Abstract:The development of megarametophyte antl the process of fertnization are investigated in detail and the following results are obtained: 1. The development of the embryo sac conforms to Polygonmn type. The pollen tube reaches the base of style about 16 hrs., enters into the ovary, 16–18 hrs. and then it, to the embryo sae, 24–28 hrs. after pollination. 2. Pollezt grains are 2-celed at maturity. 3. When the pollen tube reaehes the mieropylar end, both synergids are intact; but their nueleolus become small. Pollen tube enter the synergid through the filiform apparatus and the synergid is degenerated. 4. Pollen tube discharges two sperms which move towards the egg cell and the secondary nucleus respectively. 5. One sprm fuses with the egg nucleus and another with the secondary nueleus. The proeess of syngamy is siniilar to that of secondary nucleus fusion. Primary endosperm nueleus s formed 30 hrs. after pollination. The zygote is formed 30–62 hrs. after pollination. 6. There is no distinct correlation between the syngamy and secondary nueleus fusion.