PSⅡ photochemistry and xanthophyll cycle during photoinhibition (exposed to strong light of 2 000 μmol photons·m-2·s-1) and the subsequent restoration were compared between two superhigh yield rice hybrids (Liangyoupeijiu and Hua an 3, the newly developed rice hybrids from two parental lines) and the traditional rice hybrid Shanyou 63 developed from three parental lines. The results showed that the maximal efficiency of PSⅡ photochemistry (Fv/Fm), the efficiency of excitation energy capture by open PSⅡ centers (Fv′/Fm′), and the yield of PSⅡ electron transport (ΦPSⅡ) of the three rice hybrids decreased during photoinhibition. However, a greater decrease in Fv/Fm, Fv′/Fm′, and ΦPSⅡ was observed in Shanyou 63 than in Liangyoupeijiu and Hua an 3. At the same time, the components of xanthophyll cycle, antherxanthin (A) and zeathanxin (Z) increased rapidly while violaxanthin (V) decreased considerably. Both the rate of accumulation and the amount of A and Z in the two superhigh yield rice hybrids were higher than that in Shanyou 63. The de epoxidation state (DES) of xanthophyll cycle increased rapidly with the fast accumulation of A and Z, and reached the maximal level after first 30 min during photoinhibition. Of the three hybrids, the increasing rate of DES in Liangyoupeijiu and Hua an 3 was higher than that in Shanyou 63. After photoinhibition treatment, the plant materials were transferred to a dim light (70 μmol photons·m-2·s-1) for restoration. During restoration, both chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and xanthophyll cycle relaxed gradually, but the rate and level of restoration in the two superhigh yield rice hybrids were higher than those in Shanyou 63. Our results suggest that Liangyoupeijiu and Hua an 3 had higher resistance to photoinhibition and higher capacity of non radiative energy dissipation associated with xanthophyll cycle, as well as higher rate of restoration after photoinhibition, than Shanyou 63 when subjected to strong light.
超高产杂交稻在强光胁迫及其恢复进程中的PS 11活性和叶黄素循环
王 强1 张其德1* 朱新广1 卢从明1 匡廷云1 李成荃2
(1. 中国科学院植物研究所光合作用与环境分子生理学重点实验室,北京100093; 2. 安徽省农业科学院水稻研究所,合肥230031)
摘要: 研究了两系超高产杂交稻(Oryza sativa L.)"两优培九"和"华安3号"以及多年来大面积推广的三系杂交稻"汕优63"剑叶的PSⅡ活性和叶黄素循环对强光胁迫及其恢复进程的响应.结果表明,在2 000 μmol photons.m-2.s-1的强光胁迫下,3个杂交稻的PSⅡ光化学最大效率((Fv′/Fm′)、开放的PSⅡ反应中心捕获激发能效率(Fv′/Fm′)和PSⅡ的实际光化学转能效率(ΦPSⅡ)都随着光抑制进程而下降,其中以"汕优63"下降的幅度最大.光抑制过程中,杂交稻叶黄素循环的紫黄素V组分迅速下降,与此同时,脱环氧化组分环氧玉米黄素A和玉米黄素Z迅速积累,而超高产杂交稻"两优培九"和"华安3号"的A和Z的积累速度大大高于"汕优63".伴随A和Z的快速积累,它们的叶黄素循环的脱环氧化状态DES迅速上升,并在半小时左右基本达到最大值,其中"两优培九"和"华安3号"DES的上升速率仍然较"汕优63"高.光抑制处理结束后,转移到弱光70 μmol photons.m-2.s-1条件下恢复过程中,两个超高产杂交稻的Fv/Fm、Fv′/Fm′和ΦPSⅡ的恢复速率和恢复水平都高于"汕优63".同时,它们的叶黄素循环组分V、A、Z以及DES都逐渐恢复,但"两优培九"和"华安3号"的恢复速率和恢复水平仍然要优于"汕优63".以上结果说明,超高产杂交稻"两优培九"和"华安3号"较对照品种"汕优63"具有更强的抗光抑制及光保护能力,同时在光抑制结束后又能够更迅速地恢复光合功能,较强的抗光抑制能力和较高的恢复能力可能是超高产杂交稻高产的重要生理基础之一.
关键词: 超高产杂交稻;光抑制;光恢复;PSII活性;叶黄素循环
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