STUDY ON MUTAGENESIS OF IMMATURE EMBRYO CALLUS TREATED WITH Y RAYS IN WHEAT Immature Embryo Culture of a Cross between Setaria italica(Ch4n) and S.faberii and Studies on the Morphological and Cytological Characteristics of the F1 Plant STUDY ON IN-VITRO TECHNIQUE FOR IMMATURE EMBRYO CULTURE OF WHEAT BREEDING STUDIES ON THE APPLICATION OF UNICONAZOL (S-07)IN IMMATURE EMBRYO CULTURE QTL Analysis of Maize (Zea mays L.) Embryo Culturing Capacity Ultrastructural Studies of Somatic Embryogenesis in Wheat IMPROVING WHEAT CULTIVARS BY USING SOMACLONAL VARIATION IMMATURE EMBRYO CULTURE OF SUNFLOWER Studies on the Correlative Factors for Normal Seedling Development inImmature Embryo Culture of Ultra-early Maturing Nectarine Studies on the Correlative Factors for Normal Seedling Development inImmature Embryo Culture of Ultra-early Maturing Nectarine STUDIES ON THE NULLISOMIC BACKROSSING PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCING ALIEN SUBSTITUTION LINES OF TRITICUM-AEGILOPS INTERGENERIC HYBRID OF TRITICUM AESTIVUM WITH HORDEUM DISTIOHUM AND THE SELECTION AND CHROMOSOME STABILITY OF ITS BACKCROSS PROGENY A Unique Aegilops tauschii Genotype Needless to Immature Embryo Culture in Cross with Wheat Establishment of 6VS Telocentric Lines of Haynaldia villosa Resistant to Powdery Mildew Induced by Immature Embryo Culture ORGANOGENESIS AND SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS FROM THE CULTURE OF WALNUT (JUGLANS REGIA L.) Cytogenetic Studies on Barley Plants Regenerated from Immature Embryo Culture and Their Progenies

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