作 者 :胡诚,曹志平*,齐迎春,胡菊,李双来
期 刊 :生态学报 2010年 30卷 18期 页码:5012~5021
Keywords:nematode community, biodiversity, EM compost, traditional compost,
摘 要 :国家“十五”科技攻关项目(2004BA508B01);生态学北京市重点学科项目资助(XK10019440)
Abstract:The aim of this study was to determine a nematode community′s composition in response to multi-year application of EM (effective microorganism) compost and traditional compost. An investigation of the cultivation patterns of winter wheat and summer corn was carried out at the experimental station of the China Agricultural University in Qu-Zhou County, Hebei Province, Northern China Plain. Soil samples were collected during the maize and wheat growing stages from the upper (0-20 cm) soil layer. The soil nematode population, community structure, trophic groups, and ecological indices were evaluated following two different treatments: EM compost treatment and traditional compost treatment. The composts used in the experiment were EM compost (60% straw, 30% livestock dung, 5% cottonseed-pressed trash and 5% brans) added with effective microorganisms, and traditional compost (60% straw, 30% livestock dung, 5% cottonseed-pressed trash and 5% brans). The results showed that bacterivorous and omnivorous-predatory nematodes were significantly influenced by soil treatments. Bacterivorous nematode density was higher in the EM compost plot in comporison to the traditional compost plot during sampling dates except June, September, and November 2004. Fungivorous nematode density was higher in the EM compost plot in comparison to the traditional compost plot in the following period: June-September 2004, and March 2005. Plant parasitic nematode density was lower in the EM compost plot in comparison to the traditional compost plot in the following periods: June, July, November 2004, and March-April 2005. Omnivorous-predatory nematode density was higher in the EM compost plot in comparison to the traditional compost plot during June, August-October 2004, and March 2005. Total number of nematodes in the EM compost fertilized plot ranged from 338 to 844 individuals per 100 g dry soil, whereas in the traditional compost fertilized plot ranged from 232 to 810 individuals per 100 g dry soil. A total of forty-nine nematode genera were found during the maize and wheat growing stages, including seventeen bacterivores, five fungivores, eighteen plant-parasites, and nine omnivores-predators. Soil nematode diversity increased from forty-six nematode genera in the EM compost plot to forty-two nematode genera in the traditional compost plot. Rhabditis and Helicotylenchus were the most abundant species in the EM compost fertilized plots, which mean relatively abundance, were 10.89% and 10.02%, respectively. Rhabditis, Helicotylenchus and Rotylenchus were the dominant species in traditional compost fertilized plot, which mean relatively abundance, were 10.91%, 11.25% and 10.22%, respectively. Plant parasitic nematode followed by bacterivorous nematode was found to be the most dominant trophic groups in maize and wheat fields,which mean relatively abundance, were 59.26% and 31.55%, respectively. Generally accepted ecological indices such as Wasilewska index (WI), trophic diversity (T), Shannon index (H′), evenness index, and plant-parasite maturity index (PPI) were significantly different between sampling date and weren′t dependent on the applied fertilizer treatments. The transformation of soil organic matter was accelerated, soil nitrogen content was enhanced and total number of nematodes and bacterivorous nematodes were increased in EM compost plot due to multi-year application EM compost compared with traditional compost plot.
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