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Oviposition timing and community structure of Ficus curtipes fig wasps.


通过对钝叶榕榕小蜂行为的观察以及榕果内各类小花的统计,研究了钝叶榕12种榕小蜂的产卵行为和群落结构.结果表明:钝叶榕中除了传粉榕小蜂Eupristina sp.进入果腔产卵以外,还有2种非传粉榕小蜂(杨氏榕树金小蜂和Lipothymus sp.)与传粉榕小蜂在同一时期进入果腔产卵,其他9种非传粉榕小蜂(Walkerella sp.、Micranisa sp.、Sycophilomorpha sp.、Philotrypesis sp.、Sycosapter sp.、Sycobia sp.、Ficomila sp.、Ormyrus sp.和Sycophila sp.)在果外产卵;在钝叶榕榕小蜂群落中,传粉榕小蜂占整个群落总数的62.11%,是该群落的优势种,杨氏榕树金小蜂和Lipothymus sp.分别占整个群落总数的27.19%和4.71%,其他9种非传粉榕小蜂占5.99%.钝叶榕中的非传粉榕小蜂通过各自产卵时序和幼虫食性分化的繁殖策略来分配榕果中的资源,以实现自身繁殖.非传粉榕小蜂与传粉榕小蜂的数量变化呈显著负相关,但非传粉榕小蜂与榕果内的种子没有相关性.

Through the behavioral observation of Ficus curtipes fig wasps and
 the counting of various kinds of flowerets in F. curtipes figs, the oviposi
tion tim
ing and community structure of 12 F. curtipes fig wasp species were studied.
ides the agaonid wasp Eupristina sp., the two non-agaonid wasps Diaziella
 yangi and Lipothymus sp. could enter into F. curtipes figs and ovipos
it. The other nin
e non-agaonid fig wasps (Walkerella sp., Micranisa sp., Sycophilomorp
ha sp., Philotrypesis sp., Sycosapter sp., Sycobia sp., Ficomila
 sp., Ormyrus sp. and Sycophila sp.) oviposited outside the figs. In
the fig wasp community, Eupristina sp. was the dominant species, accounting
for 6211% of the total, D. yangi and Lipothymus sp. accounted for 27
19% and 471%, respectively, while the other nine non-agaonid fig wasp species
 only occupied 599%. The non-agaonid fig wasps produced their progeny through
 the reproduction strategies of oviposition timing and diet allocation of female
 flowerets, so as to sustain the fig-wasp mutualism. The individuals of non-ag
aonid fig wasp progeny had significant negative correlati
on with those of agaonid fig wasp progeny, but no correlation with F. curtipes
 seed production.