摘 要 :橡胶树除生产橡胶和提供优质木材外 ,还有长期不为人们注意的生态服务功能。以中国的橡胶林为研究对象 ,采用标准样木生物量法 ,对橡胶林固定 CO2 和释放 O2 的生态服务功能及其价值估计进行了研究。结果表明中国橡胶林目前每年从大气中固定的 CO2 总量为 41 1万 t,所释放的 O2 为 2 99万 t。经分别采用 C税法和工业制氧成本法估计了 CO2 和O2 的价值达到 1 2 3 8亿元和 1 2亿元。二者价值之和相当于中国橡胶林每年生产橡胶和提供木材等直接产品价值的 2 8.7倍。橡胶林 CO2 的固定能力是热带山地雨林的 4.7倍。 5 0 a来中国橡胶林已累计固定 CO2 达到 1 1 2 92万 t,释放 O2 达82 1 2万 t,对短期内缓解大气的温室效应发挥了巨大的作用。
Abstract:Rubber trees can not only produce rubber and high quality wood but also provide significant ecological service that has been neglected for a long time. The ecological service and its value of the rubber plantations were studied. The carbon sequestration in the rubber tree was determined by means of biomass of mean rubber tree, and the oxygen release was then derived based on the photosynthesis. The results showed that the carbon sequestration from the atmosphere totaled 4 11 million tones/year and that the...