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A Unique Aegilops tauschii Genotype Needless to Immature Embryo Culture in Cross with Wheat

Common or bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., AABBDD, 2n=42) originated ca. 8 000 years ago from hybridization of tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L., AABB, 2n=28) and diploid Aegilops tauschii Coss.(DD, 2n=14). An essential prerequisite for this evolutionary step is that the natural hybrids between tetraploid wheat and diploid Aegilops tauschiican produce relatively many filled seeds which germinated well. In this study, without special techniques, e.g. immature embryo culture, out of 22 Ae. tauschii accessions, the genotype AS60 produced relatively many filled seeds which germinated well. The seed germination percentages in the crosses of Ae. tauschii×tetraploid wheat, tetraploid wheat×Ae. tauschii and Ae. tauschii×common wheat were, respectively, 50.0%, 57.1% and 45.5%. It seems that Ae. tauschii accession AS60 has a unique genotype which facilitate hybrid seed development and viability, and which meets with the prerequisite for wheat evolutionary. Furthermore, the significance of this finding for common wheat improvement and evolution was discussed.

刘登才* 兰秀锦 杨足君 郑有良 魏育明 周永红

六倍体普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)是由四倍体小麦(T.turgidum L.)与二倍体节节麦(Aegilops tanschii Coss.)天然杂交然后通过染色体自然加倍形成的异源多倍体.这一起源过程是自然条件下天然发生的,它的发生需要具备一个条件:四倍体小麦与节节麦的天然杂交种子在自然条件(没有幼胚培养等)下能够正常发芽出苗.我们从22份节节麦中发现来自中东的节节麦AS60在不采用幼胚培养等人工辅助条件下,仍然很容易与四倍体小麦和普通小麦产生有生活力的杂种植株.AS60与四倍体小麦的杂交种子有50.0%(反交)及57.1%(正交)的种子,而AS60与六倍体普通小麦的杂交种子则有45.5%不需幼胚培养等措施能够正常发芽、生长.AS60的这一特征正是普通小麦起源过程需要的条件.最后探讨了这一发现对小麦遗传改良和对普通小麦起源演化研究的意义.

关键词: 节节麦;普通小麦;四倍体小麦;幼胚培养;起源;遗传改良

通讯作者。E-mail:<dcliu3 @ public.cd.sc.cn>

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