ON THE APPLICATION FEASIBILITY OF PUPAL TRICHOGRAMMA FROM ARTIFICIAL EGGS FORMASS REARING OFCOCCINELLA SEPTEMPUNCTATA LINNAEUS MASS REARING OF THE ORIENTAL TOBACCO BUDWORM FOR STERILE INSECT TECHNIQUE PROGRAMS THE ADVANCE OF CONTROLLING INSECT PEST WITH IRRADIATED STERILE INSECT TECHNIQUE Acclimation of Captive Crested Ibis before Release to the Natural Habitat The rearing and the laboratory population life table of litchi fruit borer (Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley) Exploring strategies about ecological improvement based on local responses in northern agro-pastoral ecotone Artificial Rearing and Living Habits Observation in the Latent Phase of Pine Shoot Beetle, Tomicus yunnanensis The control techniques of microsporidiosis in mass rearing of Asian corn borer Detection of heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios in shoal of Bullacta exarata Study on the Relationship between Growth and EnvironmentalTemperature of Rhizophagus grandis (Coleoptera: Rhizophagidae),An Important Predator of Dendroctonus valens (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Study on the Ratio of Hosts and Wasps When Mass Rearing of Chouioia cunea Yang A rearing method for mirids using the green bean, Phaseolus vulgaris in the laboratory Influence of Host Plants and Rearing Density on Growth, Development and Fecundity of Arma chinensis A New Artificial Rearing Method for Apocheima cinerarius

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