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A synonym of Manglietia kwangtungensis (Merr.) Dandy (Magnoliaceae)


全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 45 (3): 396–398(2007) doi:10.1360/aps06025
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica http://www.plantsystematics.com
Received: 21 February 2006 Accepted: 30 March 2007
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 30270100, and the Special Grant for Bioscience and
Biotechnology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant, No. STZ-01-35.
* Author for correspondence. E-mail: .
A synonym of Manglietia kwangtungensis (Magnoliaceae)
1, 2LIAO Wen-Fang 1XIA Nian-He*
1(Institute of Economic Botany, South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou 510650, China)
2(Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract Manglietia moto Dandy is reduced to a synonym of Manglietia kwangtungensis
(Merr.) Dandy.
Key words Manglietia, Manglietia kwangtungensis, Magnoliaceae, new synonymy.
Manglietia Bl. is a genus distributed in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia. It is
characterized by anthers introrsely dehiscent, filaments short and inconspicuous, carpels
numerous and ventral surfaces almost completely connate to tori. Manglietia has either been
included in Magnolia L. (Baillon, 1866; Canright, 1955; Keng, 1978; Nooteboom, 2000;
Figlar & Nooteboom, 2004), or recognized as a distinct genus (Dandy, 1927; Baranova, 1972;
Law, 1984; Ueda et al., 2000; Li & Conran, 2003; Wang et al., 2003). Our study on floral
organogenesis of two species of Manglietia showed that the floral organogenesis of
Manglietia is unique in whorls of petal primordia initiating asynchronously (unpublished
data), which is obviously different from that of Magnolia (Erber & Leins, 1981) with tepals
initiating spirally or in whorls, and supports to treat Manglietia as a distinct genus. Chen and
Nooteboom (1993) recorded 17 species of Manglietia in China, and Law (1996) recorded 22
species of Manglietia in China.
Merrill (1927) published Magnolia kwangtungensis based on three specimens from Lung
T’au Mountain, North River, Guangdong, China, Canton Christian College (C.C.C.) Nos.
12179, 12344 and 12548, and designated the C.C.C. 12344 (Fig. 1) as the type. Then Dandy
(1927) transferred Magnolia kwangtungensis to Manglietia. Dandy (1928) realized that the
pedicel of C.C.C. 12197 (Fig. 2) is much longer than that of C.C.C. 12344; therefore he
published Manglietia moto based on C.C.C. 12197. Chen and Nooteboom (1993) treated M.
kwangtungensis as a variety of M. fordiana Oliv.
Manglietia moto is widely distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, and
Yunnan of China. The length of pedicel is the only character to separate M. kwangtungensis
and M. moto, and no other specimens of M. kwangtungensis had been collected except the
type. Close examination of specimens including the types of these species has shown that: the
fruiting pedicels of Manglietia moto show a continuous variation from 2.5 cm to 11.5 cm.
C.C.C. 12344, the type of M. kwangtungensis, is a flowering specimen with 3-cm-long
pedicel, which is in the variation range of pedicels of M. moto. So, the length of pedicel is not
a reliable character to distinguish these two species, and M. moto is conspecific with M.
kwangtungensis. According to Art. 11. 4 of “International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
(Vienna Code)” (McNeill et al., 2006), the earlier epithet “kwangtungensis” should be
accepted. It is inappropriate that Chen and Nooteboom (1993) treated M. kwangtungensis as a
variety of M. fordiana. Manglietia kwangtungensis is easily distinguished from M. fordiana
by young twigs and pedicels being densely villose (vs. glabrous).
No. 3 LIAO & XIA: A synonym of Manglietia kwangtungensis (Magnoliaceae) 397

Fig. 1. Photograph of the isotype of Manglietia
kwangtungensis (Merr.) Dandy (Canton Christion College
12344, IBSC).
Fig. 2. Photograph of the isotype of Manglietia moto
Dandy (Canton Christion College 12179, IBSC)

Manglietia kwangtungensis (Merr.) Dandy in Kew Bull. 264. 1927.——Magnolia kwang-
tungensis Merr. in J. Arnold Arbor. 8: 5. 1927.——Manglietia fordiana var. kwangtungensis
(Merr.) B. L. Chen & Nooteboom in Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden. 80: 1041. 1993. Type:
China. Guangdong (广东): Qujiang (曲江), Longtou Shan (龙头山, Lung T’au Mountain),
1924-05–1924-06, Canton Christian College 12344 (holotype, A!; isotype, IBSC!).
Manglietia moto Dandy in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 16: 128. 1928, syn. nov.
Type: China. Guangdong (广东): Qujiang (曲江), Longtou Shan (龙头山, Lung T’au
Mountain), 1924-05–1924-06, Canton Christian College 12179 (holotype, A!; isotype,
Additional specimens examined:
China. Guangdong (广东): Conghua (从化), S. H. Chun (陈少卿) 17354 (IBSC); Deqing (德庆), Y. K.
Liu (刘瑛光) 01020 (IBSC); Dinghu (鼎湖), G. L. Shi (石国良) 11955, 12781 (IBSC); Fengkai (封开), K. C.
Ting & L. Yu (丁广奇, 余连) 6263 (IBSC), G. L. Shi 14833 (IBSC); Huaiji (怀集), B. H. Chen (陈炳辉)
1257 (IBSC), S. C. Ng (吴世捷) 3023 (PE); Lechang (乐昌), C. L. Tso (左景烈) 21173 (PE), 20508 (IBSC),
21098 (IBSC), B. H. Chen (陈炳辉) 2478 (IBSC), S. H. Chun (陈少卿) 3216 (IBK), W. Y. Chun (陈焕镛)
10681 (PE), Y. Li (李耀) 10681 (IBSC); Liannan (连南), Y. C. Tseng (程用谦) 170279 (IBSC); Lianshan
(连山), P. C. Tam (谭沛祥) 58521 (IBSC), 59026 (PE); Lianzhou (连州), Nanling Team (南岭队) 19
(IBSC); Longmen (龙门), G. C. Zhang (张桂才) 410 (IBSC); Qujiang (曲江), S. L. Tsou & P. L. Tang 20248
(IBSC); Renhua (仁化), L. Teng (邓良) 7600 (PE); Huadu (花都), C. Wang (黄志) 164659 (PE); Ruyuan (乳
源), S. P. Ko (高锡朋) 53514 (PE), N. H. Xia & N. Liu (夏念和, 刘念) 335 (IBSC); Yangchun (阳春), H. G.
Ye & N. Liu (叶华谷, 刘念) 517 (IBSC); Yangshan (阳山), Nanling Team 1520 (IBSC); Yingde (英德), S.
P. Ko (高锡朋) 50451 (IBSC), P. H. Liang (梁宝汉) 84074 (IBK), 84463 (IBK); Yunan (郁南), H. G. Ye &
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica Vol. 45 398
N. Liu 2741 (IBSC). Guangxi (广西): Cangwu (苍梧), S. H. Chun 10140 (IBK); Hezhou (贺州), L. X. Chen
et al. (陈伦祥等) 500183 (IBK), C. T. Li (李中提) 603855 (IBK); Huanjiang (环江), C. F. Pang (庞成发) 34
(IBSC); Rongshui (融水), C. Chen (陈介) 617 (IBSC); Ziyuan (资源), Z. Z. Chen (陈照宙) 52094 (IBSC).
Hunan (湖南): Sangzhi (桑植), R. Z. Zhou (周仁章) 801307; Xinning (新宁), Z. C. Luo (罗仲春) 1386
(PE); Yizhang (宜章), M. X. Huang (黄茂先) 112789 (IBSC), P. H. Liang (梁宝汉) 83574 (IBK), L. H. Liu
(刘林翰) 1078 (PE); Zixing (资兴), H. S. Liao (廖衡松) 15418 (IBSC). Yunnan (云南): Malipo (麻栗坡),
B. L. Chen (陈宝梁) 87T-105, 87F-182 (SYS); Mengla (勐腊), H. T. Chang (张宏达) 6342 (SYS); Xichou
(西畴), B. L. Chen (陈宝梁) GS86-3348 (SYS).
Baillon H E. 1886. Mémoire sur la famille des Magnoliacées. Adansonia 1: 133–192.
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Phytotaxonomica Sinica (植物分类学报) 22: 89–109.
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1, 2廖文芳 1夏念和
1 (中国科学院华南植物园经济植物研究所 广州 510650)
2 (中国科学院研究生院 北京 100049)

摘要 根据对广东木莲Manglietia kwangtungensis (Merr.) Dandy和毛桃木莲M. moto Dandy大量标本的
研究, 将毛桃木莲处理为广东木莲的一个异名。
关键词 木莲属; 广东木莲; 木兰科; 新异名

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