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A Survey of Studies on the Cryopreservation of Algae Germplasm


全 文 :@f@tB% 2W2, 19 (1):30- 38
Chinese BdI.& of Botmry
Advances in Physiology and Ecology Studies on Stored
Non-Structure Carbohydrates in Plants
PAN Qing-Min I-IAN Xing-Guo BAT Yong-Fei YANG Jing-Cheng
(labamtory of Quonthtite Vegetation Eodogy , Institule of h y , % Ckbme A+ ofscienca, Beijing 100093 )
Abstract Non-structural carbohydrates are important substances involved in plant life processes.
S u c m not only is the main form of translocating carbohydrates, but also can regulate the
metabolism in plant cells at the level of gene expmsion. Fructan is the main fom of carbohydrates
temporarily stored in vegetative organs, while starch is one of the main substances long-term stored
in plants. To a p t extent, the metabolisms of non-structure carbohydrates affect the plant gmwth,
development, and response to environmental factors. Here we summarize the advances in physiology
and ecology studies on stored non-structure carbohydrates in plants, concentrating upon the physio-
logical pmesses of sucrose, fructan, and starch and their responding mechanisms to environmental
factors such as temperature and water and human factors.
Key words Non-structural carbohydrate, Physiology and ecology, Sucrose, Fructan , Starch
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