Studies on the Classiication of Begonia Sect.Sphenanthera Based on Nuclear Ribosomal DNA ITS Sequence Data A Preliminary Studies on Resistance Breeding of Begonia Additional Notes on the Begonia Sect. Petermannia (Begoniaceae) from China Notes on the Species Status of Begonia menglianensis YY. Qian (Begoniaceae) Two New Records of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from China Seed Micromorphology and Its Taxonomic Significance of Begonia (Begoniaceae) in China and Vietnam New Begonia Varieties‘Purple Leaf’, ‘Purple Petiole’and ‘Dalie’ New Begonia Varieties‘Purple Leaf’, ‘Purple Petiole’and ‘Dalie’ A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS BEGONIA FROM GUANGXI STUDY ON MICROPROPAGATION OF Begonia macuiata Radd. Sterol extracts from Begonia Sinensis Rhizome against respiratory inflammation Begonia Cultivars‘Kaiyun’,‘Xingguang’and‘Mao’ Begonia Cultivars‘Kaiyun’,‘Xingguang’and‘Mao’ A Study on the Anatomy of Vegetative Organs of the Gymnotheca Decne. (Saururaceae) in Relation to Its Systematic Position New Begonia Varieties —‘Dabai’,‘Jianlü’,‘Meinü’and‘Zhongda’ Additional Notes on the Begonia Sect. Petermannia (Begoniaceae) from China Notes on the Species Status of Begonia menglianensis YY. Qian (Begoniaceae) Seed Micromorphology and Its Taxonomic Significance of Begonia (Begoniaceae) in China and Vietnam BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF EMS MUTAGENSIS IN VITRO ON BEGONIA×RIEGER Begonia‘Canlü’and‘Yinjiao’ Begonia‘Canlü’and‘Yinjiao’ A Study on Floral Syndrome and Breeding System of Begonia fimbristipula
CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATION ON DEDIFFERENTIATION INITIATION OF LEAF EXPLANTS IN BEGONIA COCClNEA Begonia‘Fragrant Queen’,‘Sillegona’,‘Luxuriant’and‘Bushy’ Anatomy on leaf cross sections of Begonia from Yunnan, China Diversity of Leaf Variegation in Chinese Begonias Study on the Somatic Embryogenesis from leaf of Begonia fimbristipula Hance in vitro Germplasm Resource and Habitat Types of Wild Begonia in Subtropical Region of Guizhou Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaves of Begonia ×Elatior Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaves of Begonia ×Elatior New Begonia Varieties——‘White King’, ‘Silvery Pearl’ and ‘Tropical Girl’ The Genetic Property of Hybridization on Begonia rex Property of sexual hybridization plants of Begonia in Yunnan ISSR Analysis on Genetic Relationship of Begonia Germplasm A New Species of the Genus Begonia from Guangxi A Study on the Anatomy of Vegetative Organs of the Gymnotheca Decne. (Saururaceae) in Relation to Its Systematic Position New Begonia Varieties —‘Kunming Bird’, ‘Kang-er’and‘White Snow’ F1 ‘Cherry Begonia’Series from Interspecif ic Hybridization of Begonia semperflorens ×Begonia tuberhybrida In Vitro Morphogenesis of Begonia tuberhybrida New Taxa of the Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from China Developmental Mechanism and Distribution Pattern of Stomatal Clusters in Begonia peltatifolia New Begonia Varieties——‘White King’, ‘Silvery Pearl’ and ‘Tropical Girl’ Traditional Uses of Begonias (Begoniaceae) in China A New Species of Begonia(Begoniaceae)from Mt.Huanglianshan of SE Yunnan,China Three New Species of Begonia from Yunnan Observation of Leaf Epidermis and Its Hair of Begonia from Yunnan Notes on the Genus Begonia from Yunnan Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui & Z. D. Wei, a new species of Begoniaceae from Yunnan, China A new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from SE Yunnan, China Two new species of the Begonia L.(Begoniaceae) from China New Taxa of the Begonia L.(Begoniaceae) from China (Cont.) Growth,Photosynthesis and Fluorescence Characteristics of Begonia fimbristipula and Gynura divaricata under Different Light Conditions Evaluating Candidate DNA Barcodes among Chinese Begonia (Begoniaceae) Species Two New Records of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from China A Study on Floral Syndrome and Breeding System of Begonia fimbristipula
Tissue culture and plant regeneration in Begonia fimbristipula Organogenesis in Leaf Explants of Begonia coccinea Summarization of Begonia Resources from Yunnan Province Revision to SectPetermannia of Begonia (Begoniaceae) in China A new species of Begonia L.(Begoniaceae) from Yunnan, China NEW TAXA OF BEGONIA FROM YUNNAN Begonia‘Fragrant Queen’,‘Sillegona’,‘Luxuriant’and‘Bushy’ Chromosome Numbers of Eight Taxa of Begonia from Yunnan STUDIES ON AMITOSIS OF EPIDERMAL CELL AND SPECIAL EFFECT OF 2, 4-D IN THIN CELL LAYER CULTURE OF Begonia rex-cultorum The Genetic Property of Hybridization on Begonia rex New Begonia Varieties —‘Kunming Bird’, ‘Kang-er’and‘White Snow’

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