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Rapid Identification of Self-incompatibility and S-alleles of Cabbage by the Polymorphism of S Locus

Specific primers were designed according to the sequences of class Ⅰ and class Ⅱ SLG genes. The PCR products using these primers amplified from the cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) gDNAs of Southwest China Agricultural University (SCAU) and Horticulture Research International (HRI), Wellesbourne, showed that those with class Ⅰ SLG genes were strong self-incompatibility (SI) lines and those with class Ⅱ were included both strong and weak SI lines. Thus the whole length of DNA fragment of class Ⅱ SLG gene may be the molecular marker for distinguishing SI lines from SC lines. Furthermore, RFLP analysis of the class  Ⅱ SLG genes from various S-alleles of cabbage was conducted by using 6 restriction endonucleases which recognize 4 bp DNA sequence and the results showed that the S-alleles from HRI as well as the weak SI lines from SCAU presented obvious different RFLP profiles which could be used for distinguishing S-alleles of cabbage.

朱利泉 王小佳*


 摘要:根据Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类SLG基因两端序列合成了特异引物 ,对西南农业大学和HRI (HorticultureResearchInterna tional,Wellesbourne)提供的不同亲和指数的甘蓝 (Brassicaoleracea L .)材料进行了PCR分析。结果表明 :具Ⅰ类SLG基因的材料是强自交不亲和系 ;具Ⅱ类SLG基因的材料既包括强自交不亲和系 ,也包括弱自交不亲和系。因此 ,Ⅱ类SLG基因的存在可作为区别甘蓝自交亲和系和自交不亲和系的分子标记。进一步用 6种识别 4bp的限制酶对Ⅱ类SLG基因DNA片段进行了RFLP分析 ,HRI的自交不亲和材料和西南农业大学的弱自交不亲和材料具有明显的RFLP多态性 ,被进一步用于鉴定甘蓝弱自交不亲和系内的各S等位基因系。这为利用HRI材料对现有种质进行改良提供了分子依据。

关键词: 甘蓝;自交不亲和性;S等位基因系;SLG基因;多态性;快速测定

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