Abstract:We recorded behaviors of captive Paa spinosa using an infrared video camera, and analyzed the ethogram and activity rhythm of the frog with focal and scan sampling methods. The behaviors included stillness behavior (resting, staring), social behavior (fighting, chasing), playing behavior (swimming, calling, jumping), feeding behavior (foraging), and reproductive behavior (advertisement call, aggression, dislodge, bite, wrestle, amplexus, amplexus error, reject, oviposition). The frogs mainly kept still during the day time, but were active in the evening with a peak at the time of 03: 00-05: 00. There were three peaks of fighting behavior in the daytime: 06: 00-07: 00, 08: 00-09: 00, and 11: 00-12: 00, by contrast, fighting seldom appeared in the evening from 17: 00 to 24:00. Calling mainly appeared at 06: 00-07: 00, and 13: 00- 14: 00 in the day time, but little in the evening from 17: 00 to 24: 00. The reproductive behavior of Paa spinosa always took place in the evening, peaking at 17: 00-01: 00. The time budget of reproductive behavior was as following: amplexus(67%), wrestle(17%), and bites(15%). Based on the description of behavior, we also discussed the mechanism of behaviors. The changes of food resources, space and habitats had significant impacts on the behavior of captive P. spinosa.