作 者 :李定旭*,张晓宁,杨玉玲,朱华伟
期 刊 :生态学报 2010年 30卷 16期 页码:4437~4444
Keywords:hawthorn spider mite, high temperature shocks, longevity, fecundity, hatchability,
摘 要 :为探索高温冲击对山楂叶螨的影响,在室内采用叶碟饲养的方法, 将山楂叶螨不同螨态暴露于33—42℃高温下1—6h,然后在温度(25±1)℃、相对湿度(60±7)%、光周期16h∶8h (L∶D)下测定其寿命、产卵量和孵化率。结果表明,高温冲击对山楂叶螨的影响主要表现在对其产卵量和孵化率的影响,而对成螨的寿命无明显影响;影响的程度取决于高温的强度、持续时间以及处理的螨态。卵经历33—42℃的高温处理1—6h,其孵化率无明显变化,但在随后的发育过程中,幼若螨的发育历期在39℃和42℃ 6h处理中显著延长,发育至成螨后其产卵量分别增加34.50%和37.41%;幼螨经历39℃和42℃的高温处理6h后发育至成螨时产卵量比对照高出27.02%和35.83%;静止期第二若螨经历39℃和42℃的高温处理,其发育成的雌雄螨的交配和受精能力无明显影响;初羽化雌成螨经历39℃和42℃的高温处理6h后,产卵量不受影响,但卵的孵化率降低了7.01%—11.36%。
Abstract:Hawthorn spider mite,Tetranychus viennensis Zacher, is an important and damaging pest in apple orchards worldwide and has become the most serious pest on apple in north China,where it is extremely hot during the summer, with maximum daily temperatures consistently above 35.0℃. In order to explore the influence of brief exposure to high temperature on the biology of mite, in this paper, a leaf disc bioassay was employed to investigate the effects of high temperature shocks on the bionomics of T. viennensis in the laboratory under the conditions of (25±1)℃, (60±7)% RH, and a photoperiod of 16h∶8h (Light∶Dark). This was done by determining the developmental durations of each life stage,adult longevity, fecundity, and hatchability of the spider mites after the eggs, larvae, protonymphs, deutonymphs, and newly emerged adults had been exposed to high temperature of 33℃, 36℃, 39℃, and 42℃ for 1—6 hours. The results indicated that high temperature shocks had significant effects on the fecundity and hatchability of the mite, and the effects depended on the temperature, the length of the exposed period and life stage exposed, but high temperature shocks had no effects on the longevity of female adults. Analysis showed that no significant effect was detected in the longevity of female adults survived the treatments of 33—42℃ with an exposure period of 1—6h, in spite of the exposed life stages of the mite. The hatchability remained the same as the control in all the treatments of eggs exposed to high temperature shocks, while hatchability decreased by 7.01% and 11.36% in female adults exposed to temperatures of 39℃ and 42℃ for 4—6 hours. The pre-imaginal development durations significantly prolonged in those derived from eggs exposed to 39℃ and 42℃ for 6 hours, and the fecundity of the females increased by 34.50% and 37.41%, respectively. Exposures of larvae to 39℃ and 42℃ temperature for 6 hours resulted in increased fecundity by 27.02% and 35.83% in the surviving females; however, no significant effect was found in both fecundity and hatchability in females derived from protonymphs exposed to the temperature of 39℃ and 42℃ for 4 and 6 hours. No significant effect was found in the capability of insemination and fertility in adult T. viennensis survived the treatments of 39℃ and 42℃ for 6 hours as teleiochrysalis and newly emerged adults. From the viewpoint of population, authors believe that an exposure of the mite to high temperature shocks would result in an increased population growth rate due to the high proportion of eggs in the natural population of the mite.
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