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全 文 :浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) 33(5):473~ 478 , 2007
Journal of Zhejiang University(Agric.& Life Sci.)
Article ID:1008-9209(2007)05-0473-06
  Received date:2005-09-15
Foundation item:Project S upported by the National Hi-T ech Research and Developmen t Program (863) of C hina
(2001A A640501);Know ledge In novat ion P rog ram from Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX-401-2);Nat ional Natu ral S cience
Foundat ion of China (40071075);National Basic Research Program (973)of China(G1999011808).
Biography:CAI Bao-s on g , male , Born in 1971 in Yanglin , Shaan xi , A ssociate profess or , Engaged in Phytoremediation.
Corresponding author:ZHANG Guo-ping , male , Profess or , Ph.D Superviso r , Engaged in C rop Phy siology and E cology.
Genotypic difference in growth and As accumulation in Pteris vittata
CAI Bao-song1 , ZH ANG Guo-ping 1 , CHEN Tong-bin2(1 .College of Agriculture and Biotechnology , Zhej iang
University , Hangzhou 310029 , China;2 .Center f or Environmental Remediation , Institute of Geograp hic S ciences
and Natural Resources Research , Chinese Academy o f Sciences , Beij ing 100101 , China)
Abstract:Some Pteris vittata geno types , co llected from different locations of China , w ere planted in pots
to evaluate their ability in As to ler ance and accumula tion.Results show ed that the re w ere dr amatic
diffe rence in plant heigh t , biomass and frond number.The plant height ranged from 29.6 to 68.2 cm ,
frond number fr om 18.0 to 60.0 per plant , shoot fresh w eight fr om 150 to 540 g pe r plant and ro ot fresh
weight from 20.3 to 94.9 g pe r plant.The distinct difference among the geno types w as also found in
shoo t and roo t As accumulation , r ang ing from 643.10 to 3009.03 mg kg -1 and from 26.34 to 112.38
mg kg -1 , re spectively.It w as found that accession C108 had the highest A s accumulation in shoo t ,
being significantly higher than all o the r accessions.There w as a significant difference among the
accessions of P teris vittata in both transpo r ting factor (TF)and bio lo gical factor (BF).The re was a
po sitive associa tion be tw een As accumula tion and some g row th cha racters , including plant height , frond
and bud numbers , and shoo t fresh weight.
Key words:Pteris vittata L.;a rsenic;contamination;genotype;phy toremediation
CLC number:Q948;S564.4   Document code:A
蔡保松1 , 张国平1 ,陈同斌2(1.浙江大学农业与生物技术学院 , 浙江 杭州 310029;2.中国科学院 地理与
资源研究所 环境修复中心 , 北京 100101)
蜈蚣草生长特性和富集砷的基因型差异研究(英文).浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 2007 , 33(5):
摘 要:利用从我国蜈蚣草主要分布地区收集到的不同蜈蚣草基因型进行田间试验 , 评价他们耐砷和
富集砷的能力.试验结果表明 , 蜈蚣草基因型在株高 、生物量 、羽叶数上都表现出显著的不同.株高变化
范围为 29.6 ~ 68.2 cm;每株羽叶数变化范围为 18.0 ~ 60.0 个;每株地上部鲜重变化为 150~ 540 g;每
株根鲜重变化范围为 20.3 ~ 94.9 g.蜈蚣草基因型地上部和根部的砷浓度也表现出显著差异.地上部
砷积累浓度变化范围为 643.10 ~ 3009.03 mg kg-1 , 根部砷积累浓度变化范围为 26.34 ~ 112.38 mg
kg -1 .基因型 C108 地上部积累砷最多 , 显著大于其它蜈蚣草基因型;研究还发现 ,蜈蚣草基因型间的转
运系数和生物富集系数也存在显著差异.相关分析显示 , 蜈蚣草富集砷的量与株高 、羽叶数 、芽苞数等
关 键 词:蜈蚣草;砷;污染;基因型;植物修复
  Phy toext raction , defined as the use of plants
to remove pollutants f rom the envi ronment or to
render them harmless[ 1-2] , is being considered as a
highly promising technology for the remediation
of polluted sites due to its cost-effectiveness and
environmental f riendliness
[ 3] .Plant cultivation
and harvesting are inexpensive processes and less
secondary w aste compared with t raditional
engineering approaches. Furthermore , this
technology creates minimal environmental
[ 4-5] .Phy toex traction has generated
increasing interest wo rldwide and the great effort
has been done to improve its efficiency , so as to
extend its application
[ 6-9] .However , the ability to
accumulate heavy metals varies significant ly
among plant species and among cultivars within a
species.There are three st rategies at present to
improve the efficiency of phy toremediation , i.e.
(1)to identify the hyper-accumulators with high
ability to accumulate contaminants;(2) to
enhance the capacity of the plant to uptake and
accumulate contaminants by adding special
reagents;and (3) to increase the biomass or
contaminant-accumulating ability of hyper-
accumulator by genetic modification.The first
approach is the most practical one compared to
others because it will not cause additional
  Pteris vittata is widely grow n in China ,
especially in southern China.Many researches
show that there is a markedly geno typic difference
in plant g row th trai ts.For example plant height
ranges from 0.2 to 2 meters , and fresh biomass
ranges from 5 to 36 t hm-2[ 10] .However , there
has been less information about the relationship
betw een As accumulation and plant grow th.The
objective of the present study is(1)to develope a
method for selecting As hyper-accumulator in the
fields;(2)to determine genotypic difference in As
accumulation in Pteris vittata shoot;(3)to find
relationship betw een shoot As content and growth
character in fields.
1 Materials and Methods
  The experiment was conducted in Chenzhou
experimental station , Chenzhou City , Hunan
Province , China , where soil w as heavily
contaminated with As. Ten Pteris Vittata
genotypes (accessions) were collected f rom
Guangxi , Hunan , Chongqing , Guangdong and
Fujian provinces respectively.Pores were sowed
on compost bed for germination and seedling
g row th.When seedlings grew into the seven
leaves(180-day old), they w ere transplanted into
a field.A completely randomized block design
w as used with three replications for each
treatment.The plot consisted of 4 lines with 4 m
of length and 0.4 m between lines.Phosphorus
as CaH2PO 4 2H2O , potassium as KCl and
nit rogen as urea were supplied at a rate of 30 , 60
and 160 kg hm-2 , respectively.All P and K
fertilizers were applied before t ransplanting , while
N fertilizer applied in four equal splits , the first
one being applied before transplantation and three
others at 1 , 5 and 7 months after t ransplanting.
  At the end of the experiment , f ronds , buds
and fresh w eight per plant were counted , and the
plants were harvested as the sample for dry
weight determination and As accumulation
analysis.The plants were washed thoroughly
with tap water to remove adhesive soils and dust ,
and then rinsed w ith deionized water three times ,
separated into shoots and roots and dried in an
oven for 48 h at 85℃, and then the dry weight
w as reco rded.The soils were then air-dried ,
g round to pass a 100-mesh screen.Both soil and
plant samples w ere digested with nit ric acid and
perchloric acid (4/1 , V/V), and arsenic content
was determined by an Atomic Fluorescence
474 第 33卷 
蔡保松 ,等:蜈蚣草生长特性和富集砷的基因型差异研究(英文)
Spect rometer(Haiguang AFS-2202).
2 Results and analysis
2.1 Genotypic difference in growth traits
  There was a significantly genotypic difference
in plant height , frond number and fresh w eight
when the plants were grow n in the soil with As
accumulation of 59 mg kg-1(Table 1).Frond
number per plant ranged from 18.0 for Cl09 to
60.0 for Cl05 , plant height ranged from 29.6 cm
for C109 to 68.2 cm fo r C103 , shoo t fresh w eight
ranged from 150 g plant-1 for C109 to 540 g
plant-1 for C106 , and root f resh weight ranged
from 20.3 g plant-1 for C109 to 94.9 g plant-1
for C106. The plant height of C109 was the
low est , being 29.6 cm and 45% of the control
(accession C101), while C103 had the highest
plant height , being 68.2 cm and 103% of the
control.Shoot and root fresh weight in C109 w as
also the smallest , and being only 62% and 39%
of those in the control.C106 had the g reatest
shoot and root f resh weight , being 540 and 94.9
g plant-1 , i.e.222% and 182% of the control.
Similarly , the remarkable difference in frond
number per plant could be found among these
accessions , in C109 being the smallest (18.0 per
plant)and C105 the greatest (60.0 per plant),
although the two accessions had the basically
same plant height.There was also a dramatic
difference in frond number per plant between
C107 and C104 or C102 , but no distinct
dif fe rence w as found in both shoo t and root
f resh w eight .In general , plant height and
frond number per plant w ere closely related to
shoot biomass of P teris v it tata , thus it may
be deduced that the accession of P teris vi ttata
w ith highe r plant height and mo re f ronds per
plant is favorable fo r mo re As accumulation in
above-g round parts.
Table 1 Genotypic difference in plant height, frond number and fresh weight per plant
Plant height
cm %*
Fronds/plant -1
Frond %
Fresh w eight/(g plant -1)
Shoot %*
Fresh weight/(g plant-1)
Root %*
Cl02 Guangxi 44.2b 67 24.0a 180 273.3 abc 112 46.7abc 89
Cl03 Guangxi 68.2e 103 22.7a 171 306.7abc 126 63.0bcde 121
Cl04 Hunan 44.4b 67 27.7a 208 230.0 ab 95 33.4 ab 64
Cl05 Hunan 59.8cde 91 60.0c 451 493.3d 203 88.7 de 170
Cl06 Guangxi 54.2bcd 82 58.7c 441 540.0d 222 94.9 e 182
Cl07 Hunan 44.7b 68 30.0 b 226 260.0 ab 107 33.7 ab 65
Cl08 Chongqing 51.9bc 79 57.7 c 434 466.7 cd 192 83.5cde 160
Cl09 Guangdong 29.6a 45 18.0a 135 150.0 a 62 20.30a 39
Cl10 Fujian 53.3bcd 88 28.0a 211 429.0bcd 176 86.2cde 165
Mean 50.0 78 36.3 273 349.9 144 61.2 117
  Notes:The same let ter af ter data wi thin a column represents no significant diff erence at 95% probabilit y.Asterisk shows that
calculation is based on accession C101.
2.2 Genotypic difference in As concentration and
accumulating capacity
  All parameters measured in the present study
differed significant ly among the accessions of
Pteris vittata.As concentration ranged from
643.10 to 3009.03 mg kg-1 in shoots , with a
mean of 1283.1 mg kg-1 , and 26.34 to 112.38
mg kg-1 in roots , with a mean of 61.86 mg
-1(Table 2).C106 was the accession wi th the
lowest As concentration in both shoots and roots ,
and C109 had the highest As concentration in
shoots , followed by C108 which had the highest
root As concentration.
  Concerning As accumulation , which is the
475 第 5期
function of As concentration and co rresponding
plant part , C108 w as the highest in both shoots
and roots , being significantly higher than all other
accessions.C104 accumulated the low est amout of
As in bo th roots and shoots , although it show ed
no significant difference with accessions , except in
C109.In phyto remediation , the accession with
more As accumulation in shoot is favorable ,
because the higher efficiency of remediation may
be reached.
  Transpo rting facto r (TF)is defined as the
ratio of shoot to root As concentration , and
ref lects As-transporting ability of Pteris v ittata
f rom root to shoot.Biological factor (BF) is
def ined as the ratio of shoot to soil A s
concentrat ion , and reflects As uptake ability
of P teris v it tata f rom soil.It may be seen
from the Table 2 that there w as a significant
dif fe rence among the accessions o f Pteris
v it tata in bo th TF and BF , w ith C109
(50.37)and C106(10.77)having the highest
and low est BF , respectively , and C110
(81.90)and C108(17.22)having the highest
and low est TF.
Table 2 Genotypic difference in As concentration and accumulating capacity among accessions of Pteris vittata
As concent ration/(mg kg-1)
Shoot Root
As content/(mg plant -1)
Shoot Root
Cl01 Guangxi 1236.86ab 66.67abc 49.97a 0.85a 17.72a 20.70ab
Cl02 Guangxi 1159.69ab 44.91a 62.61a 0.49a 26.59b 19.41ab
Cl03 Guangxi 1070.32ab 59.35ab 76.97a 1.14a 18.28a 17.92ab
Cl04 Hunan 845.13ab 44.44a 50.36a 0.48a 20.01a 14.15ab
Cl05 Hunan 743.38a 31.61a 94.38a 0.97a 23.98ab 12.44a
Cl06 Guangxi 643.10a 26.34a 83.31a 0.79a 26.44b 10.77a
Cl07 Hunan 1465.74ab 75.05abc 91.04a 0.80a 19.73a 24.54ab
Cl08 Chongqing 1621.53b 112.38c 174.66b 2.84b 17.22a 27.14b
Cl09 Guangdong 3009.03c 110.68bc 82.60a 0.55a 27.88b 50.37c
Cl10 Fujian 1036.13ab 47.13a 91.86a 1.07a 81.90c 17.34ab
Mean 1283.09 61.86 85.78 1.00 27.97 21.48
  Notes:The same letter af ter data wi thin a column represents no significant difference at 95% probabilit y;TF:Transporting factor;
BF:biological factor.
2.3 Relationship between shoot As concentration ,
accumulation and plant growth characters
  Relationships between shoot As
concentration , accumulation and plant g row th
characters were show n in Table 3.There were
significant ly negative correlations between shoot
concentration and plant height or f resh weight ,
indicating that the accessions with larger plants
Table 3 Relationship between shoot As concentration, accumulation and plant growth characters
Character           Line regression        Significance 
Plant height yAs concentra tion=2707.62-27.81 x r=-0.48*
yAs accumulation=73.12+0.25 x r=0.07
Frond number per plant yAs concentra tion=1665.62-11.25 x r=-0.28
yAs accumulation=42.14+1.28 x r=0.57*
Bud number per plant yAs concentra tion=1460.54-6.72 x r=-0.19
yAs accumulation=61.08+0.94 x r=0.48*
Shoot f resh w eight yAs concentra tion=2197.22-2.77 x r=-0.54*
yAs accumulation=36.34+0.15 x r=0.52*
  Notes:n=12;Asterisk show s significance at 95% probability.
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蔡保松 ,等:蜈蚣草生长特性和富集砷的基因型差异研究(英文)
tend to contain lower As concentration.On the
other hand , the significant positive correlations
were found between shoot As accumulation and
fronds per plant , buds per plant or f resh w eight.
However there was no significant co rrelation
betw een shoot As accumulation and plant height.
3 Discussion
  Arsenic contamination has emerged as a
major environmental issue w orldwide.Health of
millions of people has been damaged in
Bangladesh and Indian because of arsenic
poisoing[ 11-21] .In China , arsenic pollution has
also caused the g reat damage to human health.
Therefore , the remediation of arsenic
contamination has been paid special attention.
  Successful phy toex t raction requires those
plants w hich are capable of producing high
biomass w hile accumulating large amount o f
contaminants through uptaking f rom soil.
Pteris vi ttata has been proved to be capable o f
accumulate high A s and maintaining a large
biomass , thus it is a promising candidate for
As phy toremediation[ 10 , 22-25] .Moreover , it w as
shown that its bio-accumulating factor(BF)of As
ranged from 7 to 80
[ 10] .In addition , unlike most
other As-tolerant plants , which have lesser
accumulation coefficient in shoot , Pteris vittata
show s quite high accumulation coefficient ,
transferring approximately 90%of As taken up to
the above-g round parts[ 10 , 22] .However , there are
few reports on the dif ferences among the various
accessions (genotypes) of the species in As
accumulation and g row th response to As toxicity.
The present results showed that there is a large
difference in plant height , shoot and root biomass
among the accessions with different origin.
  The plants used as ext ractant for
contaminants should have the follow ing traits:
(1)to be tolerant to high levels of metalloid;(2)
to accumulate a large amount of metalloid in its
harvestable parts;(3)to be fast in grow th rate
exposed to the contamination;(4)to be g reat in
biomass production;(5) to have a developed
roots[ 26-28] . Unfortunately , most hyper-
accumulators available now are relatively small in
plant size and slow in growth rate
[ 4 , 27] .Data f rom
the current experiment illuminated that it is
possible to screen out the accessions of Pteris
v ittata with high biomass and As accumulation in
above-g round parts.However , more research
should be done in the field condition to identify
the accession or genotype suitable for use in the
practice of remediation of As contaminated soils.
In addi tion , the experiment show ed that the frond
and bud number are positively correlated with As
accumulation ability , suggesting that these
g row th parameters may be used as the indicator of
As accumulation ability of Pteris vi ttata.
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