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Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui & Z. D. Wei, a new species of Begoniaceae from Yunnan, China


Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui & Z. D. Wei, a new species of the genus Begonia L. (sect. Platycentrum, Begoniaceae) from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. It resembles B. oreodoxa Chun & F. Chun in having parietal placentas at the upper part of the ovary, differing mainly in the female flowers with 5 tepals and the largest wing of the capsule being 20-22 mm long and ligulate.

全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 45 (1): 86–89(2007) doi:10.1360/aps050122
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica http://www.plantsystematics.com
Received: 22 August 2005 Accepted: 15 December 2006
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 30270109, and the Natural Science Foundation of
Yunnan Province, Grant No. 2002C0022Q.
* Author for correspondence. E-mail: ymshui@mail.kib.ac.cn.
Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui & Z. D. Wei, a new
species of Begoniaceae from Yunnan, China
1,2WEI Zhi-Dan 1SHUI Yu-Min* 1,2ZHANG Mei-De 1,2ZHANG Rong-Mei
1(Kunming Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204, China)
2(Graduate school of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui & Z. D. Wei, a new species of the genus
Begonia L. (sect. Platycentrum, Begoniaceae) from Yunnan, China, is described and
illustrated. It resembles B. oreodoxa Chun & F. Chun in having parietal placentas at the upper
part of the ovary, differing mainly in the female flowers with 5 tepals and the largest wing of
the capsule being 20–22 mm long and ligulate.
Key words Begonia, sect. Platycentrum, Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui & Z. D. Wei,
Begoniaceae, new species, Yunnan, China.
Begonia sect. Platycentrum (Klotzsch) A. DC., comprising about 110 species from India
and central China to SE Asia, is one of the largest sections of the genus Begonia (Shui et al.,
2002). Fifty-seven species were treated in Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (Ku, 1999).
Thereafter, a number of new species were added to this section (Shui & Huang, 1999; Guan &
Tian, 2000). Shui et al. (2002) listed 63 species of sect. Platycentrum in their synopsis of the
Chinese species of Begonia. More recently, three new species, B. coptidifolia (Ye et al.,
2004), B. rubinea (Li et al., 2005), and B. crocea (Peng et al., 2006), and a new distributional
record, B. xanthina (Peng et al., 2006), were added to this section in China. Peng et al. (2005)
reported three new species of Begonia section Platycentrum from Taiwan. In this study, we
report yet another new species of sect. Platycentrum, Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui &
Z. D. Wei, from southwestern Yunnan.
Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui & Z. D. Wei, sp. nov. Fig. 1
Species nova B. oreodoxae Chun & F. Chun similis, sed tepalis 5 (nec 4), capsularum
alis majoribus ligulatis, 20–22 mm longis (in hac semicordatis 10–12 mm longis) differt.
Herb perennial, deciduous in winter, acaulescent. Rhizome repent, 4–7 mm in diam.,
internodes 3–5 mm long, rooting at the nodes. Stipules triangular, 3–8 mm long, 3–6 mm
wide at the base. Leaves 1–3, rarely 4, basal; petioles 7–18 cm long, sparsely pilose; blade
chartaceous, very oblique, broadly ovate, 5.5–28 (–42) cm long, 5–22 (–30) cm wide, apex
shortly acuminate, base obliquely cordate, margin long ciliate; adaxial surface green, sparsely
pilose; abaxial surface greenish, extremely pilose on the nerves; nerves palmately 6–9.
Inflorescence arising from rhizome, dichasia 1- to 3-branched, 3- to 11-florous; peduncle
10–15 cm long, glabrous; bracts triangular-ovate, 3–6 mm long, 2–3 mm wide. Tepals white
or pink. Male flowers: pedicles 1–2.5 cm long; tepals 4, outer 2 larger, broadly ovate, 12–19
mm long, 8–14 mm wide, sparsely red hairy outside, inner 2 smaller, obovate, 10–14 mm
long, 5–7 mm wide, glabrous; stamens numerous; filaments 1.5–2 mm long, base connate;
anthers oblong, 1–1.5 mm long, 0.5–0.7 mm wide, apex of connective slightly concave. Female
No. 1 WEI et al.: Begonia coelocentroides, a new species of Begoniaceae from Yunnan, China 87

Fig. 1. Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui & Z. D. Wei. A, habit; B, front view of the male flower; C, dorsal view of
the male flower; D, anther; E, androecium; F, front view of the female flower; G, lateral view of the female flower; H,
stigma; I–K, upper, medial and lower transverse sections of the ovary; L, capsule. Drawn by X. L. Wu from D. K. Tian

Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica Vol. 45 88
flowers: pedicles 2–2.8 cm long; tepals 5, outer 4 broadly ovate, 9–15 mm long, 7–13 mm
wide, sparsely hairy outside, inner 1 obovate, 10–13 mm long, ca. 7 mm wide, glabrous;
styles 2, 1–2 mm long, stigmas bifid, contorted; ovary 2 loculed with 2 bifid placentas,
placentation parietal on upper part and axial in the middle and below. Capsule obovate, 10–12
mm long, 4–7 mm wide, unequally 3 winged; the largest wing ligulate, 20–22 mm long, 9–14
mm wide, superior margin horizontal or slightly descending, inferior margin horizontal or
slightly ascending, apex acute; the other two very small, equal, crescentshaped, 10–12 mm
long, 1.5–2 mm wide. Seeds numerous, minute. Flowering from Aug. to Sept.
China. Yunnan (云南): Yingjiang (盈江), from Taiping (太平) to Yingjiang (盈江), alt.
ca. 1300 m, on cliffs beside streams in forests, in flower, 1998-08-30, D. K. Tian (田代科)
99258 (holotype, KUN; isotype, KUN, PE); same locality, alt. ca. 1300 m, on cliffs in forest,
in fruit, 1999-10-18, D. K. Tian (田代科) 99272 (KUN); same locality, from Jiemao (姐冒) to
Manjian (曼饯), alt. ca. 1300 m, on cliffs under trees beside streams, in fruit, 1998-10-20, D.
K. Tian (田代科) 98194 (KUN); Yingjiang (盈江), Xima (昔马), from Chahe to Shanbing (岔
河至山兵途中), in crevices of a cliff in an open area near the summit, fruit white,
2002-10-31, Y. M. Shui (税玉民) 9036 (KUN).
In sect. Platycentrum, Begonia coelocentroides resembles B. oreodoxa Chun & F. Chun
in having parietal placentas at the upper part of an ovary (Wu & Ku, 1995), differing in the
female flower with 5 (vs. 4) tepals and the largest wing of capsule being ligulate (vs.
semi-cordate) and 20–22 mm (vs. 10–12 mm) long. Begonia coelocentroides is deciduous in
late autumn, which is rare for sect. Platycentrum. Such a deciduous habit was reported in
Begonia austrotaiwanensis of the same section from Taiwan (Peng & Chen, 1990).
Acknowledgements We wish to thank Mr. TIAN Dai-Ke for assistance with the field work,
Ms. CHEN Wen-Hong (KUN) for help with the manuscript, and Mr. WU Xi-Lin (KUN) for
preparation of the illustrations.
Guan K-Y (管开云), Tian D-K (田代科). 2000. Three new species of Begonia from Yunnan. Acta Botanica
Yunnanica (云南植物研究) 22: 129–134.
Ku T-C (谷粹芝). 1999. Begoniaceae. In: Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (中国植物志). Beijing: Science
Press. 52 (1): 212–268.
Li H-Z, Ma H, Guan K-Y, Peng C-I. 2005. Begonia rubinea (sect. Platycentrum, Begoniaceae), a new species
from Guizhou, China. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 46: 377–383.
Peng C-I, Chen Y-K. 1990. Begonia austrotaiwanensis (Begoniaceae), a new species from southern Taiwan.
Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 71: 567–574.
Peng C-I, Chen Y-K, Leong W-C. 2005. Five new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Taiwan. Botanical
Bulletin of Academia Sinica 46: 255–272.
Peng C-I, Leong W-C, Shui Y-M. 2006. Novelties in Begonia sect. Platycentrum for China: B. crocea, sp. nov.
and B. xanthina Hook., a new distributional record. Botanical Studies 47: 89–96.
Shui Y-M (税玉民), Huang S-H (黄素华). 1999. Notes on the genus Begonia from Yunnan. Acta Botanica
Yunnanica (云南植物研究) 21: 11–23.
Shui Y-M, Peng C-I, Wu C-Y. 2002. Synopsis of the Chinese species of Begonia (Begoniaceae), with a
reappraisal of sectional delimitation. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 43: 313–327.
Wu C-Y (吴征镒), Ku T-C (谷粹芝). 1995. New taxa of the Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from China. Acta
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Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 45: 259–266.
No. 1 WEI et al.: Begonia coelocentroides, a new species of Begoniaceae from Yunnan, China 89
1,2魏志丹 1税玉民* 1,2张美德 1,2张嵘梅
1(中国科学院昆明植物研究所 昆明 650204)
2(中国科学院研究生院 北京 100049)

摘要 描述了中国云南秋海棠科Begoniaceae秋海棠属Begonia扁果组sect. Platycentrum的一新种——假
侧膜秋海棠Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui & Z. D. Wei。该种与山地秋海棠B. oreodoxa Chun & F.
Chun相似, 子房上部为侧膜胎座, 但雌花被片5, 蒴果最大翅舌形, 长20–22 mm, 而易于区别。
关键词 秋海棠属; 扁果组; 假侧膜秋海棠; 秋海棠科; 新种; 云南; 中国

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