Abstract:The exsitence of GTP-binding regulatory proteins (for short term, often refered as G-proteins) in higher plant cells is certain. G-proteins are classified into two groups based on their molecular structures, which are the heterotrimeric G-proteins (big G-proteins) that contain three different subunits and the small G-proteins that have only one subunit (monomeric G-proteins). All G-proteins are characterized by their properties to bind with and hydrolyze GTP, by which G-proteins function as transmembrane and intracellular signalling molecules. As a distinguished participant in signal transduction, G-proteins directly and/or indirectly regulate a number of physiological processes, such as regulation of phytochrome-related physiological processes and gene expression, involvement in blue-light response, K+-channel regulation, stomatal movement, hormone regulation, protein phosphrylation dephosphorylation, etc. Although G-proteins in plant cells have not been purified, the genes for a subunit of heterotrimeric G-proteins have been cloned. More evidences for the importance of G-proteins in plant signalling processes are rapidly accumulating.