作 者 :Qiao Chuan-Zhuo, Cui Xi
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1984年 3期
Keywords:Isatis indigotica,
“Song Lan” is a source of Chinese drugs such as “Daqingye”, “Banlangen”
or “Qingdai”. We have discovered that the two species, “Song Lan” (Isatis indigotica
Fort.) and woad (I. tinctoria L.), were mistakenly described in the literature due to their
morphological polymorphism. In order to clarify the two species, cytology examination, pol-
len analysis, electrophoretic analysis of isoenzymes and soluble protein were performed. The
results show that previous non-trichiferous type of woad is a “Song Lan”. As in woad,
“Song Lan” is also morphologically of great variability. The base of canline leaves in this
species may be sagittate or auriculate. We have not found the non-trichiferous type of woad
in our country. It is reported for the first time that the chromosome number for “Song
Lan” is 2n=14.
The content of the indole glucoside in fresh leaves of “Song Lan” is about five times
higher than in woad. For medicine cultivation of “Song Lan” is favorable.