0060-04
Experimental Study of Full Machine-made Sand Concrete Match Ratio Used in South-to-North Water
Diversion Project (64 )……………………………………………………………………………………
ZHANG Huizhi,LIU Jifeng (College of Architecture & Civil Engineering,Sanming University,Fujian
365004,China )
Abstract:One of the south-to-north water diversion project sections is on the remote location. In order to solve
the problems of high price and environmental protection induced by natural river sand concrete,the
performance of the coarse and fine aggregate,sand gradation,cement,additives and so on were tested. Different
strength grade full machine-made concretes with different mix ratio,slump for frost resistance,impermeability
and construction performance requirements were made. The relationships of cement-water ratio with 28 d
strength,sand ratio with concrete strength in 7 d and 28 d age,strength growth with age were discussed. The
results show that the full machine-made sand concrete is qualified in the performance of the construction
slump,pump and strength,frost resistance,and impermeability.
Key words:south-to-north water diversion;full machine-made sand;concrete match ratio;experimentals
CLC number:TU528. 59 Document code:A Article ID:1672-6871(2013)01-0064-05
·Agriculture and Biology·
Mechanical Design and Test for a Sapling Grafting Robot Based on Cleft Method (69 )…………
SUN Qun,ZHAO Dongjie,ZHAO Ying (School of Automobile & Transportation Engineering,Liaocheng
University,Liaocheng 252059,China)
Abstract:Seedlings grafting could accelerate fine species breeding,improve fruit quality,and enhance the
abilities to adapt to the environment. Currently seedlings are still grafted by the traditional manual way.
Therefore,according to the sapling grafting operations by hand,a sapling grafting robot was developed to realize
sapling automatic grafting based on cleft method. The developed grafting robot can clip,move,position,cut,and
graft sapling,which is a fundamental work for developing new products. Experiments showed that the developed
sapling graft robot for the stock cutting efficiency is 94%,scion cutting efficiency is 93% and grafting
efficiency is 86% .
Key words:sapling grafting;grafting robot;cleft method;mechanical system
CLC number:TP242. 6 Document code:A Article ID:1672-6871(2013)01-0069-03
Study of Flowering in Vitro of Gazania rigens L. (72 )…………………………………………………
GAO Xufanga,KONG Xiangshenga,ZHANG Miaoxiab,XING Xiaojiea (a. Forestry School;b. Agriculture
School,Henan University of Science & Technology,Luoyang 471003,China)
Abstract:Vitro flower has higher ornamental and scientific research value. Gazania rigens L. is one kind of
perfect vitro plants for research and promotion. In the experiment,the adventitious buds of Gazania rigens L.
were used as the material through different medium of flowering induction to study flowering conditions of
Gazania rigens L. in vitro. The results showed that PP333 and CCC can promot flower bud differentiation of
plant,and made the plant short and strong. Thus the ornamental value of Gazania rigens L is improved. The
best media are MS + 0. 5 mg /L 6-BA + 0. 1 mg /L NAA + 0. 4 mg /L PP333 and MS + 0. 5 mg /L 6-BA + 0. 1
mg /L NAA +0. 7 mg /L CCC. The induction rates of flower bud are 54. 4% and 50. 2% respectively.
Key words:Gazania rigens L.;flowering in vitro;induction
CLC number:S682. 11 Document code:A Article ID:1672-6871(2013)01-0072-04
·Mathematics and Physics·
A New Filled Function of Continuous Unconstrained Optimization Problems (76 )…………………
WANG Rufeng,SHANG Youlin (Mathematics & Statistics School,Henan University of Science & Technology,
Luoyang 471023,China)
Abstract:A new filled function was proposed to find a global minimizer of continuous unconstrained
optimization problems. The properties of the new filled function fitting the definition of the previously reported
were discussed. The filled function algorithm was designed according to the new filled function. The numerical
results are worked out to show that the algorithm is feasible and effective.
Key words:global optimization;filled function;local minimizer;global minimizer
CLC number:O221. 2;O224 Document code:A Article ID:1672-6871(2013)01-0076-04
c* -normal Subgroups of Finite Groups (80 )……………………………………………………………
XU Yong1,ZHANG Xinjian2 (1. Mathematics & Statistics School,Henan University of Science & Technology,
Luoyang 471023,China;2. School of Mathematical Science,Huaiyin Normal University,Huaian 223300,China)
Abstract:Let G be a finite group and P a Sylow p-subgroup of G,where p∈π(G). In this paper,the p-
nilpotence of G is investigated while NG(P)is p-nilpotent and some subgroups of P are c
* -normal in G. The
main results are as follows:(1)If( G ,p - 1)= 1,then G is p-nilpotent if and only if there exist a Sylow p-
subgroup P and a natural number d with 1 < d < p ,and all subgroups of P of order d or 4 (if d = 2 )are
c* -normal in G;(2)If p is an odd prime,then G is p-nilpotent if and only if NG(P)is p-nilpotent and P has
a subgroup D with 1 < D < P such that all subgroups of P of order D are c* -normal in G.
Key words:p-nilpotent group;Sylow subgroup;c* -normal subgroup
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Uniqueness Solution for Boundary Value Problem of Fractional Differential Equation (85 )………
WANG Cuijing1,2,LIU Wenbin1,ZHANG Jinling1,3 (1. College of Sciences,China University of Mining &
Technology,Xuzhou 221008,China;2. Information Management Technology Institute,Xuzhou College of
Industrial Technology,Xuzhou 221140,China;3. Department of Mathematics & Physics,Xuzhou Normal Higher
School,Xuzhou 221116,China)
Abstract:By using the Banach contraction mapping principle and generalized Lipschitz conditions combined
with properties of corresponding Green function,a sufficient condition to the uniqueness solution for boundary
value problem of Caputo fractional differential equation is obtained.
Key words:banach contraction mapping principle;Caputo’s differentiation;fractional boundary value problem
CLC number:O175. 14;O175. 8 Document code:A Article ID:1672-6871(2013)01-0085-04
Optimal Control of Navier-Stokes Equations with Poisson Jumps (89 )……………………………
WANG Jianling1,ZHANG Qimin2 (1. Yinchuan Institute,Mining University of China,Yinchuan 750011,
China;2. College of Maths & Computer,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China)