期 刊 :生态学报 2008年 28卷 5期 页码:2270~2270~2278
Keywords:ecological space, evolution, urban expansion, land use, Nanjing City,
摘 要 :长三角地区自20世纪90年代后期以来,大城市向外扩张及郊区城市化作用共同推动城市空间的加速扩展,在政府干预下,生产、生活性用地与生态性用地间表现出复杂的双向流动特征。 鉴于生态性用地在城市生态系统中的服务功能,以及人文因素在解释城市土地利用/土地覆盖变化中的重要意义,有必要针对人类干预下的城市生态性用地时空和质量演化过程进行系统研究。利用1986、1996、2002年TM影像解译的南京市土地利用数据,研究南京市城生态空间数量增减和质量变化,从经济发展阶段、宏观政策环境和城市扩展规律等方面分析变化的驱动力,揭示政府干预下生态空间的结构和功能演变规律,并提出生态空间保护对策。结果表明:(1)研究期内生态空间面积总体保持平衡,其中绿色空间有所增长,蓝色空间有所下降;(2)生态空间的服务功能下降,景观格局上总体呈现破碎化、人工化趋势;(3)空间分布上,城市扩展前缘的主城区生态空间数量和质量下降严重,而属于城乡交错地区的都市发展区在退耕还林和农业经济结构变化等影响下生态空间数量有所上升,水面及洲滩湿地等高生态服务价值生态空间消失或蚕食,造成生态服务功能下降。研究发现,简单的面积指数难以控制生态空间的服务功能下降,生态空间保护必须依靠政府的多方面干预和调控行为。研究可为政府决策提供科学依据,丰富城市生态安全的空间策略研究内容。
Abstract:Since the late of 1990s the urban space has increased fast in the Yangtze River Delta due to both the central city′s extension outward and urbanization in the suburban of metropolitan areas. The rapid urban expansion has changed land use/cover, while a lot of land use policies of nature conservation have also been implemented to diminish the ecological environmental effects of changes. For these two opposite processes the ecological space performing high ecosystem services function has complicatedly varied. The variation should be theoretically investigated with emphasis on human factors. Based on the land use data interpreted from TM images of Nanjing in 1986, 1996 and 2002, in this paper we first analyzed the changes of area and quality of ecological spaces during the rapid urbanization since the open policy, then probed into the driving forces in aspects of economic development, national policies and urban expansion patterns. Furthermore, after exploring the spatial temporal evolution and the change models, we finally gave some policy suggestions for ecological space protection. Several points could be drawn from the investigations: (1) In the period from 1986 to 2002 the green space increased and the blue space decreased, while in general the total area of ecological spaces maintained stable; (2) The ecological spaces′ ecosystem services value decreased and the landscape tended to be fragmented into artificially regular patches; (3) The composition of ecological spaces varied in different urban zones. In the main city, as the direct frontier of urban expansion, the quantity and quality of ecological spaces decreased quickly in 1986-2002. In the near suburban zone as the urban-rural interface, the water area and wetland with much high ecosystem services value were invaded or even occupied by urban spaces and agricultural land, thus the quality of ecological spaces decreased even though the total area of ecological spaces increased a bit due to series of national policies as returning arable land to forest, adjusting agricultural structure and etc. Therefore a conclusion emerged that the effect of area-control policy was limited on conservation of ecological spaces. To what extent it took effect relied on a series of governmental intervention and adjustment activities on urban growth and natural conservation. The research results may provide scientific basis of the policies of ecological space protection, and enrich the safe and healthy urban ecosystem study based on land use/cover change.
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