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Behavior ethogram and PAE coding system of Cervus nippon sichuanicus.


2007年3—11月每月定期5 d,每天06:00—18:00在四川省铁布自然保护区的冻列乡、崇尔乡、热尔乡观察记录四川梅花鹿行为发生过程、内容、结果及其周围生境.建立了四川梅花鹿的行为谱、警戒行为谱及其PAE编码系统,填补了有蹄类警戒行为PAE编码的空白.分辨并记录了四川梅花鹿的11种姿势、83种动作及136种行为,描述了各种行为的相对发生频次与性别、年龄、季节的关系.与其他有蹄类相比,梅花鹿的行为与鹿科其他动物有相似之处.

A monthly 5-day periodic observation at 06:00-18:00 from March to November 2007 was conducted to record the behavioral processes, contents, and results, and the surrounding habitats of Sichuan sika deer (Cervus nippon sichuanicus) in Donglie, Chonger, and Reer villages of Tiebu Natural
Reserve of Sichuan Province. The behavioral ethogram, vigilance behaviors ethogram and its PAE (posture, act, and environment) coding system of the Sichuan sika deer were established, which filled the gap of the PAE coding of ungulates vigilance behaviors. A total of 11 kinds of postures, 83 acts, and 136 behaviors were recorded and distinguished, with the relative frequency of each behavior in relation to gender, age, and season described. Compared with other ungulates, the behavioral repertoire of Sichuan sika deer was mostly similar to that of other cervid animals.