作 者 :孔维娜,刘顺枝,李小梅,张昭其,胡位荣
期 刊 :热带亚热带植物学报 2010年 18卷 4期 页码:453~458
Keywords:Citrus, Granulation, Mechanism, Control, Review,
摘 要 :对柑橘类果实枯水过程中果皮、果肉的解剖结构和一些生理生化指标的变化,以及导致枯水发生的因素及控制措施的研究进展进行了综述,分析了柑橘枯水的可能机理。
Abstract:The changes in physiology and biochemistry of Citrus fruits and morphology of peel and pulp during juice sacs granulation were reviewed. The major factors and control measures of granulation of Citrus fruit were discussed.
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