摘 要 :利用AFLP(Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism)分子标记技术,即扩增片段长度多态性,从DNA分子水平探讨二倍体桑(2n=2X=28)与经秋水仙素诱变得到的同源四倍体桑(2n=4X=56)在遗传结构上的差异。根据对供试材料DNA多态性及遗传距离分析,认为经秋水仙素诱变得到的同源4X与2X相比在DNA分子遗传结构上产生一定程度的改变,在种内变异水平上,2X与同源4X桑间的遗传差异小于种间差异。
Abstract:AFLP molecular markers is used to analyze the genetic diversity betwee
n diploid and homologous tetraploid of mulberry chemically induced with by colchicines. According to the analysis of DNA polymorphism and genetic distance of assayed materials , the genetic diversity between diploid and homologous tetraploid is less than that of interspecies and is in the range of intraspecies diversity.
It can be concluded that the DNA molecular genetic structure is changed by colchicines.