Abstract:To elucidate the character of main nutrients in Chinese bayberry fruit during the different development stages, two cultivars Zaojia and Biqizhong were used to determine six critical development stages, and examine the content of sugars, acid, vitamin c(Vc), cyanin(CG), polyphenols and flavonoids. The results showed that ho, b* and L* were gradually and differently reduced along the fruit mature, suggesting these index can be used for determining the development stage. In addition, total acid, total flavonoids, total polyphenols, C* and a* showed an obvious transaction at redding-stage. Total sugars and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside became to increase after whiting stage, and all three individual sugars achieved highest levels at mature-stage or harvest-stage. In general, the contents of each phytochemical might be different between two cultivar, but the change characters were similar. In addition, most phytochemicals showed their unique change patterns. This study provides an important reference for the breeding of high quality bayberry fruits and the research of bioactive substances metabolisms.