Abstract:Litchi fruit borer (Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley) is an important pest which affects the litchi fruit production and the exportation. Because it has the damaging habit of drilling. Its ecological research is weak. With the kernel of litchi and longan as a food, litchi fruit borer has been reared continuously for three generations successfully in the room. Furthermore, the experiment population′s time-specific life table as well as the age-specific life table of the litchi fruit borer has been established. The time-specific life table parameter is: R0 (I)=2.0503,rm=0.0230 for first generation; R0 (I)=7.5067,rm=0.0538 for second generation; R0 (I)=0.3104, rm=0.0321 for third generation. The age-specific life table parameter is: R0 (I)=2.0594, rm=0.0217 for first generation; R0 (I)=7.5621, rm=0.0559 for second generation; R0 (I)=0.3114, rm=0.0333 foe third generation. The relations between two kinds of life table parameter have been studied, and the corresponding conversion proof has been carried on. In this case, the conversion of parameters between two kinds of life tables may be carried on through the R0 ≈I relations. The fecundity table is different with the time-specific life table, R0. is distorted because of the loss of the larval accumulative survival rate.