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Biological control efficiency of Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) on Panonychus ulmi (Koch).


以生命表参数及天敌在室内和田间的应用效果来评价胡瓜钝绥螨对苹果全爪螨的控制效果.结果表明:胡瓜钝绥螨取食苹果全爪螨,能够完成发育历期并产卵,在(25±1)℃条件下一个世代仅需9.54 d;其雌螨产卵期(24.5 d)和寿命(38.52 d)都比猎物的产卵期(15.93 d)和寿命(34.79 d)长,雌螨的平均产卵量仅为苹果全爪螨的56.1%;苹果全爪螨净增殖率(R0)和内禀增长率(rm)分别比胡瓜钝绥螨高103.9%和13.2%.室内释放情况下,无论益害比是1∶30还是1∶150,释放20 d后防治效果均可达95%以上;在苹果示范园释放胡瓜钝绥螨,60 d后防治效果达91.73%,比化防园高23.77%.表明胡瓜钝绥螨具有优良天敌的重要特征,在每叶苹果全爪螨低于2头时,果园释放胡瓜钝绥螨能有效控苹果全爪螨的种群增长.

Based on the life-table parameters and the release effects of Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) under laboratory and field conditions, the control efficiency of  A. cucumeris (Oudemans) on Panonychus ulmi (Koch) was evaluated. When feeding on P. ulmi, A. cucumeris could complete its development period and lay eggs with one generation time of 9.54 d at (25±1) ℃. The egg-laying period (24.85 d) and lifespan (38.52 d) of female A. cucumeris were longer than their preys (15.93 d and 34.79 d, respectively), but the averageamount of eggs laid by female A. cucumeris was 36.70, being 43.9% less than that of  P. ulmi. The net reproductive rate (R0) and intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) of P. ulmi were 103.9% and 13.2% higher than those of  A. cucumeris, respectively. No matter what the good-harm ratios was 1∶30 or 1∶150, the control efficiency of  A. cucumeris after its 20-day release under laboratory condition could be over 95%, and the efficiency after 60-dayrelease under field condition could be  91.73%, being 23.77% higher than that when sprayed with pesticide, suggesting that A. cucumeris was a good biological agent to control the population growth of P. ulmi. When the P. ulmi population density was less than 2 per leaf, releasing A. cucumeris in the orchard could effectively control the population increase of P. ulmi.

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