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全 文 :中国石杉属(狭义)小杉兰组的分类学研究
张 丽 兵 孔 宪 需
(中国科学院成都生物研究所 成都 610041)
ZHANG Li-Bing  KUNG Hsian-Shiu
(Chengdu Inst itute o f Biology , the Chinese Academy of S ciences , C hengdu 610041)
Abstract The fern-allied genus Huperz ia Bernh.(sen.str.)is divided into tw o sect ions:
Sect.Huperzia and Sect.Serratae (Rothm.)Holub.The circumscription of Sect.Huperzia
is revised.The classificat ion of this section in China is presented.Tw elve species and one
variety are recognized here , including one new combination , H.quasipolytrichoides
(Hayata)Ching var.recti folia (J.F.Cheng)H .S.Kung et L .B.Zhang , two new
synonyms , H .hupehensis Ching and H .whangshanensis Ching et P.C.Chiu.
Key words  Huperz ia;Inf rageneric classification;Sect.Huperzia;Revision;Toxonomy ;
J.G.Baker(1887)was w orking on the inf rageneric classification of Lycopodium(s.l.)
in his book “Handbook of the Fern Allies” .Under his subgenus Selago , the g roup of
Lycopodium selago includes some taxa of Huperzia Bernh.and Phlegmariurus (Herter)
W.Herter paid some at tention to the inf rageneric classification of Lycopodium L .(s.
l.)as w ell.In 1909 , he proposed 4 series under his Subgen.Urostachys Herter sect.
Selaginurus Herter , namely Ser.Selagina Herter , Ser.Serrata Herter , Ser.Everettia
Herter and Ser.Hamiltonia Herter , of w hich , Ser.Selagina together wi th Ser.Serrata
corresponds to modern conception of Huperzia(s.s.).According to modern view , i t can be
inferred that Ser.Selagina and Ser.Serrata be the natural taxa.But i t is a pity that all of
the taxa under the sect ion in W.Herter s system(1909)were not formally described.
Based on the species Huperzia selago (L.)Bernh., the type species of the genus
Huperzia Bernh., W.Rothmaler(1944)proposed a new section , Sect.Plananthus(Gray)
Rothm.(nom .superf l.), under w hich Subsect.Euselago (Pritzel)Rothm.was also put
forward by him w ith the same type species.The subsect ion includes tw o series , namely Ser.
Selaginae Ro thm .(“Selagina” Herter)and Ser.Serrata Rothm.(“Serrata” Herter).The
former refers to the species that have ent ire or denticulate leaves , while the latter includes
those w ith leaves serrate on the margin.
In 1991 , J.Holub upg raded Ser.Serratae Rothm., one of the above two series , to

Present address:Insti tut fǜ r Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten, Johannes Gutenber-Universi tat Mainz ,
D-55099 Mainz , Germany.
1997-12-28收稿 , 1998-06-05收修改稿。
The project is supported by the Nat ional Natural Science Foundation of C hina(NSFC)and the Chengdu Diao S cience
植 物 分 类 学 报 36(6):521~ 529(1998)
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
Sect.Serratae (Ro thm .)Holub.Therefore the others of Huperzia(s.s.) should be
classified automatically to Sect.Huperzia.
China is an important distribut ional area of Huperzia Bernh.Having finished the
taxnomical study on the Chinese taxa , we think that the two above key systems(W.
Rothmaler ,1944 and J.Holub , 1991)are not fully adequate.Here , we divide Huperzia
Bernh.(s.s.)st ill into tw o sections , Sect.Huperzia and Sect.Serratae (Ro thm .)Holub ,
but w ith different circumscription:Sect.Huperzia ow ns entire leaves , whereas Sect.
Serratae(Rothm.)Holub possesses serrate o r denticulate leaves.
Key to sections
1.Leaves serrate or denticulate 1.Sect.Serratae(Rothm.)Holub…………………………………………
1.Leaves entire 2.Sect.Huperzia……………………………………………………………………………
Huperzia Bernh.sect.Huperzia , Holub in Folia Geobot.Phy totax .26:85.1991.
Huperzia Bernh.sect.Plananthus(Gray)Rothm.subsect.Euselago (Pritzel)Ro thm.
ser.Selaginae Rothm.in Fedd.Repert.Sp.Nov.54:59.1944 , p.p.
Lycopodium subgen.Urostachys sect.Selaginurus Herter ser.Selaginae(“Selagina”)
Herter in Bot.Jahrb.43(98):31.1909 , nom .nud.
Typus:Huperzia selago(L .)Bernh.ex Schrank et M at t.
Folia margine integra.
Distributed in Europa , Asia and America;12 species in China.
Key to Species in China
1.Bases of leaves evidently the broadest part of the leaf.
2.Branches with leaves 0.5 ~ 1.3 cm broad;leaves lanceolate o r subulate, 4 ~ 6 mm long , straight o r
incurv ate , erect non reflex.
3.Leaves straight , lanceolate or subulate.
4.Leaves sparse , lanceolate c.1.2 mm broad at base , ascending 1.中华石杉 H.chinensis…
4.Leaves dense lineari-subulate c.0.8 mm broad at base , vague
2.东北石杉 H.miyoshiana
3.Leaves mo re or less incurvate, nar row lanceolate , 6 mm long
3.南川石杉 H.nanchuanensis
2.Branches with leaves 1.7 ~ 2.0 cm broad;leaves subulate, falcate , reflex
4.曲尾石杉 H.bucahwangensis
1.Bases of leaves slightly narrower than the broadest part of the leaf o r about the same as it.
5.Small plants generally less than 10 cm high;leaves below 2 ~ 5(~ 6)mm in length.
6.Leaves plane , 2~ 5(~ 6)mm long , ascending 5.西藏石杉 H.tibetica…………………………
6.Leaves slightly incurved , vaulted on the back.
7.Leaves ascending , appressed , c.1 mm broad 6.伏贴石杉 H.appressa……………………
7.Leaves spreading , 0.5 ~ 0.7 mm broad 7.相马石杉 H.somai………………………………
5.Larger plants 9~ 25 cm high;largest leaves over 8 mm long.
8.Stem redish 8.红茎石杉 H.rubicaulis……………………………………………………………
8.Stem green.
9.Small plants , leaves lanceolate o r linear , narrower than 1.2(~ 1.4)mm broad , acuminate , thin
coriaceous or char taceous.
10.Leaves chartaceous , vague.
11.Leaves lanceola te c.1 mm broad 9.雷波石杉 H.laipoensis………………………
11.Leaves linear , evidently nar rower than 1 mm 10.峨眉石杉 H.emeiensis…………
522  植 物 分 类 学 报 36 卷
10.Leaves reflex or descending , thin co riaceous.
12.Leaves slightly incurv e, reflex
11a.金发石杉 H.quasipolytrichoides var.quasipolytrichoides
12.Leaves straight , slightly descending 11b.直叶金发石杉 var.rectifolia……………
9.Larger plants to 25 cm high , leaves elliptico-lanceolate , 1.5 ~ 1.8 mm broad , acute
12.小杉兰 H.selago
1 中华石杉
Huperzia chinensis(Christ)Ching in Acta Bot.Yunnan.3(3):304.1981;H.S.
Kung , Fl.Sichuan.6:28 , f.2:4 ~ 6.1988;B.Ollg.in Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et
Index Lycop.11.1989.
Lycopodium chinense Christ in Nuov.Giorn.Bot.Ital.n.ser.4(1):101 , t.3 , f.
4.1897;Herter in Eng l.Bot.Jahrb.43:Beibl.98:22.1909;傅书遐 ,中国主要植物图
说———蕨类植物门 3.1957;Y.L .Chang et al., Sporae Pterid.Sin.39 , pl.1:14 ~ 17.
1976;H.S.Kung in Acta Phytotax.Sin.18(2):234 , f.1:1.1980;B.Ollg.Index
Lycop.37.1989.TYPE:China.Shaanxi , Mt.Taibai , J.Girald s.n.(K)
Urostachys chinensis(Christ)Herter ex Nessel , Bä rlappg.27.Abb.4 , f.2.1939.
H.takingensis Ching , l.c.300;B.Ollg.in Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index
Lycop.21.1989.TYPE:China.Sichuan , Dajing , alt.4200 m , Li Xing 77835(PE).
Shaanxi(陕西):M t.Taibai(太白山), X.Z .Zhang et al.(张学忠等)1305(PE).
Sichuan(四川):Jinchuan(金川), X.Li(李馨)77835;Shimian(石棉), L.B.Zhang(张
Distribution Shaanxi and Sichuan Provinces;alt.2000 ~ 2400 m ;in crevices on g rass
The concept of this species w as enlarged in the past , including Lycopodium
miyoshianum and other relatives , such as L .emeiense , etc.
2 东北石杉
Huperzia miyoshiana(Makino)Ching in Acta Bot.Yunnan.3(3):303.1981;S.X.
Li et J.Z.Wang in S.X.Li , Fl.Liaoning.1:11 , pl.1:4 ~ 5.1988;B.Ollg.in Opera
Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.17.1989;J.Z.Wang in Journ.Hebei Forest.Coll.
5(2):114.1990;Nakaike , N.Fl.Jap.Pterid.rev.enlarg.792.1992;Brunton in
Amer.Fern Journ.82(2):63 ~ 66.1992.
Lycopodium miyoshianum Makino in Bot.Mag.Tokyo 12:36.1898;B.Ollg.Index
Lycop.57.1989.TYPE:Japan.Honshu , M.M iyoshi s.n.(TI).
L .selago L.var.miyoshianum (Makino)Makino , l.c.16:199.1902.
L .tenui folium Herter in Bot.Jahrb.43:41.1909.SYNTYPE:Japan.Faurie s.n.
Urostachys miyoshianus (Makino)Herter ex Nessel , Bä rlappg.28.1939;B.Ollg .
Index Lycop.96.1989.
U .miyoshianus var.coreanus (Hayata)Herter ex Nessel , Bä rlappg.28 , Abb.4 , f.
5.1939;Nakaike in J.Nat.Hist.Mus.Inst.Chiba 4(1):12.1996.TYPE:Korea.
Fakurie 3.
H.miyoshiana (Makino)Ching var.coreana (Hayata)Ching , l.c.304;Nakaike in
J.Nat.Hist.Mus.Inst., Chiba 4(1):12.1996.
L .chinense auct non Christ:刘慎谔等 ,东北草本植物志 1:7 ,图 2.1958;Tagaw a ,
Coll.Ill.Jap.Pterid.8 , pl.1 ~ 3 , f.1:3.1959;Nakaike , New Fl.Jap.Pterid.16 , f.
6 期 张丽兵等:中国石杉属(狭义)小杉兰组的分类学研究 523 
16a , 16b.1982;Iw atsuki , Ferns Fern Allies Jap.44.1992.
Heilongjiang(黑龙江):M t.Xiaobai(小白山), H.W.Kung(孔宪武)2217;Yichun
(伊春), T .N.Liou et al.(刘慎谔等)7897(PE).Jilin(吉林):Songhua Riv.Exp.(松花
江队)316;Mudanjiang(牡丹江), G.Sato 7543;M t.Changbai(长白山), A.G.Gu(谷安
根)305(PE), J.J.Qian(钱家驹)466(KUN).
Distribution Northeast China;alt.1000 ~ 2200 m;in moist soil under fo rest o r in
mosses.Also in Korea , Japan and Northeast America.
Some pteridologists(K.Iw atsuki , 1992;T .Nakaike , 1982;M.Tagaw a , 1959)
treated this species as synonymy of H.chinensis , but recently many petridologists have
considered them dif ferent f rom each other on morphology and geog raphy(D.F.Brunton et
al., 1992;T .Nakaike , 1992;J.Z.Wang , 1990;R.C.Ching , 1981;H.S.Kung ,
Lycopodium chinense Christ(in Fl.URSS.1:115.Tab:Vl , 4a ~ b.1934)may be a
misidentif ication of this species.This species bears dense and narrow er subulate leaves ,
which is different from H.chinensis.
3 南川石杉
Huperzia nanchuanensis(Ching et H .S.Kung)Ching et H.S.Kung in Ching in Acta
Bot.Yunnan.3(3):302.1981;H.S.Kung , Fl.Sichuan.6:28 , pl.1:1 ~ 2.1988;B.
Ollg.in Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.17.1989;P.S.Wang , Pterid.
Fanjing M t.18.1992;X.Y.Wang in Bull.Bot.Res.14(4):352.1994.
Lycopodium nanchuanense Ching et H.S.Kung in H .S.Kung in Acta Phy totax .
Sin.18(2):235 , f.1:5 , pl.6:2.1980;B.Ollg .Index Lycop.58.1989.TYPE:
China.Chongqing , Nanchuan , Mt.Jinfo , alt.2000 m , under Cathaya forest , 1964 , K.
C.Kuan , W.T .Wang et C.L.Li 2081(PE).
H.hupehensis Ching , l.c.301;Bartholomew et al.in Journ.Arn.Arb.64(1):
17.1983;B.Ollg.in Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.14.1989;C.M.Zhang
in W.T .Wang , Keys Vasc.Pl.Wuling M ts.5.1995 , syn.nov.TYPE:China.Hubei ,
Xuan en , alt.1300 ~ 1400 m , H.J.Li 5276(PE).
Hubei(湖北):Xuan en(宣恩), H.J.Li(李洪均)5276.Chongqing(重庆):
Nanchuan(南川), Sichuan Exp.2081(=Kuan K.C.et al.2081), Mt.Jinfo Exp.(金佛
山队)314 , 316 , Z .Y.Liu(刘正宇)4507(PE), 134 , 78409 , H.S.Kung(孔宪需)5122
(PYU), J.H.Xiong(熊济华)95370(SZ).Yunnan(云南):Zhengxiong(镇雄), W.M .
Chu et G.F.Zhang(朱维明 , 张光飞)24273(PYU).
Distribution  Endemic to China(West Hubei , Chongqing and Northeast Yunnan);
alt.1300 ~ 2000 m;under forest , in moist soil or on t ree trunk.
Xuan en , Hubei , the type locality of H .hupeheensis is a neighbouring area of the
region w here H.nanchuanensis is inhabited and its type specimen w as collected.
Moreover , there are no distinct mo rphological features betw een these tw o species.So
the former should be taken as a synonym of H .nanchuanensis.The species is characterized
by its narrow lanceolate or less incurvate leaves.
4 曲尾石杉
Huperzia bucahwangensis Ching in Acta Bot.Yunnan.3(3):301.1981;B.Ollg.in
524  植 物 分 类 学 报 36 卷
Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.10.1989;W.M .Chu et S.G.Lu in H.Li ,
Fl.Dulong jiang Reg.1.1993;X.Cheng in W.T .Wang , Vasc.Pl.Hengduan M ts.1:
2.1993.TYPE:China.Yunnan , Buchaw ang , in valley , T.T .Yu 20132(holotype , PE;
isotype , KUN).
Yunnan(云南):Gongshan(贡山), T .T .Yu(俞德浚)20132;Jinping(金平), W.
M .Chu(朱维明)1463(PE), 3733(PYU), Forest Exp.Team 4(森林四大队)300(PYU),
Distribution Endemic to China(Yunnan);alt , 2300 ~ 2500 m in mosses under forest.
The species is characterized by subulate and falcate leaves;it looks like Dicranum .
5 西藏石杉
Huperzia tibetica(Ching)Ching in Acta Bot.Yunnan.3(3):304.1981;B.Ollg.in
Opera Bot.92:165.1987 et Index Lycop.22.1989;X.Cheng in W.T .Wang , Vasc.
Pl.Hengduan M ts.1:2.1993;W.M .Chu et S.G.Lu in H.Li , Fl.Dulongjiang Reg .
Lycopodium tibet icum Ching in Bull.Fan Mem.Inst.Biol.Bo t.ser.10:17.1940;
B.Ollg .Index Lycop.74.1989.TYPE:China.Yunnan , Salwin-Chiukiang dived , alt.
3100 m , 1938-09-16 , T .T .Yu 20318(holotype , PE;isotype , PYU , KUN).
Yunnan(云南):Gongshan(贡山), T .T .Yu(俞德浚)22380 , C.W.Wang(王启无)
67229(PE , KUN);M t.Gaoligong(高黎贡山), W.M .Chu et al.(朱维明等)22380
(PYU , CDBI), 22429(PYU).
Distribution Endemic to China(Northw est Yunnan);alt.2700 ~ 3300 m ;alpine
moist meadow or sw amp land.
The species is called “ Tibetan Huperzia” , though it does not occur in Tibet.Leaves are
sparse(especially of taller individuals), plane margin and acute at the top.
6 伏贴石杉
Hupertzia appressa(Desv.)Löve et Löve in Bot.No t.114:34.1961;B.Ollg.in
Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.9.1989.
Lycopodium selago L.var.appressum Desv.in Mem.Soc.Linn.Paris 6(2):180.
1827;Spring , Monogr.Lycop.1:20.1842;Tagaw a , Coll.Ill.Jap.Pterid.8.1959;B.
Ollg .Index Lycop.69.1989.TYPE:La Pylaie s.n.(? P).
L .appressum (Desv.)Petr.Fl.Iakut.1:37.1930;Iljin in Kom.Fl.URSS.1:
115.1934;C.M .Kuo in Taiw ania 30:11.1985;B.Ollg.Index Lycop.32.1989 , non
F .Lloyd et L .Underw .1900.
L .selago L.f.reductum Christ in Bull.Soc.Bot.Ital.1897:184.1898.
Urostachys selago (L .)Herter f.reductus (Christ)Herter ex Nessel , Bärlappg.37.
1939.TYPE:China.Shaanxi , Tsing-lin-shan , J.Giraldi s.n.
L .selago L.f.reductus-angustum Christ , l.c.
U .selago (L.)Herter f.reductus-angustinus (Christ)Herter ex Nessel , l.c.37.
TYPE:China.Shaanxi , M t.Taibai , J.Giraldi s.n.
L .selago auct non L.:C.Chr.in Acta Hort.Gothob.1:108.1924.
H.selago (L.)Bernh.ex Schrank et M art.var.appressa(Desv.)Ching in Acta Bot.
Yunnan.3(3):303.1981 et in C.Y.Wu , Fl.Xizang.1:7.1983;H .S.Kung , Fl.
Sichuan.6:26 , pl.1:3 ~ 5.1988;J.Z.Wang in Journ.Hebei Forest.Coll.5(2):114.
6 期 张丽兵等:中国石杉属(狭义)小杉兰组的分类学研究 525 
1990 , syn.nov.
Jilin(吉林):M t.Changbai(长白山), J.J.Qian(钱家驹)483 , 561(PE , KUN).
Shaanxi(陕西):M t.Taibai(太白山), P.C.Tsoong(钟补求)925 , 988 , K.T .Fu(傅坤
俊)10369(PE).Xinjiang(新疆):Zhaosu(昭苏), Xinjiang Exp.(新疆队)10577 , K.J.
Guan(关克俭)3551 , PE-717254;Nilka(尼勒克), 3986(PE).Taiwan(台湾):Taizhong
(台中), S.J.Moore(牟善桀)12731(PYU).Sichuan(四川):Mt.Emei(峨眉山), X.J.
Zhen(郑学经)4085(PYU , SZ).Yunnan(云南):Dali(大理), T .N.Liou(刘慎谔)21396
(PE).Xizang(Tibet)(西藏):Baxoi(八宿), Qinghai-Xizang Exp.73-1252(PE , KUN)
Distribution Northeast China , Northw est China , Southwest China and Taiw an;alt.
2300 ~ 5000 m , in alpine meadow o r rock crevices.Also in Europe , Asia and N.North
The species is normally taken as a variety of H.selago.On account of it s very small
stature and the occurrence only in alpine regions , we regard i t as a species here.It is an
ecological substitute of H.selago in alpine regions.
Leaves are acuminate at the top and w ith involute margins.
7 相马石杉
Huperzia somai(Hayata)Ching in Acta Bot.Yunnan.3(3):301.1981;B.Ollg .in
Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.21.1989;Nakaike , N.Fl.Jap.Pterid.rev.
enlarg .792.1992.
Lycopodium somai Hayata , Ic.Pl.Fo rm.5:255.f.91.1915;Takeo , Ill.Form .
Pl.Suppl.15 , f.15.1928;Tagaw a , Coll.Ill.Jap.Pterid.9.pl.1 ~ 4.1959;Devol in
H.L.Li , Fl.Taiw an 1:29.1975;Nakaike , N.Fl.Jap.Pterid.33 , f.33.1982;C.
M .Kuo in Taiw ania 30:11.1985;B.Ollg.Index Lycop.71.1989;Iw atsuki , Ferns
Fern Allies Jap.44.pl.2:3.1992;J.C.Tsai et W.C.Shieh in T .C.Huang , Fl.
Taiw an 2nd ed.1:42.1994.TYPE:China.Taiw an , Arisan , 1915 , T .Soma s.n.
(pho to , PE , CDBI)
L .chinense Christ var.somai (Hayata)Masam.in Mem .Fac.Sci.Agr.Taihoku
L .selago L.var.somai (Hayata)Masam.Sho rt , Fl.Form .32.1936;Ohwi.Fl.
Urostachys somai (Hayata)Herter ex Nessel , Bä rlappg.54.1939;B.Ollg.Index
Taiwan(台湾 ):M t.Alishan(阿里山), T.Soma s.n.(photo , PE , CDBI).
Distribution China(Taiw an);Japan , Philippines.
The leaves of this species are elliptico-lanceolate , narrowing tow ard bases and w ith the
middle part broadest.
8 红茎石杉
Huperzia rubicaulis S.K.Wu et X.Cheng in Acta Phy totax .Sin.23(5):400 , f.1.
1985;B.Ollg.in Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.22.1989;W.M.Chu et S.
G.Lu in H.Li , Fl.Dulongjiang Reg.1.1993;X.Cheng in W.T .Wang , Vasc.Pl.
Hengduan M ts.1:2.1993.TYPE:China.Yunnan , Gongshan , alt.1500 m , under forest
in mosses , Qinghai-Xizang Exped.82-9423(KUN).
Yunnan(云南):Gongshan(贡山), Qinghai-Xizang Exp.(青藏队)82-9423(KUN).
526  植 物 分 类 学 报 36 卷
Distribution Endemic to China(Northw est Yunnan);alt.1500 m , under forest.
The specise is close to H.t ibetica , but it is taller than the lat ter and with smaller and
reflex leaves.
9 雷波石杉
Huperzia laipoensis Ching in Acta Bo t.Yunnan.3(3):299.1981;H.S.Kung , Fl.
Sichuan 6:30.1988;B.Ollg .in Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.15.1989.
TYPE:China.Sichuan , Leibo , Huongmaogeng , alt.2400 m ,under forest on t ree t runks ,
1959-06-18 , Sichuan Econ.PL .Exp.LS.725(PE).
Sichuan(四川):Leibo(雷波), Sichuan Econ.Pl.Exp.LS.(川经凉队)725 , H.S.
Distrbution Endemic to China(South Sichuan);alt.2300 ~ 2400 m;in moist soil
under fo rests o r on tree t runks.
The leaves of the specics are chartaceous and nondirective.
10 峨眉石杉
Huperzia emeiensis(Ching et H .S.Kung)Ching et H.S.Kung in Ching , in Acta
Bot.Yunnan.3(3):299.1981;H.S.Kung , Fl.Sichuan 6:28 , pl.2:13.1988;B.
Ollg .in Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.15.1989;X.Y.Wang in Bull.Bot.
Res.14(4):354.1994;C.M .Zhang in W.T .Wang , Keys Vasc.Pl.Wuling M ts.4.
Lycopodium emeiense Ching et H.S.Kung in Acta Phy totax .Sin.18(2):235 , f.1:
2.1980;B.Ollg .Index Lycop.44.1989.TYPE:China.Sichuan , Mt.Emei , K.H .
Yang 57467(holotype , PE;isotype , SZ)
L .chinense auct non Christ:X.J.Zheng in Acta Sci.Nat.Schol.Superi.Sin.
(Biol.)1965(3):274 , f.3.1965.
Hubei(湖北):Hefeng(鹤峰), H.J.Li(李洪均)8670(PE).Sichuan(四川):M t.
Emei(峨嵋山), K.H .Yang(杨光辉)57467 , X.J.Zheng(郑学经)4133(PE , SZ), W.
C.Cheng(郑万均)s.n.(PE);Hongya(洪雅), s.coll.1792 , 3086(CDBI);Daxiangling
(大相岭), H.S.Kung(孔宪需)3986(CDBI , PE);Nanchong(南充), Sichuan Econ.Pl.
Exp.(川经南)50(PE);Luding(泸定), L.B.Zhang(张丽兵)1096(CDBI).Chongqing
(重庆):Wuxi(巫溪), K.H.Yang 65342(PE).Yunnan(云南):Yongshan(永善), N.
E.Yunnan Exp.(滇东北队)437;Yiliang(彝良), 593;Zhengxiong(镇雄), 1181(PE);
Suijiang(绥江), W.M .Chu(朱维明)4963;Daguan(大关), 5172(PYU).
Distribution:Endemic to China(Hubei , Sichuan , Chongqing , Guizhou and Northeast
Yunnan);alt.800 ~ 2800 m;in moist soil under forest or in bush of valleys and beaches , or
on rocks or trunks.
The type of the species is the specimen with the collection number K.H.Yang 57467
instead of W.C.Cheng s.n., which w as w rongly cited by Ching(1981).
The species bears straight , nondirective and chartaceous leaves.
11 金发石杉
Huperzia quasipolytrichoides(Hayata)Ching in Acta Bot.Yunnan.3(3):299.1981;
B.Ollg .in Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.19.1989.
Lycopodium quasipolytrichoides Hayata , Ic.Pl.Fo rm.5:252 , f.89.1915;Takeo ,
6 期 张丽兵等:中国石杉属(狭义)小杉兰组的分类学研究 527 
Ill.Form.Pl.Suppl.14.1928;Tagaw a in Acta Phy totax.Geobot.14:8.1949;Devol in
H.L .Li , Fl.Taiw an 1:29 , pl.2.1975;C.M .Kuo in Taiw ania 30:11.1985;B.
Ollg.Index Lycop.65.1989;J.C.Tsai et W.C.Shieh in T .C.Huang , Fl.Taiw an
2nd ed.1:39 , pl.7.1994.TYPE:China.Taiw an , Arisan , 1914-04 , T .Ito et B.
Hayata s.n.(holo type , TI;photo , CDBI).
Urostachys quasipolytrichoides (Hayata)Herter ex Nessel , Bärlappg .64.1939.
L .ref lexo-intergrum Hayata , l.c.254 , f.90.1915.TYPE:China.Taiw an ,
Arisan , T .Soma s.n.(TI).
H.ref lexo-integra (Hayata)Holub in Folia Geobot.Phy totax.20:76.1985;B.
Ollg .in Opera Bot.92:164.1987 et Index Lycop.19.1989.
H.whangshanensis Ching et P.C.Chiu in Ching in Acta Bot.Yunnan.3(3):299.
1981;蒋木青 ,安徽植物志 , 1:19 , fig.3.1985;B.Ollg.in Opera Bot.92:165.1987 et
Index Lycop.23.1989;C.M .Zhang in W.T .Wang , Keys Vasc.Pl.Wuling M ts.4.
1995 , syn.nov.TYPE:China.Anhui , M t.Huangshan , P.C.Chiu 2570(PE).
11a 金发石杉(原变种)
Anhui(安徽):Mt.Huangshan(黄山), P.C.Chiu(裘佩熹)2532 , 2570(PE).
Taiwan(台湾):Ilan(宜兰), M .Tamura et T .Shimizu 20707(KUN);Taipei(台北), N.
Fukuyama et al.17744(PE).
Distribution Endemic to China(Anhui and Taiw an);in fo rest.Also in Japan.
The species is characterized by linear to narrow ly lanceolate and reflex leaves.
11b 直叶金发石杉 (变种) 新组合
var.recti folia(J.F .Cheng)H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang , comb.nov.
H.whangshanensis Ching var.rect i folia J.F.Cheng in Fl.Jiangxi 1:27 , 505 , f.
12.1993.TYPE:China.Jiangxi , Xieshan , Y.G.Xiong 7105(iso type , JXU)
Jiangxi(江西):Xieshan(鞋山), Y.G.Xiong(熊耀国)7105.
Distribution Endemic to China(Jiangxi);in mosses under forests.
The leaves of this variety differ f rom those of var.quasipolytrichoides.
12 小杉兰
Huperzia selago(L.)Bernh.ex Schrank et Mart.in Hort.Monac.3:1829;Trev.in
At ti Soc.Ital.Sci.Nat.7:248.1875;Rothm.in Fedd.Repert.Sp.Nov.54:59.1944
et in Fl.Europ.1:3.1964;Sen et Sen in Fern Gaz.11(6):415.f.1:a ~ j.1978;Ching
in Acta Bo t.Yunnan.3(3):302.1981;C.Y.Yang in Acta Phyto tax.Sin.20(4):446.
1982;Ching et S.K.Wu in C.Y.Wu , Fl.Xizang.1:7.1983;Dixit , Census Ind.
Pterid.8.1984 et Lycop.Ind.42.1988;B.Ollg .in Opera Bo t.92:164.1987 et Index
Lycop.20.1989;J.Z.Wang in Journ.Hebei Forest.Coll.5(2):114.1990;Fl.
Xinjiang 1:2.1992;Nakaike , N.Fl.Jap.Pterid.rev.enlarg.792.1992.
Lycopodium selago L.Sp.Pl.2:1103.1753;G rev.et Hook.in Bot.Misc.2:363.
1831 et 3:104.1833;Bak.Handb.Fern Allies 9.1887;Hayata , Ic.Pl.Form .4:132.
1914;Iljin in Kom.Fl.URSS.1:114.1934;刘慎谔等 ,东北草本植物志 1:4 , 图 3.
1958;Tagaw a , Coll.Ill.Jap.Pterid.8.pl.1 ~ 2 , f.1:3.1959;Mehra et Bir in Res.
Bull.Panjab Univ.15(1 ~ 2):101.1964;Fl.Tsinling.2:15.1974;Iwatsuki in Ohashi ,
Fl.E.Himal.3:167.1975;Devol in H.L .Li , Fl.Taiw an 1:29.1975;Nakaike , N.
528  植 物 分 类 学 报 36 卷
Fl.Jap.Pterid.29 , f.29.1982;B.Ollg.Index Lycop.69.1989;Iw atsuki , Ferns Fern
Allies Jap.44.1992.TYPE:Linn.1257.10
Plananthus selago(L.)P .Beauv.Prod.Aeth.112.1805.
Urostachys selago Herter in Bot.Centralb.39(2):249.1922 et Philipp.J.Sci.22:
180.1923;Nessel , Bä rlappg.32.1939.
Mirmau selago (L.)H.P.Fuchs in Verh.Naturf.Ges.Basel 66:43 ~ 44.1955.
L .densum Lam.Fl.Franc.1(Meth.anal.):33.1779.
L .abieti forme S.F.Gray , Bri t.Pl.2:22.1821.
Jilin(吉林):M t.Changbai(长白山), Yanbian Exp.Team 1(延边一组)22(PE).
Xinjiang(新疆):M ts.Tianshan(天山), S.L .Chen(陈舜礼)300;Altay(阿勒泰),
Distribution NW and NE China(Jiling and Xinjiang);alt.1900 ~ 2300 m;under
forests or near ditches;widely spreading in Europe , Asia , America and Australia
Stature of the species is much larger than that of H .appressa.
Uncertain Species
Huperzia medogensis Ching et Y.X.Ling in Acta Phy totax.Sin.22(3):193.1984;
B.Ollg .Index Lycop.20.1989.
Xizang(Tibet)(西藏):Medog(墨脱), W.L.Chen et al.(陈伟烈等)11549(Typus).
As described , the species holds entire leaves , so it belongs naturally to Sect.Huperzia.
But w e have not seen the type specimen , therefo re cited here only .
Acknowledgment The autho rs are grateful to P rof.B.Ollg aard , Botanisk Institut , Aarhus Universite t ,
Denmark , to Prof.J.Holub , I nstitute o f Bo tany , Academy of Sciences , Czech Republic and to Prof.R.E.
G.Pichi-Sermo lli , Montagnana Val di Pesa , Italia , fo r providing some reprints of their papers.Thanks are
also due to Prof.W.M.Chu at Yunnan University , P rof.S.K.Wu at Kunming Institute of Botany ,
Chinese Academy of Sciences , Prof.P.S.Wang at Guizhou Academy of Sciences , for their kind help;and to
the following Herbaria for permiting us to examine the collections:KUN , PYU , PE , SZ , CDBI.
摘要 本文将石杉科石杉属(狭义)分为两组 , 即小杉兰组 Sect.Huperzia 和蛇足石杉组 Sect.Serra tae
(Rothm.)Holub , 对小杉兰组的概念进行了修订并对国产有关种类进行了分类学研究。共记载国产小杉
兰组植物 12 种 1 变种 ,并包括 1 个新组合:Huperzia quasipolytrichoides(Hayata)Ching var.rectifolia
(J.F.Cheng)H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang , 2 个新异名:H .hupehensis Ching 和 H.whangshanensis
Ching et P.C.Chiu.
关键词 石杉属;属下分类;小杉兰组;修订;分类;中国
6 期 张丽兵等:中国石杉属(狭义)小杉兰组的分类学研究 529