全 文 :2012 年 11 月 吉林师范大学学报( 自然科学版) №. 4
第 4 期 Journal of Jilin Normal University ( Natural Science Edition) Nov. 2012
Received date:2012-10-01 Foundation item:National Nature Science Foundation China(30671491) ;the Twelfth Five-Year Program for Science
and Technology of Education Department of Jilin Province(20110162)
Biographies:LI Chang-you(1965-) ,male,bom in Meihekou City of Jilin Province,Associate professor in Jilin Normal University,Ph. D. Research
field:plant stress physiology and ecoloy.
Effects of Salt Stress on Seed Germinationof
Puccinellia chinampoensis
LI Chang-you1,NI Fu-tai1,WANG Shu-fan2,LIU Fei-xue1,LUN Zhi-bo1,SHI Yun-xue1,KIM Chang-min3
(1. College of Life Science,Jilin Normal University,Siping 136000,China;2. Garden Department of Siping,Siping 136000,China;
3. Department of Horticulture,Sariwon Agricultural University,Democractic Peoples Republic of Korea)
Abstract:The germination percentage,the growth of embryonic root and seedling Puccinellia chinampoensisi were
tested,and NaCl,Na2SO4,Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 with seven concentrations (0. 3%,0. 5%,0. 7%,0. 9%,
1. 1%,1. 3% and 1. 5%)were used as the stress factors. The results showed that the germination percentage
decreased with the increasing of salt concentration. The order of salt resistance was as follows:Na2SO4 > NaCl >
NaHCO3 > Na2CO3 .
Key words:Puccinellia chinampoensis;salt resistance;germination rate
CLC number:Q945. 78 Document code:A Article ID:1674-3873-(2012)04-0039-04
Global saline soil area is expanding,it is estimated
that it increased each year in rate of 1. 0 × 106-1. 5 ×
106 hm2,soil salinization has become an important
environmental issue[4,5]. If we use stronger salt
tolerance of Puccinellia chinampoensis to make
Puccinellia chinampoensis grown widely in saline soil
area,to improve utilization of saline soil,we will make
a huge economic and ecological effects.
The Puccinellia chinampoensis is a perennial salt-
tolerant excellent Gramineae pasture,which was grown
in the three northern regions of China grassland and
secondary salinization of land over the years,and good
results were achieved[1,2]. Puccinellia chinampoensi is
a perennial,dense clump grass,stems upright or
buckling,with 2 to 3,the top section is located in the
lower 1 /3,blades linear,flat or involuting leaf length 3
to 8 cm,2 ~ 3 mm wide,slightly rough above,following
nearly smooth. Panicles carry,long 10 ~ 16 cm,each
section with 2 ~ 3 branches,spikelet 4. 5 ~ 6 mm,5 to 7
flowers. Seeds are fusiform,purple-brown when they are
ripe,grain weight 0. 1 ~ 0. 14 g. Puccinellia
chinampoensis maintains the characteristics of the wild
Puccinellia chinampoensis salinity, cold, drought
tolerance;when soil is over pH9. 5,topsoil salt content
gets to 1. 5%,annual precipitation is over 400 mm,it
can grow normally,even when temperatures reached -
36 ℃ it can survive the winter safely[3].
Generally forage was sensitive to salt in
germination and seedling. Puccinellia chinampoensis
seeds were treated with different concentration salt to
study the effects of salt stress on Puccinellia
chinampoensis seed germination,to provide a scientific
basis for pasture (Puccinellia chinampoensis)in use of
saline land resources development.
1 Materials and methods
1. 1 The test material
Seeds of Puccinellia chinampoensis were collected
from Northeast Normal University grassland station
located in Jilin Changling County in 2011,dry naturally
to test.
1. 2 Test method
Puccinellia chinampoensis seeds were treated with
NaCl,Na2SO4,Na2CO3,NaHCO3,each had seven
concentrations:0. 3%,0. 5%,0. 7%,0. 9%,1. 1%,
1. 3%,1. 5% . 90 mm petri dishes were used,100
seeds per dish. Two layers paper were put in petri
dishes after autoclaving, 10 ml of different
concentration of the salt solution were poured into,and
added distilled water as a control,repeated 3 times.
Observed and recorded germination number every day,
and added an equal amount of distilled water to remain
the respective processing salt concentration unchanged.
Test was carried out in artificial climate chamber,day
temperature 24 ℃,8 h light per day,light intensity
7800 lx. Start recording from the 5 d,count germination
potential[6]and measure shoot length,root length from
the 15 d,calculate the germination rate and related
indicators the 20 d.
Germination rate = (cumulative germination seed
number after 20 d / total number of seeds)× 100%
Germination index(GI)= ΣGT /DT(GT;DT is the
appropriate number of days)
The seedlings growth potential = average seedling
length average root length for test seeds in preselected
Germination vigor index(VI)= seed germination
index × seedling growth potential
Tolerance index =(VI the salt /VI water)× 100%
The tolerance index is the ratio of germination
vigor index under salt stress and germination vigor
index for control group.
1. 3 Data Processing
Measured test data were analyzed by SPSS V19. 0
statistics software.
2 Results and Analysis
2. 1 Effects of salt stress on the seed germination
rate of the Puccinellia chinampoensis
Puccinellia chinampoensis germination and
significant differences in germination rate under
different salt concentrations were seen in Table 1.
Under Na2SO4 stress,the salt concentration in the range
of 0% to 1. 3%,the relative germination rate of
Puccinellia tenuiflora seeds were higher than 82% .
Under NaCl stress,when the salt concentration was in
the range of 0. 3% to 0. 7%,the difference of relative
germination rate was not significant,when the
concentration got to 1. 3%,relative germination rate
was still higher than 68% . For Na2CO3 and NaHCO3,
with the salt concentration increasing,the relative
germination rate was reduced significantly.
Table 1 The germination percentages of seeds under different treatments
Concentration /%
0 0. 3 0. 5 0. 7 0. 9 1. 1 1. 3 1. 5
Na2 SO4 65. 00a 62. 65a 61. 64a 57. 65a 56. 20a 54. 10a 53. 81a 52. 46a
NaCl 65. 00a 66. 30a 64. 65a 63. 21a 51. 32a 44. 25b 39. 89a 20. 01b
NaHCO3 65. 00a 55. 00b 50. 27b 33. 56b 12. 68b 8. 46c 9. 34b 1. 08b
Na2CO3 65. 00a 53. 47b 34. 13c 15. 61c 4. 52b 0. 72c 0. 00c 0. 00c
Note:different letters in the same column indicate significant difference (P < 0. 05)
2. 2 Germination index
Effects of salt stress on germination index were
shown in Figure 1. As can be seen from Figure 1,
germination rate may reflect effects of salinity on seed
germination,but did not reflect uniformity of seedlings.
The germination index indicated the speed of seed
germination and consistency of field emergence. From
germination index,under NaCl,Na2SO4 stress was
higher than under Na2SO4 Stress and under Na2SO4
Stress,emergence was the fastest and most neatly.
However,under NaHCO3 Stress,emergence was slow,
and under Na2CO3 Stress emergence was slowest.
2. 3 Germination vigor index
Germination vigor index reflects not only rate of
seed germination,but also growth of seeds the radicle
and seedlings. That Korean Puccinellia tenuiflora growth
Fig. 1 Germination index under salt stress
potential was good or bad under salt stress was shown
in Figure 2. Test showed that four kinds of salt,under
Na2CO3 stress,seed growth potential decline in the
most obvious since Na2CO3 has most alkaline. When its
concentration reached 1. 1%,the growth potential of
the Korean Puccinellia tenuiflora seeds was 0. Under
1. 1% Na2SO4 processing,the growth potential of
Korean Puccinellia tenuiflora seeds was up to11 cm,
6. 15 cm when the concentration increased to 1. 5% .
Fig. 2 Growth vigor under salt stress
Four kinds of salt stress on vitality index of
Puccinellia tenuiflora were shown in Figure 3. As can
be seen,Puccinellia tenuiflora germination vigor index
decreased with salt concentration increasing. When the
concentration was 0. 7%,the index of the vitality under
Na2CO3 stress has reached 0,the impact was greatest.
While under NaHCO3 stress,it was close to 0. Under
1. 56% NaCl stress,vigor index could reach 0. Under
Na2SO4 stress,concentration was 1. 5%,its highest
vigor index was 15. 2.
Fig. 3 Vigor index under salt stress
2. 4 Tolerance index
Four different salt concentration of stress on
Puccinellia tenuiflora seed of Korea tolerance index
were shown in Figure 4. It could be seen that there
were significant differences for four different salt
tolerance of Korean Puccinellia tenuiflora seeds in the
germination stage. As salt concentration increased
gradually,the tolerance index decreased in varying
degrees. The order of salt tolerance on Puccinellia
tenuiflora seeds was as follows:Na2SO4 > NaCl >
NaHCO3 > Na2CO3 .
Fig. 4 Salt tolerance index under salt stress
Salt tolerance adaptation range of Puccinellia
tenuiflora seeds under four kinds of salt stress,salt
tolerance semi-lethal concentration and salt tolerance
limit concentration were shown in Table 2. Salt
tolerance suitable range was corresponding to the
concentration of salt solution the range when the
germination rate reaches 75% of the control;the salt
tolerance Semi-lethal concentration was corresponding
to the concentration of the salt solution when
germination rate reached 50% of the control;salt
tolerance limit concentration was corresponding to the
salt concentration when germination rate reached 10%
of the control . . Seen from Table 2,under Na2SO4
stress,salt-tolerant of Puccinellia tenuiflora was the
largest scope,the semi-lethal concentration was the
highest. Under Na2CO3 Stress,the salt tolerance
adaptation was the minimum, the semi-lethal
concentration was the lowest.
Table 2 The salt tolerance of Puccinellia chinampoensis under different salt stress
Salt tolerance indices
Salt concentration /%
NaCl Na2 SO4 NaHCO3 Na2CO3
Salt tolerance adaptation range ≤1. 3 ≤2. 0 ≤0. 6 ≤0. 2
The Salt Tolerance half lethal concentration 0. 5 1. 5 0. 7 0. 3
The concentration of salt tolerance limit 1. 5 — 0. 9 0. 9
3 Discussion
Under different salt stress, Puccinellia
chinampoensis seed germination was affected in varying
degrees,with increasing salt concentration, seed
germination was inhibited. increasingly.
Compared with the control group,,under low
concentrations of NaCl and Na2SO4 stress the difference
of seedling growth was not significant. Under high
concentration of stress,the difference was significant.
Under NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 stress,with increasing
concentration,seedling growth dropped significantly.
Radicle in alkaline solution was inhibited strongly than
in an acidic solution,not only the short,thin,or even a
part withered.
As salt concentration increased,seed germination
of Puccinellia chinampoensis gradually extended,
germination rate,germination index,vigor index and
tolerance index showed a downward trend. When the
NaCl and Na2SO4 concentrations were from 0% to
0. 8% and 1. 2%,the difference of germination rate
was not significant. When the NaHCO3 and NaCl
concentrations were from 0% to 0. 4%,differences of
seed germination rate were not significant,and the rest
were different significantly. It could be summarized that
under four kinds of salt stress the order of effects on
Puccinellia chinampoensis seed germination rate was as
follows Na2SO4 < NaCl < NaHCO3 < Na2CO3 .
Comprehensive indicators showed that Puccinellia
chinampoensis has strong salt tolerance,especially for
Na2SO4 . Therefore,Puccinellia chinampoensis has a
high salt tolerance.
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[3]A K. Xu,Salt excellent pasture-Puccinellia tenuiflora[M]. Beijing:Taiwan Strait Publishing,2001.
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( 1.吉林师范大学 生命科学学院,吉林 四平 136000; 2.四平市园林处,吉林 四平 136000;
3.朝鲜民主主义人民共和国,沙理院农业大学,朝鲜 沙理院)
摘 要:对朝鲜碱茅种子在 4 种盐分 NaCl、Na2SO4、Na2CO3、NaHCO3 的 7 个不同浓度(0. 3%、0. 5%、0. 7%、0.
9%、1. 1%、1. 3%、1. 5%)的胁迫下进行发芽试验,分别观测其发芽情况,胚根和幼苗的生长.结果表明:朝鲜碱
茅种子的发芽率随盐分浓度的增加而降低.其耐盐顺序为 Na2SO4 > NaCl > NaHCO3 > Na2CO3 .
( 责任编辑: 林险峰)