Relationship between sexual reproduction, population growth and resting egg production of freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Effects of different nutrient sources on plasticity of reproductive strategies in a monoecious species, Sagittaria graminea (Alismataceae) EFFECTS OF INITIAL CLONE NUMBER ON MORPHOLOGICAL PLASTICITY AND BIOMASS ALLOCATI ON OF THE INVASIVE SPARTINA ANGLICA Expansion strategies of Caragana stenophylla in the arid desert region Isolation and characterization of new set of microsatellite loci in Cryptocarya chinensis A New Species of Genus Chloromonas (Chlamydomonadaceae, Volvocales) and Its Life History STUDIES ON TOPOPHYSIS IN ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION OF GINKGO BILOBA L. Effect of temperature, moisture and illumination on sporulation by Glomerella cingulata Research Advances on Plant Aspartic Proteinase Sexual reproduction of Physocarpus amurensis Gene shiva-1 Inheritance and Expression of Transgenic Paulownia THE EFFECT OF NUTRIENT SUPPLY ON SEXUAL AND ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION OF THREE SPECIES OF GLOBBA Comparative study of biological characters and paeoniflorin content of wild and asexual cultivated Paeonia lactiflora growing at Duolun county, Inner Mongolia Sex ratios and rate of sexual reproduction in the epiphytic moss Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis): An invasive alien weed rapidly spreading in China A New Species of Dysmorphococcus (Phacotaceae, Volvocales) and Its Life Cycle A Review on the Effects of Climate Change on Plant Sexual Reproduction tudies on influences of Armillaria mellea strains from different sources on yield of Gastrodia elata Why does Asexual Regeneration of Sabina vulgaris Populations Dominate in Nature? Quantitative Analysis on Reproduction Characters of Puccinellia Chinampoensis Populatioa in Alkalized Meadow in the Songnen Plain of China Vegetative Propagation and Reproductive Growth of Two Ecotypes Leymus chinensis L. in Songnen Plain Reproductive Strategies of Tetraena mongolica Maxim The effect of temperature and food supply on the asexual reproduction of moon jelly (Aurelia sp.1) polyps Progress on studies of sexual reproduction in Noctiluca scintillans Reproductive Growth Regulation of Leymus chinensis from Different Leaf Colors under Heterogeneous Habitats Studies on the Asexual Reproduction of? Tschonosk Trillium(Trillium tschonoskii) Quantitative characters of vegetative propagation and sexual reproduction of Puccinelliatenuiflora population on alkalized meadow of Songnen Plain Differences in growth and reproductive characters of Rosa hugonis in the dry valley of Upper Minjiang River, Sichuan Effects of Fire on the Quantitative Characters of Sexual Reproduction of Zoysia japonica Population in Liaodong Peninsula, China A Comparison Among Several Buchloe Dactyloides Breeding Materials in Sexual Reproductivity and Lawny Trait Studies progresses of sexual reproductive ecology in seaweeds Discovery of the Asexual Reproduction Genetic law of Plant In vitro Fertilization as a Technique Platform Used in the Research of Sexual Reproduction of Angiosperms Ubiquitin/proteasome pathway and it‘‘‘‘s role in high plant sexual reproduction Seed-Setting Mode of Monosomic Addition Line M14 of Sugar Beet Beta corolliflora Analyses of Sexual Reproductive Success in Transgenic and/or Mutant Plants Temperature Stress on Plant Sexual Reproduction Studies on Sexual Reproduction and Vegetative Propagation of Eleutherococcus senticosus (Araliaceae) Anatomical and physiological differences of eight exotic species from Asteraceae Plasticity of reproductive strategy of dioecious Humulus scandens in response to variation in water deficit stress Morphological Observation of Sexual Reproduction Abortion in ‘High Noon’Tree Peony Morphological Observation of Sexual Reproduction Abortion in ‘High Noon’Tree Peony Observation on the Sexual Reproduction of Peridinium bipes Stein (Dinophyceae) Reinvasion of exotic plant species Spartina alterniflora in Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve of Shanghai. Research advances in genetic regulation of gametophyte development in Medicago sativa Relationship between vegetative potential populations and actual populations of Agropyron michnoi Primary Study on Reproduction Strategies of Caragana roborovskyi in the Arid Desert Region A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF WATERLILY Fruiting Characteristics and Sexual Fecundity of Toona ciliata var. pubescens Populations in Jiulianshan National Nature Reserve Biomass Allocation of Scirpus mariqueter Along an Elevational Gradient in a Salt Marsh of the Yangtse River Estuary Size-dependent of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Viola tuberifera(Violaceae)bulbs allocation Research Progress in Pollination Drops of Gymnosperms Effects of Population Dentisy on Morphological Characteristics of Epimedium sagittatum in Different Growth Periods Effect of grazing on reproduction in Leymus chinensis population Correlation analysis of Aeluropus littoralis var.sinensis population density and biomass with its sexual reproduction characteristics Effects of parasitizing on the sexual reproduction of Eupatorium adenophorum Sprengel by Procecidochares utilis Stone at different microhabitats

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