作 者 :Yu Min-Juan, Wei Yin-Xin, Richard Starr
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1991年 4期
Keywords:Dysmorphococcus oblatus, Sexual reproduction, Homothallism, Heterogamete,
This paper deals with the morphology and life cycle of a new species of
Dysmorphococcus oblatus Yu et Wei (Phacotaceae, Volvocales) from Africa. The alga seems
to be morphologically rather distinct from the other members (lorica, protoplast and number
of pyrenoid). Moreover, a comparison is made of overall morphological and reproductive
characteristics of the present taxon with the other 8 known species of this genus. The cultural
experiment of the life cycle of this alga reveals certain attributes unrecorded for early des-
cribed species of this genus. The alga is homothallic, and heterogametic and sexual reproduc-
tion produces 32-64 male gametes and 2 female gametes.