作 者 :Zuo Bao-yu, Jiang Gui-zhen, Zhang Quan, Bai Ke-zhi and Kuang Ting-yun
Keywords:Elevated CO2, Soybean, leaves at different nodes, Chloroplast, Accumulation of starch grains,
Abstract:Soybean ( Glycine max (L.) Merr. ) plants were grown under ambient and elevated CO2 (plus 350 μL/L) concentration in cylindrical open-top chamber to examine their effects on the ultra- structure of chloroplasts. The upper, lower and mid-node leaves were harvested after 7 days full expansion under different CO2 concentrations and ultrathin section were prepared for transmission electron microscopy. In general, the average content of starch grains and thylakoid membranes in the chloroplasts under the elevated CO2 concentration were always higher than the control. Under higher CO2 concentration, there were smaller and less starch grains in the chloroplasts from upper-node leaves than those from mid-node leaves. The shape of their starch grains changed from elliptical to oval,and their thylakoid membranes and grana remained normal. At lower-node leaves, one or two oval, or three timer starch grains accumulated in the chloroplasts. In the mid-node leaves,however, some chloroplasts under higher CO2 concentration had rather large tim elliptical starch grains which could consequently cause disruption of grana and stroama thylakoids in the chloroplasts, whereas in other chloroplasts, the thylakoid membranes and grana were not deformed as the starch grains were smaller and elliptical. On the other hand, under higher CO2 concentration, the stacking degree of thylakoid membranes and starch grains accumulation in the mid-node leaves were significantly higher than those in the lower-node leaves,and slightly higher than the upper-node leaves. These results, in agreement with the chlorophyll contents and photosynthetic rate which reported by other authors in the past, indicated that the ultrastmcture response of the chloroplasts from different leaf nodes of soybeen under elevated CO2 coneentration were different. The seed yield of soybean at different nodes was decreased gradually from mid-nodes towards both upper- and lower-nodes. The greatest effect of elevated CO2 eoneentrafion on seed yeild was at the mid-node leaves. The variation of seed yields of soybean at different nodes under elevated CO2 concentration was in eoneert with the change in the ultrastmcture of chloroplasts and in turn the change in their photosynthetic rates of leaves at different nodes.
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