作 者 :Sha Wei, Yang Xiao-jie, Pan Bo, Zu Guo-hui
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1993年 5期
Keywords:Chromosome number, &nbs,
In this paper the chromosome number of 6 mosses species are reported.
The materials used for investigation were taken from immature capsules. Meiosis
in spore mother cells were observed, and the results are as follows: Brachythecium
plumosum, n=15. Entodon obtusatus, n = 11. E.okamurae, n = 11.
Anoectangium aestivum, n= 13. Bryum argenteum, n= 10. Eurhynchium
eustegium, n = 20+ 2m. The chromosome number of the former three species are re-
ported for the first time.