With the detoxified test-tube seedlings of two Solanum tuberosum L. v
arieties as test materials, this paper studied their development and microtuber
induction under effects of different light quality (red, blue, and white lights)
. Under red light, the seedlings leaf net photosynthetic rate, soluble sugar con
tent, and biomass were the highest, and the leaf number was the greatest. Blue l
ight increased the seedlings dry matter content and microtuber number, advanced
the date of microtuber initiation, but inhibited seedlings height. Under white l
ight, the seedlings had the lowest net photosynthetic rate and dry matter conten
t. Different S. tuberosum varieties had definite differences in the demand o
f light quality for their microtuber induction. Applying red light at seedlings
development stage and supplying blue light at microtuber induction stage could g
ain higher productivity.