Abstract:This research examines diurnal feeding behaviors of released and captive adult female Przewalski’s horse (Equus przewalskii) in summer. The research was conducted at the Xinjiang Wild Horse Breeding and Research Center and Karamori Mountain Nature Reserve from June to August of 2005 and 2006. We used all-occurrence recording and focal animal sampling methods to record feeding bevaior. The results indicate several differences in feeding behavior between released and captive Przewalski′s horses. Specifically, licking salt soil and coprophagy which occurred in captive animals only. We also detected significant differences in the time spent on feeding and standing behaviors (P<0.05, T test). There were no significant differences between captive and released horses in the time spend in standing-rest, lying-rest and in motion behaviors of (P>0.05, T tests). Feeding behaviors were the most common behavior in both groups of horses and accounted for the most of the daytime behaviors. Peaks in feeding behavior conincided with feeding times for captive animals (8:00-10:00, 13:00 - 15:00, 19:30 - 20:00). In contrast, released horses had no obvious peake in feeding behavior. However, instead released horses displayed little to no feeding behavior between 13:00 and 15:00, suggesting that they adapt their feeding activity to summer conditions.