Abstract:Based on the field measurements of the stomatal conductance of the dominant tree species in broad-leaved Korean pine forest, the responses of stomatal conductance of the single leaf to environmental factors were used to analyze the relationship between stomatal conductance of leaf and environmental factors and develop the single leaf model. The results show that the stomatal conductance of the leaves are sensitive to photosynthesis active radiation (PAR), vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and air temperature (Ta). The stomatal conductance of leaf increase with PAR and Ta and decreased with the VPD. The validations of Ball′s linear and Jarvis′s non-linear models based on field data of leaf stomatal conductance (gs) on the broad-leaved Korean pine forest indicate that the Jarvis′s model is better estimate of gs than Ball′s. The relationship between stomatal conductance (gs) of the leaf and environmental factors could be expressed as:
The model will be helpful to simulate the dynamic photosynthesis at leaf and canopy scales and also to simulate NPP and energy and water balances of broad-leaved Korean pine forest ecosystem in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC).